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"Did you all understand" Mrs Lee asks, as she scans her eyes for any objections. It was the next day of their trip and today, they planned mostly taehyung of hunting down a treasure that Mrs Lee hide in the jungle near them. This was no doubt a thrilling hunt stimulated more by the foraging masked people that are instructed to hunt down the students to preclude them from reaching to treasure. The students would be eliminated if they are shooted down by the fake arrow by any of masked man. These masked man were nothing but crew members of school who cloak themselves with animal outfits to give more verisimilitude to this game

"Now, Run before they chase you down" Mrs Lee shouts before she saw students and teachers sprinting towards the dense forest. Well, teachers were also participating in it

Taehyung wasn't interested in it, but this changes when he sence that Jackson and chanyoel was planning something. He saw them whispering with each other giving those egregious vibes. He suspects that one of them were the murderers so he needs to keep an eye on them and for that, he need to protect himself from the chasers by participating in the game.

He follows them, keeping a certain distance between them as he saw how they were plotting something on the land. It looks like a -- trap. Taehyung squints his eye to get a better vision but wasn't able to see anything as chanyoel was facing his dorsel side to him preventing him from inferring anything

The silver haired male quickly comes out of his hidden place and runs towards the place where previously Jackson and chanyoel was standing. He was about to scrutinize the spot, but he see a masked man heading toward him. He quickly runs to the other side of the huge truck, peeking out silently to see if he went away or not.

"fuck, don't go there, don't go there" taehyung repeats the words in his head as he saw the masked man heading towards the trap. The masked man picked the stick that he saw and as he was about to turn, there was a creaking sound behind him and then a sharp cracking sound echos through the area. The stick was broken into two by a jaw trap.

The man was terrified to say the least, this was one of the lethal traps used for poaching. But what was this doing here. Here are no wild animals. But nevertheless of his roaming thoughts, he runs away from their.

"So they put a jaw trap their but why? " taehyung asks himself as he comes out of his hidden place and break one of the branch from a tree and heads towards where Jackson and chanyoel goes

He took his map out that was provided by Mrs Lee. After analyzing for some time, he perceive he was on the east side from their camping site. He looks up to see white clouds shattered over the sky before he heard some shuffling sound behind him. His feet automatically took him to the back of one of the tree as he peeked out to see who it was

"What this punk is doing here?" taehyung again ask himself as he saw jungkook getting ahead of him in the same direction.

His map was also open before he stuffs it in his backpocket as he commence his hunt again followed by taehyung who was watching him from behind

"That Fucker really went alone to beat me in this game, what a fucking friend I got" taehyung heard jungkook shouting some profanities, before a yell resonates through the area as he saw some chasers heading toward jungkook. Taehyung again quickly repeat his trick hiding himself behind a tree peeking out silently. He was suddenly excited to see how they would take down the overconfident cocky studnent.

Jungkook see in front of him, where four masked man were heading toward him.

"What the fucking fuck I do" jungkook asks himself as he saw one of the masked man shooting a arrow at him which he evaded quickly

He quickly hold the big bark peel of one of the tree that he found on the ground infront of himself as a sheild . But this wasn't going to save him on a long run as the masked man approach him more closely. He run to other side of the forest swiftly, turning around occusionaly to see if they are still chasing him. He run in a zig zag way trying to confuse the crew members before he crawled down in one of the huge bushes he found. He saw them passing by him before one of the crew member shout in pure agony. His feet gets clutched into something as he try to free himself by shaking his feet vigorously.

"Fuck, is it a jaw trap" jungkook mutters lowly as he saw other crew members helping him getting up after they successful unlock it around his feet. They don't wait further as they took him back to the camp, completely forgetting about jungkook

Jungkook came out as he walked back toward the west side from where he came. His eyes wander around to find something useful, but all in vain. There were nothing but twigs, dried leaves, pebbles, and stones.


Taehyung heard the agonizing shout, as he came out from behind the tree. He have to find these traps before anybody else gets injured by it. His train of thought halts as he saw jungkook emerging out from the wood some distance away. He has kept something in his shirt as he hold the hem of it to prevent it from falling. Suddenly, he starts throwing stones which was what he kept in his shirt in forward direction looking like a fool. Taehyung cover his month with his hands to restrict himself from laughing as he saw the cocky jungkook throwing stones to particularly nothing.

"I know he was a nincompoop" taehyung thought, as he look forward to see jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

"where is he" taehyung runs where jungkook previously was, checking his surrounding but he missed the ferocious eyes that were staring at him

He walks a little ahead but was suddenly yanked behind a huge truck, his reflexes working on their own as he kicked the abductor on his abdomen.

Jungkook groaned in pain, as he gazed at the taehyung infront of him

"Are you seriously planning to kill me" jungkook spoke arduously, gripping on his abdomen where he was kicked before

"what if I am"

"you ain't safe either, see there" jungkook points his fingers at the huge wolf who just came out of the bush growling and sniffing to locate his prey.



Stay tuned and stay happy.
• which personality you are?


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