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Namjoon quickly runs toward the noise with his other subordinates following him a little behind,

"What the fuck. Why they are unconscious" Namjoon shouts when he saw the detective Eun-woo and another officer lying on the ground. He looks around as he noticed that the car they saw when they were on their way to forest has vanished

"Fuck, probably that fucking jungkook have left from here. He might have already noticed our presence and escaped by his car" Namjoon says before looking at his subordinates who were waiting for his any order

"Did you bring our police jeep here"

"No, but that is at a little distance from here. We can reach there hardly in 10 minutes" one of the officer replies getting a nod from namjoon who quickly runs towards the direction

"Carry these two on your back and Yahh, two of the officer will stay here to bring taehyung back. He is still here" Namjoon instructs getting some nods from the officers who quickly complied to the orders


"Jungkook, where are you taking us" Taehyung asks as he looked out of the glass window of the car, he knows these lanes Hell, he was much familier with these streets as he have spent his whole 24 year old life stolling over them but for now, they should have taken other direction because this was not the way to Airport.

"It is opposite to the direction of airport, you know, the plane will depart in almost an hour" Taehyung added before staring at jungkook whose whole focus was on the congested streets of busan

"We have to meet yoongi first" Jungkook curtly responces as his eyes flicker a little towards taehying before setting them back at front.

"You call him already, infact he was the one who book our tickets. What is the need to meet him...i don't mean it that way, but it is just, we need to escape from Korea as soon as possible " Taehyung hesitantly says as he didn't want jungkook to think him as some controlling snob, who chuckles a little before pulling brakes out of blue which led taehyung to jerk forward

"I don't know you fall this hard for me, keeping in mind how you are determined to keep me safe. Well sweetheart, even I want to spent my whole life with you but I have to meet someone important first" Jungkook sweetly says before unbuckling his seatbelt while looking at taehyung who was rubbing his forehand with his hand because apparently, his temple hit the front of the car

"Sorry, sweetheart. Does it hurt a lot"

"No, I am fine. Next time, be more careful" Taehyung grimaced before hoping out from the car

"I told you to wear seatbelt, but you are stubborn enough to not obey me" Jungkook counters back while locking the car as he motioned taehyung to follow him, who stomped his way towards him while sulking at the unwanted scolding

"By the way, who is this important person of yours" Taehyung snickers while emphasizing the word 'important' to let jungkook know how he despise it

"Don't tell me you are jealous" Jungkook laughs but soon after erupts some coughs when Taehyung punches him straight on the lungs

"Be ea-easy o-on your husba---"

"Oyyy Fucker, did you broke your legs or what because you are utterly slow. We are waiting for you from fucking 15 minutes" Yoongi shouts as he saw how jungkook and his English Teacher snapped their head towards him before running toward him

FINGER CROSSED //taekook Where stories live. Discover now