Part 2.8

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In all four years I had been at hogwarts I had never thought about joining a club.

In all honesty I wasn't even aware we had clubs until the defense against the dark arts Professor told us about the dueling club which I was very excited about joining.

I was very excited to join for two reasons. One, I would be able to get better at dueling spells. Two, I would be able to hang out with regulus.

Before signing up though I did a little research on it and apparently they held tournaments against the other wizarding schools.

The meetings were on mondays and Wednesdays after classes which meant that all I had to do was wait.

Unfortunately I was incredibly impatient. All through potions class I was tapping my foot on the stone floor.

Today potions was the last period of the day which I normally enjoyed but today was a whole other story.
I kept tapping my foot on the stone floor until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I turned my head to the left and looked at regulus.
"What" I asked.

Regulus looked at me for a second, like really looked at me.
If I didn't know any better I would say he was staring at me.

I waved my hand in front of his face.
"Hello, earth to Reggie" I laughed.
Almost immediately regulus seemed to snap out of his little trance.

"You know, it is considered rude to stare," I joked.
Immediately after I said this regulus began to-
Is he blushing?

"I wasn't staring..." regulus trailed off before changing up the conversation completely.
"Why do you keep tapping your foot?"

I looked down and saw that I was actively tapping my foot like a rabbit.

"Oh uh, I'm just excited for dueling club after class I guess" I shrugged before looking back at regulus.
"Right, yeah that's today" he said turning forward.
We both stayed silent until the end of class.


As me and regulus walked down the hallways to get to the dungeons we walked about seven feet away from one another.

We couldn't be seen together since most gryffindors would have immediately told one of the mauraders who I was with and I didn't want to deal with that again.

Once me and regulus were in the dungeons we closed the gap between us and began to talk.
"So..... what's currently happening with the slytherins?" I asked.

Regulus turned his head and looked down at me.
"Well Evan and Barty finally got together, which has gotten a lot of the slytherins talking." Regulus began.
"Aww I'm so happy for them even though I have no clue who they are" I said in an enthusiastic tone.

I love it when people finally get together.

"Honestly not much has been circulating this week, mostly that and some drama about guys liking girl" regulus waved off.

To regulus that kind of drama may have bored him but to me, I found it very interesting.

"Oh come on, tell me" I wined shaking his arm.
As I did this two slytherin girls walked past us and whispered before giving me a glare.

Regulus looked at them and sighed.

"Well there are some guys that are trying to get with girls from other houses. Mostly hufflepuff girls but a few ravenclaws. Some guys are trying to sleep with at least one girl from each house but most of them aren't successful" regulus said in an obviously bored voice.

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