Part 2.6

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I didn't have time to wallow in self-pity over Charlie's ultimatum, I needed to go to breakfast and spend more time with my friends.

I also had to figure out how to eat with this leaf in my mouth. When I was on my broom I almost swallowed it four times from hanging upside down.

As I walked to the great hall I calmed down with controlled breathing.

When I entered the great hall I looked around for the mauraders. When I found them I walked over to them and sat down next to Sirius who was currently being very touchy with Remus.

As soon as I sat down James perked up, obviously excited I was spending time with them.

"You're sitting with us!" He yelled causing multiple people to look at us.

I cleared my throat which was murky from all my crying.
"I am, very good observation James" I commented earning a few chuckles from my friends.

"Sorry, I'm just happy that you are sitting with us. It feels like I haven't spoken to you in a while" James said sheepishly.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I've been really busy that's all," I said before putting some pancakes and sausage onto my plate.

I stared at my food before cutting it into smaller pieces.

How am I going to do this?

I sat there for a few minutes trying to think of a way to eat without swallowing the leaf.

After staring very intently at my food I looked up and locked eyes with Regulus.

He was looking at me!

Butterflies were rampaging in my stomach.

I think he noticed something because his smile turned into a slight smirk.

He looks like he has finished his food so he probably found a way to eat.

I held eye contact with him before mouthing the words.

'How did you eat'
It took him a second to process what I said but when he did he took out a piece of paper and wrote something.

He then got up and walked all the way from the Slytherin table to the Gryffindor table where I was sitting.

He passed me the note and loudly said
"Here are the notes from our last lab, give them back when you're done"
I looked over and saw Sirius become very serious.
"Oh, thank you regulus. I will uh...make sure to give them back" I stammered.

Before he left he gave me a little nod and then strode off to his table.

I looked over at Sirius who seemed a little pissed.
"You guys are partners again? Don't you get to Choose Your partner?" He questioned.

"Yeah, we do. But. He is very good at potions so I like to work with him." I sighed.

He's going to murder me.

Sirius looked at me then at the paper. Then he...smiled?

"You get him to take notes for you? Ha, at least he is somewhat useful" Sirius chuckled before continuing to be all lovey-dovey with Remus.

He is very useful. And oh by the way Sirius I like your brother a lot!
I have a crush on your brother!

I was tempted, very tempted to say those things to Sirius but I knew not to.

I opened up the paper and read what was written, five simple words.

'Put it behind your teeth'
I smacked my palm to my face.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now