Part 2.4

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I was sitting in my seat during potions tapping my foot against the floor.

Today was the day we would be taking what we needed to start step one of our totally foolproof plan.

The problem was regulus was taking his sweet ass time getting to class so now I was nervous.

What if it doesn't work?
What if we get caught?
What if he doesn't show up!

Luckily my nerves were calmed by the sudden presence of a hand on my shoulder as regulus sat down next to me.

"What took you so long?" I whisper shouted to him.

He smiled a bit before he removed his hand.

I wished he hadn't moved his hand.

"I forgot some of the things we needed for the plan to succeed so I had to run back and get it," he explained in a hushed voice.

"And anyway I'm not late, no need to get your knickers in a bunch" regulus chuckled.

I slapped his arm somewhat playfully in order to distract him from the fact I was blushing.

That is a very normal phrase, this shouldn't be making you blush!

For some reason I couldn't handle the thought of him talking about my underwear.

I shook my head before facing forwards as class begun.

"Alright everyone today we are going to be practicing what you have been learning the past few days and finally make your shrinking potions" Slughorn began.

I looked over at regulus who was already looking at me. I could feel butterflies in my stomach, I wasn't entirely sure if it was because I was nervous we would get caught or if it was because of him.

Probably both.

I gave him a quick nod before turning back to

"Now I want everyone to be very careful when brewing a shrinking potion, if you did your readings from last night you would know that incorrect brewing can be fatal" Slughorn warned before flicking his hand, signaling for us to begin.
I pulled out all of our ingredients while regulus pulled out our materials.

"I swear, sometimes I think that man is gayer than my brother" regulus whispered causing me to laugh.
"Let's not get distracted" I chuckled.

As we began to brew the potion i looked over at Slughorns ingredients case, which seemed to be locked.

I began to stir the potion with my right hand then opened my left hand behind my back.

Regulus slipped past me and put picks into my hand which I stashed away into my robes.

I let regulus stir before I put the last ingredient into the potion.
As soon as it was done I looked over at regulus who after catching my gaze nodded.

I took a big step back as regulus 'accidentally' spilled the potion all over himself.

The entire class went silent and turned their heads over to me and a currently shrinking regulus.

Slughorn ran over to us and took in the scene.

"Well it looks like it works, good job you two" Slughorn began before crouching down to look at regulus who couldn't have been bigger than an inch.
"I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to spill on themselves so I don't have an antidote here, but they should have something in the infirmary" Slughorn continued before holding his hand out for regulus to jump onto.

He was so tiny!

It was actually quite cute but I had more important things to do than fawn over Minnie regulus.

"Let's get you fixed up" Slughorn said before looking at everyone.

"Nobody do anything stupid okay" he finished before walking off with regulus.

As soon as the door was closed and I knew Slughorn wouldn't hear I ran over to the the ingredients case and pulled out the lock picks regulus gave to me.
Since I had spent so much time with the mauraders I had learned a thing or two about getting into places I wasn't supposed to be.

It took me about fifteen seconds before I felt the lock click.

I opened it up and grabbed what I needed before closing the case and walking over to my seat.

Now was the hard part.

Everyone had obviously seen me.

I went over to reguluses seat and pulled out a bag from under his chair.

I looked at everyone and held up the bag.

"I have the answers for the next potions test in here, if you guys don't snitch on me I'll give them to you" I announced.

Everyone agreed to comply so I gave out the answers before heading to my seat.

Step one: complete


This time I was late
It was 12:05 and we had agreed to meet at 12.

I was running as quietly as I could through the halls to the astronomy tower, which was hard to do with my bag jumping about.

I got the the spiral staircase at about 12:15 and I decided to sprint up them.

I was running so fast that I don't notice to person on their way down the stairs before I slammed into them.

My bag flew off my shoulder and hit the wall and I began to fall backwards. My fall was cut short by arms wrapping around my waist and holding me up.
I looked up and of course, it was regulus.

"Hi" I said through fast breaths.
"Hi" he smiled down at me.

Holy shit
Holy shit
Holy shit

"Sorry I'm late" I apologized quietly.
"It's alright, you came, that's all that matters" he whispered down to me.

I couldn't help but stare at him for a moment, he was so beautiful.

After a minute of us being like that I realized we didn't have all night.

"Are you ready?" I asked before regulus let go.
"Of course" he replied as he bent down and picked up my bag.

We walked up to the astronomy tower and sat down leaning against a wall.

I pulled out two mandrake leaves and handed one to regulus.

"I just want to remind you that I order for this to work you cannot, under any circumstances, take this out of your mouth." I said with a serious tone.

Regulus chuckled slightly at my seriousness.

"Yes, I understand" he said before taking the leaf from my hand.
"Okay then, on three. One, two, three"
We both put the leaves in our mouths.

I stuck my hand out and waited for regulus to grab it.

Once he did I looked him straight in the eye and said
"We doing this together, if one of us fails we start over, okay." I said
" agreed, we finish this together" he replied.

One month, that can't be to hard. Right?

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now