Part 1.10

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It was a rather boring day in potions today. We didn't make any potions, all we did was take notes.
So when Regulus started to talk to me I was relieved.
"Are you ready to be beaten by Slytherin today?" Regulus said with a grin.

I turned to look at him and gave him my own smile.
"Regulus. Your team's chasers will never be able to make any points as long as I am the keeper. You guys will not win"

"Oh someone seems a little too confident in her abilities."

"Last year Gryffindor won the quidditch cup. And if I remember correctly it was because nobody made more than three goals in any game they played against us. And Slytherin made. What was it again?

Oh right. Zero."
"Oh, just you wait y/n. Just you wait." He said with a grin.

I couldn't help but get the feeling that they were planning something.


"And the quaffle is in play so the game has begun" Remus announced.

It was a perfect day for a quidditch game. The sun was out but the weather kept it nice and cool. There was a nice breeze blowing, it wasn't strong enough to affect the game too much but it was just enough to dry the sweat on my face.

" James Potter grabs the quaffle and is heading towards the Slytherins.... And he throws it from meters away. He gets it in, ten points for Gryffindor."

Remus screamed over the loudspeaker.
People begin to cheer for James as he heads back to position. As he does so he begins waving to the crowd, always loving the attention.

The quaffle is put back into play but this time
"And Slytherin has the quaffle, they are heading in fast. They throw it in and"
One of Slytherin's chasers was heading towards me fast. Luckily for me, he was moving in at an odd angle so I was easily able to swoop up and
" and y/n kicks the quaffle with her foot, what an amazing save" Remus announced
As the crowd erupted in applause I looked around and saw Regulus just floating on his broomstick.

He wasn't flying around at all, he was just watching.

He was staring intently across the field, looking for the snitch. When he looked around the breeze blew his hair just perfectly, he looked gorgeous.

" and they are heading back over to y/n, who doesn't seem to be paying attention to the game but rather at Slytherins see- ow okay, they are about to throw."
As soon as Remus said my name I snapped out of it.

Why do I keep getting distracted by him?

I saw Lily smack Remus's arm in order to get him to not say that I was staring at Regulus. I love Lily. She is such a good friend.

I quickly turned back and saw the chaser going for the lower hoop so I flew down and hit the quaffle with the tip of my broom.

"And she blocks another attempt" Remus cried.

The game kept going for another hour and Gryffindor quickly racked up points.

The score was officially 150:0
I had blocked incredibly difficult trick shots and I felt unstoppable.

Then all of a sudden a quaffle and a bludger came out of nowhere straight at me.

I tried hitting the quaffle out of the way but the bludger hit my collarbone.

I heard a loud crack and I was very soon falling.
Normally I would be afraid since I was falling from a height that would kill me but the pain was so bad that I couldn't think. I just closed my eyes and fell.

All of a sudden I was no longer falling and I could feel strong arms around me.

I opened my eyes and saw Regulus.
He caught me!
"Gotcha" he whispered into my ear which sent shivers down my spine.

"And oh, slytherins seeker, regulus black just caught y/n before she fell to her bloody death," Remus announced.

I looked at Regulus.
"Why did you come catch me" I asked.
Regulus laughed a bit.
"Well for two reasons. One, I didn't want you getting hurt. And two, you were on the way to catching this." Regulus said before holding up the golden snitch.

"Regulus black caught the seeker and the snitch. That's 150 points to Slytherin. With their previous 10 points. Slytherin wins." Remus announced dejectedly.

Damn it. I didn't stop them from getting those ten points. I'm the reason we lost.

My eyes began to well up with tears. It was all my fault. And to make matters worse my collarbone was broken and it hurt a lot.

Regulus looked at me and saw my sad face.
"You're not being a sore loser are you," he said in a semi-playful tone.
I looked at him then said
"Of course I'm sad, I'm the reason we lost. If I was able to stop that one goal we would have won. And to make matters worse I'm pretty sure I broke my collarbone."

The moment I mentioned my collarbone reguluses face dropped.

"Wait, the bludger broke your collarbone?" He asked.
I just nodded. I was in too much pain to really say anything else.

"I'm so sorry y/n, the plan was to distract you with multiple things not break your bones." He said in a pained voice.

God this hurt too much. Wait, what happened to my broom?

"Where's my broom!" I yelped.
Regulus looked down below, his face froze.
"Oh shit" he commented.

Oh no.
"What is it regulus?" I asked.
"It's, umm. To put it lightly, your collarbone isn't the only thing that broke"

Oh no. No no. No no. No.

"My broom." I began to tear up more.
"I'm so so sorry, but it's okay you can get a new one. Yours was an old model anyway. A new one will probably help." He tried to reassure me.

"Regulus, that broom was my mom's, I had to use it because my dad and stepmom don't understand quidditch so they won't let me buy a new one. I won't be able to buy a new one!" I began to cry.

This is awful.

I need to stop crying, I'm crying in front of someone.
"Just get me on the ground regulus. I need to go to the hospital wing." I demanded.

Regulus understood and flew me to the ground.
There was a lot of commotion.

People asking me if I was okay, people trying to congratulate Regulus.

But throughout the whole thing, regulus stayed with me and got me to the hospital wing.

And it turned out I broke my collarbone in two places.

I was given some medication for my broken bone but I had to wait for a while before I could leave.
Regulus sat by my bed quietly.

After a while, the silence was becoming awkward so I decided to start talking.

"Thanks for saving me and bringing me here, and congratulations on the win."
Regulus looked at me, puzzled.
"You aren't mad at me?" He asked.

"No. Injuries are a part of quidditch. I'll be fixed up soon and then I can get on with my day" I said.
" aren't you mad about your broom?" He asked.
I sighed.

" I am sad that it is broken. It was my mom's so it was kind of sentimental but it is just an object. And besides, the school has brooms I can borrow, it's not the end of the world" I said.

Regulus sighed before smiling.

"You really are one of the kindest people I know," he said.
I just shrugged.
"I try"
Regulus stayed and talked with me until I was able to leave.

It felt good to finally get to hang out with him, not just study together.

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