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The silver haired male peered at the tranquil cottage resting infront of him, his eyes gaping at the vivid memories swirling around the warm ambient cottage

Apparently, he thought of paying a visit to the small house where he realised his feeling for certain ebony haired male. His eyes directed him towards the familier tree where there used to be a nest of a couple songbirds and their fledges. The brown wispy twigs that made up the nest was still resting goodly on the branch of the huge oak tree, but taehyung searched for the residents of the abode that were nowhere to be seen

"Where might they be, even the little chicks are absent" Taehyung mumbles before sauntering to the site, as he jumped a little to get a good peek of the inside of the nest, but he proved himself right when it was empty inside. There were no chirping birds anymore in the onces lively little nest

"why does this feel like these little birds were portraying our entities. It felt oddly --- familier" Taehyung ponders as he looked at the calm cottage which was all docile and inanimate, not like before when it used to be filled with jungkook's and taehyung's banters and bickering

Taehyung quickly broke the trace of his thoughts as he felt his eyes sting, "This would have been perfect if we weren't like the way we are, if you weren't the one I or others need to hate or maybe--maybe, if only this society haven't been shaped to judge rather than understanding the intentions behind"

Taehyung sniffs a little before strutting towards the interior of the cottage as he glanced on everything he met on way unlocking every reminence with that place, with jungkook.

The silver haired male couldn't believe the magic of the faith, the one whom he oath to punish, to execute, to bring him to his knees and throw him behind the bars but guess what, taehyung fell deeper in the spell of love and that with someone who was forbidden for him, whom he loathe a lot even without knowing. Taehyung abated it now, because he felt utterly lonely in the congestion of painful emotions for someone who is now actually behind the bars.

The strong headed detective was capable of bringing the notorious killer behind the bars but in this race, he sold his heart to him. He always dreamt of seeing the said fear of soeul crippling and plunging on the knees but instead, taehyung himself felt buckling up due to the overwhelming feelings.

"Why couldn't I resist you, why I let you swallow me whole when we both knew our fate is precarious. Maybe we are ample weak because we fall in love and now, we can't fall out" Taehyung thoughts as his eyes gazed over the muddy bed where he used to sleep. The dried straw was still spread on it, and taehyung could just see jungkook spreading it for him like the first time he does for him.

"How ironical, when I lived with you, I would always complain of this rough itchy bed but still can get the best dreamy sleep. And now, when I am sleeping on soft fluffy mattress then, why I am devoid of any sleep?" Taehyung stated chuckling emotionally at last. He was drained out from last few days and it was evident with the accuentuate blacks bangs below his eyes, and the pale skin of him. He just came from the jail where he visited jungkook clandestinely, and tried to convince him to escape with him but the latter was adament with his statement.

He payed a visit to namjoon too who was shocked to see him on his doorway, but nevertheless welcome him warmly. Though the head officer tried acquiring any necessary new but taehyung stayed silent for the whole conservation. At some point, it felt namjoon was the only who was carrying the conversation further otherwise there was no effort seen from taehyung which didn't get unnoticed by the head officer.

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