Chapter 9 - Watching

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     Several soldiers rushed across the wing floor and surrounded the only doors that they left accessible. Gunshots could be heard from the other side of the door as well as the radio on Captain Rose's shoulder.

"Get into position! Once those doors open, fire at any fiend you see!" He ordered his squad who all got into their respective positions and aimed their guns at the doors.

      Once they were pushed open, in came the team that was sent out earlier carrying two injured with them. One is a part of the team, the other is someone new.

      Right behind them were multiple fiends who rushed for the doors, snarling and baring their bloody teeth like wild animals.

"Fire!" Rose ordered.

      Bullets flew through the air and landed against the fiends before they could reach the doors. They held back as many as they could so the rest of the team can get inside. Some fiends were shot dead from bullets to the head while others kept pushing, driven by hunger and insanity.

      Once the last of the team got inside, the doors were quickly pulled shut and locked back. The fiends on the other side slammed their fists and yelled at the people on the other side.

       It was a close call. The team barely made it back in time.

"They all just came out of nowhere!" A tired member huffed, hunching over to catch their breath.

"One of those things saw us and started yelling. It got the others' attention. Before we knew it, a group of them were on top of us..." Another explained.

      Captain Rose listened and glanced at the door that shook from the banging fists of fiends.

      They tried to clear out as many as they could before he ordered everyone to take refuge in this wing. While they managed to remove many of the fiends, the hospital still must be full of them in other parts.

"Get that soldier and the injured to the lab room. And keep those doors shut!" Rose ordered.

      (Y/N) was called not too long after to the lab room to help with the two injured individuals. When she got there with Drake not too far behind her, she saw Wes already bandaging the soldier who had a nasty-looking cut on their side. They grimaced as Wes had applied some pressure to the wound and he quickly apologized after seeing the soldier's glare.

      The scientist looked much better after Drake basically forced him to get some rest. His eye bags were still present but he wasn't as jittery and on the verge of collapse like before.

      Since Wes had the soldier covered, (Y/N) walked past them and to the other table where the injured individual the team found was resting. Drake chose to stay back at the door as per usual and was glad that no one else on the team came back with injuries.

"There aren't any life-threatening injuries I could find on her." Wes spoke to the nurse. "She's just unconscious. Exhaustion probably?"

       (Y/N) nodded and approached the unconscious woman who was lying on her side. As the nurse took a quick once over of her, she noticed the woman's familiar dark curly hair, pale skin, and small moles that littered her body and made (Y/N)'s heart drop. She moved the woman onto her back who was still wearing her dark blue scrubs that had spots of blood and tears in them.

      The nurse began to panic. It felt like it was too long since she last saw her friend when it has only been two days.

"Dell! Dell!" (Y/N) shook her shoulders lightly and patted her cheek in an attempt to awaken her.

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