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"I have made the announcement, today is the inspection and every student would be examined, we can locate the murderer by his tore coat" taehyung spokes through the phone as he was on a group call with head officer, namjoon and junior detective, Eun-woo

"I would be there too, what if he attacks on the students after being caught red handed, I can manage the situation. And don't worry, I would not show myself as he might know me " Namjoon suggests back. He can't take risk anymore, and this would a golden opportunity to clamp down the young lunatic

Taehyung nods at the suggestion but then mutters a small okay when he realized he was on a call and namjoon can't see him

'I hope everything went the way we planned '


Jungkook and yoongi enters into the university, Both taking puffs from the Cigratte. It wasn't a new thing for them, honestly they feel more relaxed and blithe by it. They have been together since late childhood, and become inseparable by the following years. They both shares similar interests and aversions, helping them to click well together.

'A bird of feather flock together'

"I have heard of the new English Teacher, is it true" yoongi asks getting a nod from jungkook, they saw students sprinting towards the auditorium hall,

"How is he or she"yoongi again asks, but didn't get any respounce from the jungkook as the latter guy seems thinking something intensely

"Whatever, why the fuck these students are so hyped, can't keep their ass at a place" yoongi again yelled feeling frustrated, he already feels like to call it a day, just by walking few yards from parking lot to the hall

"Today is inspection, hygiene inspection"jungkook turned his neck scrutinizing his best friends expressions, which doesn't seem jolly

"Atleast you gave a response, this day really can't be worst and fuck, my arm is hurting " yoongi groaned at the pain, he was still healing and to stand in a quene wasn't his thing, not at least early in the morning

"Don't you think it is unusual, we haven't have such a inspection since years" yoongi says as he sit on a chair beside the large window which his best friend brought for him, they were currently in auditorium where he saw a lean tall silver haired guy which he assumes as new English Teacher was examining everybody one by one, and for jungkook and yoongi, they were standing at the last row

"I am going in the first row, you sit here " jungkook states to yoongi, as he walked to the front row and step into the front position, some students glaring but didn't said anything as they know how intimidating the aforementioned male was

Jungkook do find it unusual, when he saw how the English Teacher was checking everybody's coat especially, but it turned to belief when he saw namjoon standing few yonder away, behind a shelf with a magazine in his hands -- maybe to conceal himself. He knows this male, the head officer of gwangjin police station who is after him for last two years

'Don't you think it is unusual, we haven't have such a inspection since years'

Yoongi's words recapped in his mind, jungkook understand why this was held, this is fucking a 'trap'. His teared cloth has been found, and they are searching for a student whose coat is tore and that is --Him.


He has to do something, and that too immediately, why the hell he change his position. He knows he can't repair his coat but --

'he can destroys others, right '

He cuts the line, as he ran towards yoongi again getting some angry eyes for which he turns a blind eye

"Yoongi, there is a curtain behind you, burn it with the lighter"

"Did you bang your head anywhere, why the heck--"

"Do as I said, I will explain you later, do you have a lighter " jungkook asks, face devoid of any emotion.
If not looked closely, nobody will think they are whispering with each other. It was one of their best surviving technique, this trait can't be inherited but is acquired by constant practice. It helps them to guile their opponent and no doubt, they have mastered in it

"I am a smoker, lighter is my life line" yoongi replied as he took out his lighter, without anyone's notice. Jungkook was already gone, as it would look skeptical to cut the line just to go at the site which would be on fire after sometime.


Taehyung checked every class except the senior one, as he walked up-to the front line where the same arrogant stoic faced male was standing.

"You have set your hairs, where is your tie" taehyung asked as he examined jungkook from top to down. It was cloths turn now.

'this Fucker is really bad at igniting something other than cigratte and my mind'

"what are you thinking, I asked you a question" taehyung asks as he checked jungkook's bag where he find a packet of cigarettes,

"I washed it, it was dirty after yesterday's fight, and yaah, I smokes"
Jungkook replied coldly,

"Quite proud of smoking, I didn't ask you though "

"I anticipated you would ask by the frown on your pre-- face"

"Give me your coat" taehyung held his hand forward, the cloth they found was minute, so it might went unnoticible if checked lightly

Jungkook removed his coat rather sensually, eyes locked into taehyung's hazel one.

'Are they contacts'

He was about to lend it to taehyung but he heard a shout behind, as every one turns their head thier including Taehung

'good job, yoongs' jungkook thought as a little smirk crept on his face, before he made a run towards his best friend

"FIRE, FIRE, fucking my pants, they are burning " yoongi shouted his lungs out

The curtain catched the blaze rather quickly, as they were thin and made of cotton. Students throw their coats and some even bring their book--mostly who loathe studies --to stop the supply of oxygen, that might help to extinguish the fire.

Jungkook wrapped his coat around Yoongi's leg, to stop the fire to ignite more, it wasn't that big to burn but still if neglected, who knows what happens

"who the fuck says you to burn your pants too, you dumb fucker"jungkook lowly speaks gazing around the room to see if somebody was watching them, but everybody was busy in extinguishing fire.

"I thought nobody would throw their coat not untill someone was hurt, and believe me, it happens accidently" yoongi says to jungkook who throw his coat also on the fire spot, helping yoongi to stand up, keeping his arm on his shoulder afterwards as they both left from their

" I have heard that 'a stitch on time saves nine' but it should be, 'A stitch on time saves life or maybe Yoongi's leg' "jungkook says, ones they reach outside of hall while chuckling together . He drops Yoongi's arm, who immediately stand on his feet

"enough drama, let's go fucker" jungkook again says, as they made their way towards canteen.



Stay tuned, be happy and be a taekooker. Honestly, I don't know what to say, if you have something to say, I have my ears---(and yaah, I am not that idle )


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