epilogue (2)

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Taehyung plunged on the soft bed of the black cream coloured room as his face morphed into a very hurtful expression. They have travelled from Paris to Korea this morning because apparently, it was the release date of jungkook. The blue haired male has been utterly nervous but at the same time enthusiastic throughout their plane journey. But his every excitement vanished in thin air when he got to know that jungkook was out of the prison yesterday, no not only that but he was the one who requested the prison incharge to give them false information about his release date.

Not only that, the blue haired male got to know that jungkook have left a message for them to not search for him, the reason was unknown though. Still asiding the said demand, taehyung along with yoongi searched jungkook whole day, visiting every favourite place of jungkook in soeul even they both pay a visit to the cottage where jungkook kept taehyung as a captive. But there hopes crack little by little when they were only met by silence.

"You broke your promise, jungkook. Weren't you the one who consoles me last time by setting the love example. You told me that this emotion joins us then why are you resisting now, did those four wall confinement toss off every ounce of love for me, or did you just seccumb to the four year interval" Taehyung talks as he buried his puffy face into the pillow, he didn't let his tears fall this time but his heart was already weeping the betrayal

It was Yoongi's marriage today with Jimin, though the former male was a lot reticent after digesting his bestfriend's news but Taehyung convince both of them in marrying today rather than postponing it to another date. The blue haired male can hear the loud chartering of the guests outside before a loud thud flinches him as he sat in a sitting position on the bed

"Taehyung, are you rea.... Well, you are! What are you waiting for then? The marriage is about to happen. Move your damn ass quickly" taehyung's sister exclaimed as she barged through the door, seeing his brother sprawled on the wrinkled bed like a star fish. He was all ready, his white outfit was complimenting his fair complexion and the little smokey eye makeup was just a cherry on the top. His curly blue hair was accentuating his promimant features, which by now were a little tousled by the sharp movements of taehyung

"Did Jimin arrive?" Taehyung asks tirelessly, as his mind recapped the certain ebony haired male

"Yes, he is about to walk to asile. Don't you want to be there to see you best friend's marraige?" Jiwoo guilt trapped him as she saw how his brother sighed before standing on his feets.

"We all agree on postponing the marriage untill your lover decides to show up but you were in denial. You literally convinces everyone in arranging the marriage on the date it should be on, what happens now?" Jiwoo states as she looked at the paranoid expressions of her brother who advances towards the door

"I am coming" Taehyung curtly responses before leaving Jiwoo alone in the room as she pouted her lips before storming out from there while cursing her brother for being a moody punk

The blue haired male was instantly the cynosure of the crowd before the actual groom came up.
As the double door flew open, all eyes were set on Jimin's fairy self who was walking timidly down the asile while linking his one arm with Mr park and the other one holding white flowers. Yoongi was astournished as he stood stiff beside the priest who was reciting some verses before getting on his position as he saw the groom approaching

"Take care of my son" Mr park exclaims emotionally as he lend Jimins hand on Yoongi's hand. After the Ji-yoo conflict, Jimin and his parents reconcile when Mr park and Mrs park seek forgiveness from him even asking for jungkook which was quite a surprise.

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