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Taehyung huffs a little before banging the strong chair on the window again which broke into pieces. He tried banging on the door too but that was much more stronger and large to broke easily. He smiles proudly, before jumping out of the window as he erupt a graon while landing. His abdomen was still paining but that didn't stop the staunch detective

It was absolute dark everywhere that even the fearless detective feels himself vulnerable and weak. He looks around to find no-one

"Where did he went" Taehyung runs towards the front of the cottage as he saw a beacon like light at a distance, he was pretty sure it was jungkook because he took a torch with himself before departing

Taehyung silently followed the male through the jungle, there were howling sound afar accompanied by cricket sound. The night looks unrealistically dangerous but something in it was keeping the both male alive, alive to walk without stopping.

One with a determent will to see 'his sweetheart' vigour and back to his previous vitality. He was unstoppable because his breath was at stack, this night seems nothing but sad to him.

Other with a promise of providing justice to everyone that deserves, he was up on his legs to get out from here so that he can shout that he fulfilled what was assigned to him.

Taehyung pants a little while supporting himself with a tree truck. He looks ahead of him to see jungkook unsheathing something, he was frantically throwing the straw out from what seems a lump of dried grass.

Taehyung widened his eyes when he perceived that what he takes a lump of grass was actually a car.

Jungkook quickly hoped inside the car before pressing the keys inside the ignition. The car sputtered for sometime and then all of a sudden stops.

"Fuck, what happens to it" Jungkook curses loudly banging his fist on the steering wheel before trying the keys inside the car again which luckily starts this time

"Thank god" jungkook says before pressing on the accelerator and flew towards the exit of the forest. This was his first time in almost two weeks that he will pay a visit to outside world

Taehyung clutched on the rubber fabric tightly lieing down, he can feel the vibration on his back because of the moving car. His breathing was a little heavy because of the little confined space of the car he was in. After debating with himself, he hoped in the truck of the car and closed it loosely afterwards

It was around 2 hours since taehyung was inside it. He wants to just jump out from here but couldn't because he can sence the car was still moving by the evident vibration on his back. He tried moving around but every position seems uncomfortable. His breathing seems heavy and difficult by every passing second.

Jungkook pressed on the brakes, and parked his car outside of a large chemist shop. He looks at the rearview mirror as he fixed his mask and cap before getting hurriedly out from the car. He looks around to find no one, it was twilight time so most of the people were sleeping and that was a relief to jungkook

"Let's get this over" jungkook mutters before heading inside the shop unaware how his car's dicky open gradually before a man jumped out

Taehyung inhales as much air as he could, his sponges felt suffocated by the tight space. He wasn't claustrophobic but maybe a little bit. He sighed when he felt contented by noticing some distant people and big building around. He was at last out from that hell hole

FINGER CROSSED //taekook Where stories live. Discover now