Chapter 28 - Bandanna

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"This fence looking niceee!" Rockman excitedly looked around at the work on the fence done by his recent occupants.

     While there was still a good portion left to reinforce, it was pretty durable enough to withstand some force. And at least a lot of the hoarded items that were collected in both the station and the backyard were being used for something.

      Rose nodded along at the work done by his soldiers. He was glad that the favor for Rockman letting them stay was being repaid. This also gave a good excuse to keep his soldiers busy while he plotted out their next course of action.

      The captain glanced down at the old hippie and the rifle that was hanging off of his back. He wondered if that was a favor he shouldn't have agreed to. "Are you sure you know how to use that?"

      Rockman hit his wrinkly fists against the fence to see how sturdy it was, not really bothering to look at Rose. "Eh, how hard could it be? Just point and shoot. I've used pistols before."

"Assault weapons are much different than handguns, I'm afraid..." Rose said as he narrowed his eyes.

      Looking around, this wouldn't be a good place for gun practice. The town was only a mile down and these mountains carry echoes. Even if it was a good place, they still needed to conserve ammo.

"Don't worry! I got it." Rockman exclaimed, not as seriously as Rose was. "Now back to this fence. You think it's tall enough?"

        The captain sighed but didn't fret too much. He'll just have to keep another close eye on someone here. "It's as tall as any man. Fiend as well."

"But could it withstand a battering ram? Or a truck? That's the important question."

"The surrounding forest is too dense for most vehicles. You don't have to worry about-" Rose spoke as he noticed two individuals approaching. "Them."

       Mack and Luke. The two survivors who have been a thorn in Rose's ass lately. Mack, as always, hobbled behind Luke like an ogre following his master while Luke took the lead. Instead of his useful scowl, he wore whenever in Rose's seeing distance, the young man looked rather... smug?

"Rose, sir? Are you busy?" He asked once he and Mack reached the captain.

"Not at the moment." Rose glanced between the two before settling his eyes on Luke since he was always the talker. "Is there a problem, gentlemen?"

      The young man shook his head, his smirk widening. "No! No problem at all. Me and Mack just wanted to come over and thank you for all that you've done for us."

'Thank me?' Rose thought as he had to process those words. Weren't these two just sending him death glares and cursing his name just yesterday?

       Despite how odd this was, Rose crossed his arms and didn't question it. "I can't say that I'm not a bit perplexed by this. But I appreciate the thanks."

"Well, if it wasn't for you, we all would've died in that hospital. And you didn't kick us to the road after the stunt with Jonathan. Apologies for that as well." Luke spoke, his tone neither genuine nor fake. Rather somewhere in the middle Rose couldn't waver.

       He watched the two carefully but didn't let it show. "You were just afraid and had reasons not to trust us. Can't imagine anybody else wouldn't do the same."

       Luke chuckled at this, finding how forgiving Rose was to be amusing. Mack on the other hand stayed as silent as a bat.

       Rockman was still occupied with the fence not caring about the conversation, uttering critiques on how well-built the fence actually was. But as he looked, he noticed something strange poking out from underneath one of the boards. He squinted his eyes and leaned down to get a closer look.

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