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"Let me check it" taehyung says as he was about to touch jungkook's arm who yanked himself backward, away from taehyung

"Don't need to check, I am fine" jungkook claims as he take off his school shirt, and then unwraps the bandage around his wound. Good, he wore a sleeveless t shirt today under his uniform

"I didn't ask your wellabout, you are injured by me and now it is my responsibility to check on you" taehyung argues as he wrested the ointment from jungkook's hand causing a little paste to spring out

"And what if I don't need your help, I can do it myself" Jungkook answers back as he take out some cotton held by cotton forcep and dipped it in the wound cleaning solution.

"Aren't you too stubborn. I don't want to help you either but I will feel guilty later that someone got hurt by me. So let me help you" taehyung says as he wrenched away the cotton forcep from his hands getting a scowl in return

"And aren't you a rebel" jungkook snickered contemptly, as he tried to snatch away the cotton forcep, which accidently went through taehyung's skin

"Ahh" taehyung cried, scoffing at himself for even thinking of helping this impertinent male

"Now are you happy, got your revenge " Taehyung states as he stomped his way out

'atleast, return the ointment or cotton forcep' jungkook thought as he saw yoongi running towards him. Finally he came

"Fucker did you got hurt, I would have helped you but my hands are engaged" yoongi says showing his hands that were holding some chip packets on which he was munching

"I called you for work not to eat" jungkook replies pulling out another tube which he applies on his wound and then rolls bandage on it

"Boys, we have to get this luggage on the truck" Mrs Lee shouts gaining everyone's attention as they all jogged towards the packed stuff

"Let's go" yoongi says, grabbing jungkook's hand and pulling him along who made a puking face to show his disgust

Jungkook put a bag on his fine shoulder while dragging another one, he wants to finish it immediately. Reaching at the truck, he piled them over each other and jogs back. He sees how taehyung was dragging one of the heavy bag arduously.

'why trying something which you can't do' jungkook snickers as he absentmindedly glances at his hand, where a band aid was pasted.

The ebony haired male reaches first at the spot, as he starts jumbling with the bags. Distinguishing the lighter and the heavy bags and arranging them in a pattern. He saw many boys returning as he immediately throw some heavy bags at them that they reluctantly carry to the truck.

There were only few heavy bags now, which he also distributes to the returning teachers except three bags, getting a thanks in return.

"yoongs, carry this" jungkook says as he throw one of the heavy bag towards him

" Are you mad or what, we have so many light bags here. I am gonna carry one of them" yoongi replies as he was about to throw the heavy bag back to jungkook who suddenly tempts him with a offer

"Fucker, today's party is mine" jungkook states, watching yoongi carrying the bag the second he ends muttering the offer

'lazy selfish Fucker' jungkook thoughts, as he dragged the other two heavy bags along with him, later on pilling them on the truck.

"Where are the heavy bags, Did they all are carried" taehyung asks to Bogum who nods,

"Yaah, you were carrying the former bag then. Students were trying to carry the lighter bags, so jungkook make them carry the heavy bags even I carried one" Bogum replies as he carried three light bag to truck

"Oh, okay" taehyung answers back as he took two bags in his hands and ran towards the truck meeting jungkook on the way, who was talking to yoongi about something

Jungkook reaches at the spot, and saw only few bags left that too reaches to four as many students return and carried them back to truck. Jungkook took three of them and turned around to see taehyung coming towards the site, his eyes subliminally again falling on the newly band aid. Jungkook signs, as he restrained himself from carrying the fourth bag.

'the fuck I am doing' jungkook thought as he passes by taehyung carrying four bags in his hands.

'maybe because I couldn't join gym today, so I let myself took four bags to do the exercise "jungkook thought, as he angrily throw the four bags into the truck shutting it afterwards


It was almost evening and almost everyone was drained out from the strenuous chores that they were assigned.

"I have brought ramen and drinks for you all, you do a great work today. Tom is holiday, so take rest and get prepared for the picnic" Mrs Lee cheerfully says as everyone took their seat and starts ravishing the dish

"Jungkook, come here, you don't get an--"

"I am leaving " jungkook cuts her off, as he wore his leather jacket that he bring from locker room.

"you do a great work today, atleast have a drink" Mrs Lee again kindly asks, getting a small sorry from jungkook as she saw someone was calling him which he immediately declined

" Okay, atleast take this drink and ramen with you, if you felt famished, then eat them" Mrs Lee again insists, handing it to jungkook who nods curtly, before sprinting away towards his best friend

"Are you coming" jungkook asks as he saw yoongi slurping down the ramen,

"Naa, let me have another ramen"yoongi replies

"then I am leaving" jungkook says getting a nod from yoongi

"I am seriously leaving"

"Leave fucker" jungkook rolls his eyes at his best friend before walking away, going towards the parking lot, as he ride his bike and drive away.



Stay tuned and be a taekooker
By the way, what is your favorite quote? You know, that you found profound and related to yourself. Do share with me, I love reading quotes


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