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Jungkook returned home while carrying a bunch of dry branches in his arms. It was already dark when jungkook comes back. He expects to meet an angry raged taehyung but everything unusually was calm and silent

"Did anything happen" jungkook mumbles under his breath before sprinting inside which was all messy. All the imperative goods were thrown around the four walls.

Jungkook sighed before coming inside and saw a little silhoutteie sitting on the dark corner of the room. He could hear small whimpers and sobs resonates from that corner

Jungkook soundlessly walked toward the silver haired male before crouching down infront of him who ignores him while still crying silently

"Sweetheart, why are you crying" jungkook softly mutters as he tried to think of any idea to provide condolence to the beauty

"Fuck off"

Jungkook gulped down a little before cautiously putting his hands on the latter's shoulder who quickly pushes him away, making him fall with a thud

"Ouch sweetheart, it hurts" jungkook tried to guilt trap taehyung who rolls his teary eyes on him, before standing up which causes jungkook to stand up too quickly

Taehyung gazes over tried jungkook who smiles a little awkwardly at him, before the former male walk pass him, who follows him silently

"We have to light up the branches, sweethe---"

"Stop calling me that" Taehyung rudely interrupted jungkook who suddenly appears infront of him

"What should I not call you" jungkook questioned while acting of thinking, even though he knows what Taehyung was implying

"Your fucking nicknames" taehyung glared at jungkook who again make a thinking face which irritates taehyung more

"I will try, sweetheart" jungkook says while emphasizing the last word, which furious taehyung more who jerks him aside before walking away from there

"We have to burn the branches, baby" jungkook again informs getting a middle finger in return

"You have to do it alone jungkook" jungkook talks with himself before chuckling and hoping towards the branches and gathering them into a heap, making a pyramid structure before igniting it with the lighter which burns and instantly filled the small house with warm shimmers

Jungkook looked around the lighted room, but cannot find Taehyung.

"Where did you went, sweetheart" jungkook mumbles inside before walking out while keeping the door open to light up the outside also

"There he is" jungkook sighed in relief before skipping towards taehying who was looking at the dark sky from outside the house.

"It is dangerous here at night" jungkook suddenly break the silence between them while whole time admiring taehyung's beauty under full moon light, who looks at him before chuckling

"Look who is saying. Aren't you the most dangerous out there" Taehyung says while maintaining the eye contact before breaking it and looking infront of him

FINGER CROSSED //taekook Where stories live. Discover now