Part 1.1

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"You are an anomaly, I mean look at you. You have this don't mess with me vibe but you are one of the nicest and happiest people I have ever met, it's crazy," Sirius said while almost falling over laughing.
"That's real bold of you to say considering how you look," I replied to him while pointing out his clothing and hair.

" Hey! I think he looks hot," Remus interjected, wrapping his arm around Sirius and pulling him closer.

"Thank you Moony," Sirius said, "But y/n, what I mean is your clothing contradicts how you act. And I'm not saying you look bad, it's just funny."
"Yeah, I get what you mean," I said, laughing.

Sirius, Remus, and I were walking to breakfast when they decided that my appearance was ironic enough that they needed to point it out.

"Anyways, are you excited for quidditch practice this week?" Sirius asked me as we entered the great hall.
"I mean, I'm excited but I'm not thrilled to have balls thrown at me for hours every day," I sighed thinking about how strenuous the practices will be.

"That's why you're still single," Sirius comments in a sing-song voice while plastering a huge smirk on his face.

I was taken aback when he said this and playfully slapped his arm.

"That's not funny Padfoot!" I said trying to hide my laugh.

"Then why are you laughing," he said as he sat down next to James, Remus following suit and sitting next to Sirius.

It is my third year at Hogwarts and it never ceased to amaze me how magical this whole place is. I mean there were currently a bunch of candles floating above my head. That's not exactly normal. At least for me.

"Y/n, why do you always stare at the ceiling? You've done that every day since the first year," James asks, shoveling food into his mouth.

"Well, seeing as both my dad and stepmom are muggles, I don't see stuff like this at home. It's just incredible." I say, smiling up at the ceiling.

"I understand, but it's been three years. Shouldn't you have gotten used to it by now?" Remus asked, a little confused.

"I don't think I will ever get used to it," I answer looking back at my food.

Suddenly the door to the great hall opened and a bunch of Slytherin students walked in. I watched as they all walked over to their table, my eyes fixed on the one walking at the back of the group, his eyes fixed on a book. He had a sharp jawline, grey eyes, and longish, dark hair that drooped over his face slightly. He was gorgeous.

"Stop staring at my brother you twit," Sirius said causing me to quickly snap my head away.

"I wasn't staring at him, I was trying to figure out what book he was reading. It looks interesting," I quickly respond.

"Sure," Sirius said skeptically.

" I'm serious," I replied trying to convince him I was telling the truth.

Then a little smirk spread over his face. "You're not Sirius, I am," he said while he burst out laughing.
"You're ridiculous. Anyways, I need to go get ready for potions, see you guys later," I said to everyone as I left the table.

As I left the great hall, I snuck one more look at Sirius' brother. He was beautiful, but unfortunately, he wasn't the most accepting person. Sirius told me he was very adamant about that whole 'blood purity' thing. As I looked at him, he turned his head up and we made eye contact. The second we did, I turned my head away and rushed out of the hall ,no doubt blushing.


After I headed back to the common room and got everything I needed for potions, I headed to the dungeons for class. I got there early so I could find a good seat, and chose one right at the front so I could get the best view.

As people started coming in, I realized that I didn't really know many people here. As I was looking around I heard someone sit next to me. I turned to look at them I froze when I saw his long, curly, dark hair and grey eyes. Oh, Merlin. He sat next to me.

I didn't want to make it seem like I was staring, so I stuck my hand out and said

"Hi, my name is y/n Sutton, it's nice to meet you. What's your name?"
He stared at my hand, looked at me, and said;
"Regulus Black" and he turned away.

I put my hand down, realizing he wasn't going to shake it. Wanting to have a conversation, I asked, "So, are you excited for potions Regulus?"
He turned back to look at me and sneered. "Why are you talking to me?"

God. He is such a delight, isn't he?

"Because I was hoping to maybe have a friend in this class. I don't know anyone so........ yeah," I hoped he would realize my intent on being friendly.

"Well, I'm not going to be friends with a muggle-born. I only sat here so I could get a good view for when the teacher gives demonstrations," He replied in a monotone voice.

I wasn't shocked he said this, but it still doesn't feel good to hear what he just said.

"Well for your information, I'm not a muggle-born, my mom was a witch. When she died my dad remarried a lady he worked with who was also a muggle." I said quickly emphasizing the word 'died' to hopefully make him feel bad about what he said.
"I don't care." Was all he said then he turned forward again as the teacher began speaking.

"Alright, class today you will be making a girding potion. Who here can tell me what it does."

I quickly raised my hand. Slughorn saw and said;
"Someone's eager. How about you, Miss..."
"Sutton, y/n Sutton. The girding potion gives effects of prolonged endurance. Usually, it is either red or green, and is known for having a foul odor." I said quickly as I was very excited to have known the answer.

"Very good Miss Sutton. The girding potion does in fact give prolonged endurance, so today I want you and the person next to you to make the potion."
After Slughorn said this, I heard Regulus scoff. I decided to ignore him and say;

"I am going to get the ingredients, if you wouldn't mind getting the supplies we need."
He looked at me and just nodded.

I went up and got some fairy wings, dragonfly thoraxes, doxy eggs, and flying seahorses and went back to the table.

When I came back, everything we needed was there and organized perfectly. As we began making the potion, I felt that the awkward silence was too uncomfortable, so I made some small talk.

At first, he didn't really respond, but once I brought up the subject of quidditch, Regulus was much more engaged.

"I'm not saying that it's impossible, but if you hypothetically put an 11-year-old boy with glasses as the seeker on a team, I don't think it would turn out well," Regulus stated.

"Is it because he's 11 or because he has glasses?" I ask.

Regulus chuckled a bit. "Both. I mean, as a seeker I need to be able to see very far and spot slight movements. A person with glasses could have difficulty, not to mention they're 11."

"They're wearing glasses to see, so they can see just fine as long as they stay on their face," I respond.
Just then our potion made a pop noise and turned from grey to red, signaling it was ready.

Slughorn walked over and checked it. "Outstanding work to the both of you. I might partner you two up more often," He said before walking away.

"We make a good team, huh," I say to Regulus, who had a blank expression on his face.

Before he could say anything, it was time to go to our next classes. I picked up my things and made my way to Transfiguration.

AN: I hope you liked this chapter.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon