Part 2.1

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It had been only a few months since I was last at Hogwarts but it felt more like years.

My dad wasn't fond of letting me go and stay with James during the summer so I didn't get to spend any time with the marauders.

Only during the summers did I realize how much those idiots meant to me.

I also didn't get to communicate with Regulus at all since and letters I sent him were read by his parents and they didn't like that I was living with muggles.

So in the end my summer was incredibly boring, I found myself counting down the days until school started again.


"Dad if we don't leave soon I will definitely miss the train" I complained to my dad earning a sigh from him.

"We won't be late as long as there is no traffic on the way" he replied.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to the car, it was an old car that was beginning to rust on the edges, I didn't understand why we didn't just get a new car.

As I got into the car it made a loud creaking noise.
I swear to god this car was going to fall apart on the way to the station.

As I waited for my dad to get into the car I went through my plan.

During the summer I came up with my foolproof plan on becoming an animagus with Regulus.

It was relatively straightforward but I still needed to see if Regulus was on board with it.

After my dad finally got into the car we began driving to the station.

I was super excited and was practically jumping out of my seat.


On the way to Kings Cross station, there was luckily only mild traffic.

I made it there with ten minutes to spare.
Before running into platform 9 3/4 I turned to look at my dad.

"I'm really going to miss you Dad," I said before giving him a big hug.

"I'll miss you too, but please stop sending your letters to us with owls. They really scare your little sister" he said back.

I sighed slightly.

I was aware that my dad wasn't completely fond of magic, he made it very clear whenever I brought it up. Unfortunately, the fact that I was going to a magic school made him distance himself from me, it felt kind of like I was more of a burden than anything else.

That's why his response didn't shock me.
"Okay, Dad. Bye." I sighed before turning towards the wall between platforms nine and ten.

As soon as nobody was in the way of the brick wall I ran as fast as I could into it.

I closed my eyes just before hitting it and when I opened them I was in a completely different station.
I looked over at the train and ran as fast as I could, I was too excited to see my friends.

As I walked through the cars I looked into every compartment hoping I would find my friends.

As I walked through the last car I looked into the window of the first compartment and saw regulus.

I almost did a double take when I saw him, he had really changed over the summer.

His hair was longer and slightly floppy.
I didn't reach his shoulders like Sirius's hair did but it was still longer.

His jawline had become more prominent and in all suited him better now.

And somehow his eyes seemed to become even more beautiful.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now