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Jungkook walked out of the clinic, face void of any emotions as he made his way towards the locker room. He forgot his school coat there, and had to brought it before attending any class.

His cellphone vibrated, someone was calling him. It was unusual that someone would call him and that too during school hours, nevertheless he took it out and as expected his bestfriend name popped out.


He recieved the call keeping it a little far from ear as he anticipated on getting questioned

"Did you beat them, jungkook, I told you that I would do the holy work" yoongi yelled from the other side.

"I do"

"Fucker, they beat me, I want my eyes to feel the relief of them getting beaten by my hands, I could have done that by myself" yoongi admonishes firmly, he was feeling worthless since morning. He was beaten by the school bully, Na, he isn't someone who could be played with but he was overpowered by six thugs as they seek revenge from jungkook because apparently, he has ones beaten their boss.

"what's the difference, you are my well wisher and I am yours. How are your wounds anyway " jungkook spokes through the phone as he reached the locker room. Holding the cellphone between his ear and neck which he tilted to get more tenacity, he take out his school coat

"They are better, I am hanging up now, I had prepared soup, let me have it" yoongi softly spoke before cutting the call

Jungkook put his phone inside the locker, grabbing some books in the process then shutting it after. He has English class first which probably will went away by him dieing in boredom, yoongi was also absent today. This day can't get worse.

He sighed as he was about to put his coat on, but something caught his interest. His coat was tored at the hem. It wasn't big but still noticible. When did it tear?

During the fight, he hadn't wore it. Infact it was in this locker room since yesterday morning after that incide--


Suddenly he remembered, that police officer tore it. He remember when they were fighting, that police officer took out a knife and was about to stab him but fortunately he saved himself by the hairs breadth, but it went through the coat resulting it to tore apart.

'Good, I killed him'

Jungkook thought as he entered the classroom which was unusually silent today. It didn't concern him as he walked up to his seat which was at the corner beside a window.

"Hey kid, Don't you know that you have to seek permission from your teacher before entering into a classroom" jungkook heard a voice behind him which sounds awefully familier. He has heard this prinkling voice. That sick du---

He turned around to meet the same guy which interupts him earlier.

"where is the teacher "jungkook responds brusquely, not wanting to continue the conversation. His eyes bore into the valient silver haired guy, who looks abnormally stunning to him. Maybe, he dared to spoke infront of him without any fear

'But being intrepid everywhere isn't always beneficial '

"You really are blind, can't you see a young tall man standing on a podium. Did I wear any uniform, what else do you need to infer, that I am your new English Teacher" taehyung asks as he walked upto jungkook, stopping at a pretty distance between them. He saw how jungkook checks him out when he muttered --- 'young tall man' --He really was eccentric

"I didn't see you, I was occupied by some thoughts. Moreover, you seem to get concealed by the huge table because apparently you aren't that tall "jungkook responds, Offcoursely whispering the last sentence but taehyung having sharp sences hear it well

"And you need to keep your hair away from your eyes because apparently they aren't working well, Go take your seat "taehyung states before turning and continuing his lecture.

Jungkook clenched his fists but didn't say anything, he didn't want to fuck with his mind more

He took his seat and to his luck, the bell ringed

'good, some relief to ears'

Taehyung packed his stuff as he pilled up some books on the table, he remembers to make a announcement, it was important for his mission. He can't just act like a English Teacher forever doing nothing.

"Listen students, Tommmorow we are having a inspection and don't worry it would be a hygiene checkup, just be full uniformed and set your hair. It would be examined by Mrs Lee herself, so best of luck" taehyung announces glancing at the ebony haired male at the hair statement, who seemed to be dozed off even though his eyes were on taehyung.

"Who is the class president" taehyung says as he turned around and arranged some files on top of the books

"JEON JUNGKOOK" someone shouted in the class,

"And who is this jeon jungkook, can you please stand up and help me in these bo---" Taehyung stops his rambling when he examined the class room, the ebony haired male was standing, was he the president?

"Are you the class president"Taehyung
asked skeptically, again gazing over the room but there was no any other student standing

"I am the only one standing" jungkook replied as he walked towards taehying, his face was stioc and nihilistic, absolutely no emotions.

"Who made you president"

"Who else, Mrs Lee herself" jungkook replied in a duh tone, as he slip by the taehyung and reached the huge table to grab the books

"You wouldn't be president in my class, I won't allow a diligent student like you to hold such a responsible title" Taehyung exclaimed as he heard some gasps around the class,

"That is fine by me, but Mrs Lee might find you errant" jungkook retorts back, as he set down the pilled books, grabbed his bag and left.



Stay tuned for the next update, and yaah, comment down because it really motivates me

Be happy and be a taekooker
(by the way, do you guys know YIZHAN ---it is also a Bl ship)


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