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Jungkook managed to break into the police station which was highly guarded today than the last time he visited it. It was peculiar for jungkook as the last time he visited here, he got to know about taehyung identity, and now the same person is with him helping him against the same organization he worked for.

"Do you know sweetheart, where they might have put yoongi" jungkook asks extremely lowly, his eyes wandering around for any unwanted threat

"I am not sure, but maybe in the basement where every criminal is kept" Taehyung responces flickering his eyes a little towards jungkook before diverting them again infront of them. There were a lot of police man shielding the basement door, immuning anybody from entering into it

"What should we do now? we cannot fight with them. It can caught unnessecary attention" Jungkook says worriedly as he gazed over the buff officers who were positioned on the either side of the large metal double door

"you are righ---Wait, I can do something" Taehyung suddenly exclaims as he looked at jungkook who quickly turned his direction, motioning him to reveal the idea. But instead, taehyung turned on his heels and was about to run to the opposite side

"What are you planning, sweetheart"
Jungkook instantly says while holding taehyung's wrist who looks back at him before offering him a smile

"Trust me. I will be back" Taehyung says while freeing himself from jungkook's hold and running to the opposite side before taking a sharp turn and disappearing completely from jungkook's yearning vision

"I trust you" Jungkook lowly speaks before looking at the front, his mind trying to formulate any idea that can lend these buff officer to move away from their spot for a second

"This is difficult than I thou---"

"I hope I am audible to everyone. It is to inform everyone immedaitely to convene in the training ground, for head officer Kim Namjoon decides to share a very confidential information with you all. Whoever is listening should be there in less than 10 minutes. Thank you" jungkook heard a very familier voice even though it was more hoarse and low through the speakers attached to the corner of the main entrance, he quickly crouched behind the shelf when he saw the buff officers sprinting by him towards the other side before disappearing into the corridors

"Naa, I change my words. It was easier than I thought" jungkook says before darting toward the main door and opening it quite arduously. It wasn't locked strangly but jungkook refuse to think profoundly about it as his legs dashed down the dark stairs, before coming infront of the familier jail compartment

"Yoo....fuck, I cannot shout" Jungkook quickly reminds himself before scurrying towards every compartment and surveying it thoroughly to found any trace of mint coloured mob of hair

"Where are you, fucker" Jungkook says as he reached to the end of the compartment, his eyes wandering around to get any glimpse of yoongi. He was about to retreat but he suddenly heard a shuffle from the adjusted jail compartment where he saw a silhouette emerging out from the dark side

Jungkook quickly took out his knife in case of any emergency but soon sighs when he recognize him,

"Thanks god, you are here Fucker. I was really getting worried about you" Jungkook says as his eyes flickered over Yoongi's body which was all injured and his half face was swollen. He can sence the pure agony that Yoongi's expression and his posture was screaming.

FINGER CROSSED //taekook Where stories live. Discover now