Part 2.10

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"Look, I can call off my plans with James. I really don't mind, we could have a girls day!"

"Lily, I really don't need you to do that for me. Trust me" I stated.

It was the day regulus and I would be going to hogsmead and I told lily I was planning to go. What I didn't tell her was that I would be with regulus.

Like the angel she is she offered to go with me so I wasn't lonely.

"But I don't want you to be lonely" lily sighed before getting off her bed and sitting next to me on mine.

"I won't be lonely, I'm actually going with someone" I whispered.

I could see the words process when her mouth dropped open slowly.

"Oh Merlin! Are you going on a date! Why didn't you tell me, I could have helped you pick an outfit!" She squealed before jumping off my bed and running over to my trunk.

"What's wrong with what I have on?" I asked while looking my outfit over.

It wasn't fancy, just some jeans and a knit sweater but I thought it looked nice.

"It's fine but it isn't exactly date worthy" lily waved off before digging through my clothes.

"Well it isn't exactly a date.... I'm just hanging out with a guy" I said slowly trying to find a way of explaining the situation.

Lily stopped looking through my clothes and just stared at me. "What?" She asked me.

"It isn't a date, I'm just hanging out with a friend" I restated.

Lily looked disappointed hearing this, almost the same expression she makes when she notices spelling mistakes in the love notes James writes to her.

"That's boring," was all she said before going back to her bed and laying down with a humph.

"Jeez, sorry to disappoint but we both know my love life is nonexistent" I sighed.

"Well you could have a pretty interesting love life if you made some moves on Regulus, how is that going by the way?" Lily asked.

I started blushing a bit when she mentioned him. I hadn't told her any of the developments between me and him like how I had my first kiss with him.

"Oh your blushing! Come on, you have to have something to talk about" she pried.

"Well..." I began while lily ran over to my bed again and sat next to me.

"Okay, don't make a big deal out of this but..... we kissed. Well more or less made out I guess." I whispered.

When I tell you her eyes became the size of baseballs.

"You what! Why didn't you tell me!" She practically screamed while bouncing on my bed.

"Quiet down, I don't want the rest of the dorms knowing my business" I whisper yelled.

Lily completely ignored me and kept asking questions. " does that mean you guys are together, when did this happen, how was it?"

"Okay okay one question at a time, I'll tell you the story just calm down" so I began telling her what happened.

"It was at the quidditch match the other day, I was freaking out because of how nervous I was so I went to the tree outside of the tent to try and calm down. He ended up coming over and giving me a pop-quiz on hormones and stuff and ended up kissing me to help me calm down."

Lily was speechless for a while before she burst out laughing.

"Did you really get turned on by a pop-quiz! You're such a dork!" Lily cackled.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now