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"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL DOING" namjoon banged his hand angrily on the table, while glaring at the officers who were just standing there with their head down

"We are sorr---"

"I don't need your apology, Did you find any clue where that jungkook might have taken taehyung" namjoon says calmly this time while getting a shake in answer which makes him more furious

"YOU ALL ARE OF NO USE" namjoon tells before sinking into his cushioned chair, while rubbing his temples. It is almost a week since taehyung got abducted and still, there is no clue where he might be. Namjoon only wants him safe and sound, but the constant failures were putting him at the edge

"Did we get any information from citizens"

"No Sir, we got some comers but they all were forwarding fake news in order to win the gift you promised  them" One of a officer replies, while looking at his shoes

"Did you keep an eye on yoongi"

"Yes sir, but there is nothing unusual in his behaviour. Infact, he is helping us by spreading jungkook's posts around the city to let people know how he looks" the same officer responces this time looking at the head officer who nods in anknowledgement

"We have to find them immediately. It is getting more and more worrisome. Did his boyfriend visits again today?" namjoon asks while looking at the officer who nods before proceeding on speaking

"Mr Bogum visits today again. He was with Mr Kim but we convinced both successfully. They were reluctant to go before visiting you but we told them, you were not here" another officer speaks sadly, before looking at the unpleasant expressions of their head officer

"I have never hide myself from anyone except today" Namjoon starts disappointedly while looking at his subordinates

"But I surely can't show my face to anyone if anything happens to taehyung" namjoon finishes with a weary sigh as he leaned on the chair before signalling his officer to out who comply immedaitely.

"I hope you are fine, taehyungie"


Jungkook as usually carried the sear twigs on his shoulder with a thick stick in his hands to provide protection from the wild animals in case if any animal attacks

He pants softly before dropping the bunch of bare branches on the ground before running inside and fetching for water which he gulps down the second he saw it in the earthen pot. It was naturally cold even if the outside temperature was quite high

"Sweetheart, where are you" jungkook says while wiping his lips from his arms before walking toward the back side of their small house

"Again watering the rose plant" jungkook mumbles inside before tiptowing to taehyung before making a loud sound in order to scare him who just stood there unaffected and stiff

"Why did you not get scared" jungkook whined a little before regaining his serious face, which melts soon when a very weary taehyung looked at him

"You always do it. I am habitual to it" taehyung replies coldly before engaging himself in watering

"Do you really expect that this little plant will thrive in this scorching heat. He will bur---" jungkook stops in the middle when he was splashed with the filthy muddy water by taehyung who was glaring at him dangerously

"Dare to complete the sentence. This is the only good thing here and now you want to destroy it too" Taehyung gnashes his teeth together before again watering his rose plant with the remaining water

FINGER CROSSED //taekook Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang