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Jungkook quickly wiped his head towards the noise, seeing the same officer reconditing the prison inmates before the said male's eyes falls on him

"Aren't you happy for a person who have to appear in a court to hear his own death sentence tommorrow, you seem pretty relaxed" the officer says as he headed towards jungkook's cell, before his eyes fall on a steel plate which was still full of food as it was before when served

"Should I be? Actually, I fear before but now I am used to it, kinda exasperating I know! " jungkook chuckles out before looking down on his hands, which were dirty with the dust from the bunk beds he was currently sitting on manspread

"You didn't touch the food. You should be thankful because it is Sunday today and every fucking criminal is served with actual edible food" the officer mutters out as he mindlessly hit the prison bars softly with his stick causing little consecutive sounds to buzz out throught out the corridor

"Ciggrate would do as a food. I am not really craving for actual edible food" Jungkook replies nonchalantly while standing up and stepping infront of the bars where the officer was standing on the other side. He didn't intentionally miss to stress on the last three words to let the officer know what they call actual food wasn't really appealing for jungkook

"You sure have a lot of wishes for a prisoner. Keep them low because either way you ain't serviving here"

"you can say my last wishes, whatever! Either way, I ain't really stopping dreaming about beautiful things" Jungkook responces brusquely, his eyes flickering at the officer for a while who laughs at his remark

"You did accept your fate, hah. It must be really despairing to think that you might vanish in few days" The officer exclaimed before gripping on the bars as his eyes squinted momentarily, trying to read the expressions on the prisoner's face

"Not really. Death is equal for all and that makes me kinda happy that i  ain't the only one sinking in that shit alone. Even those who will execute me will taste it, and what's more contentment than you ain't even revenging but they will get the punishment either way" Jungkook replies while passing a twisted smile, before he forwarded his hand towards officer who looks at it dumbfounded


"Can you bring me a ciggrate" Jungkook says but instead get a hit on his palm by the officer who chuckles when he reflexely brought his hands back

"You will die soon, why do you want it so fast" The officer mumbles before struting away as he heard jungkook shouting behind, " We all will die either way, these are just excuses"

Jungkook looks at the retreating figure of the officer before he turned around as his eyes falls on his new shelter. This wasn't the prison which was located at basement of gwangjin police station that he had already visited but he was transformed into another prison located in other wing of the building. This part though was less populous but was really cruddy. It was mostly dark but still jungkook was thankful of the ventilation located at one wall of the cell.

His eyes bore on the bunk beds that looks like that it wasn't used for several years, there was a old wardroom placed in one of the corner which contains absolutely nothing but spider webs. Jungkook sighs before plopping down on the hard mattress on the bunk beds as his eyes gazed over the steel plate.

"They should have atleast put yoongi with me. I could get a inmate" Jungkook shows his contempt openly but soon flinches when their was a cracking sound somewhere in the little cellroom.

"What the fuck. Does we have mices here now? These shitty parasites are hard to handle" junkook grumbled loudly, not trying to hide his greviance even a little bit. He looks around frantically trying to locate the said intruder, but didn't find any moving small creature.

FINGER CROSSED //taekook Where stories live. Discover now