Part 1.5

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"Okay, unfortunately, it looks like there aren't many telltale signs that a person is a werewolf when they aren't in their wolf form," Regulus said as he scanned the pages of a book on lycanthrope.

"So there are signs," I said with a curious smile.
Regulus looked at me and frowned.

"Not exactly, it says here that the only time you can guess a person is a werewolf is when they are about to change and they start to seem ill," he said
As soon as he said that my smile turned into a frown.

"So there is no way we can know without us seeing them changing," I said with disappointment lacing my voice.

"Unfortunately yes," Regulus said seeming to be a little disappointed as well.
I let out an overly exaggerated sigh.

"Well I guess that's a bust" I groaned as I put my hands on my face.

As soon as I did regulus looked at my wrist and raised an eyebrow.

"Amazing Dad?" He chuckled
"What?" I questioned as I raised one of my own eyebrows.

Regulus pointed to one of my many colorful bracelets.
As he did this I let out a sharp laugh.

"Oh, right, yeah, it's a joke. Over the summer I work at a muggle summer camp and I was given the nickname of amazing dad since I apparently acted like a dad." I said, a smile immediately spreading across my face.

As I said this regulus pulled his face into a confused expression.

"Summer camps?" He asked with a very confused smile.

"Yeah, summer camps. Many muggle families send their kids away during the summer to summer camps. Usually, the kids stay one to two weeks. They are a lot of fun." I said reminiscing on my times at summer camp.

I always had a lot of fun because it was a time when I could just be a kid and not have to worry about being a witch.

"Why would parents send their kids away? That sounds absolutely awful" Regulus said absolutely horrified.

"It's not awful. It's fun" I said a little annoyed.
"No, that is awful. I bet you if your mom was around she would have never let you be shipped off to be taken care of by teenagers like yourself." He said in an almost frantic way.

At this point, I was seeing red. How could he insult both of my parents by implying that they were cruel for sending me away. He even had the audacity to bring up my mom.

" you don't even know what you are talking about regulus. My parents weren't abusing me by sending me away." I yelled getting angrier by the second.
Regulus didn't even listen to what I said and just started to ramble on.

"The fact that you let them do this to you is ridiculous. How could you let them do that to you."
"That's real rich coming from you" I shot out before I gasped.

Shit. Why did I say that. That was completely uncalled for and incredibly mean.

As I looked at Regulus I watched his face drop. But almost as soon as it did it went neutral, almost like he was masking his feelings.

"Regulus, I'm so sorry. That wasn't-" I began to say before he cut me off by putting his hand up.
I stopped talking expecting him to say something but all he did was silently pack up his stuff and walk away.

After he left my eyes started to well with tears.
How could I have said that to him? I knew how bad his home life was, Sirius told me all about it. Yet I still said such awful things to him, all because he didn't like the idea of summer camp! What kind of a monster am I?

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