Part 2.11

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This is the life, the life I have always wanted.

Rolling hills of green grass and daisies. A nice cabin with a garden full of magical herbs.
The sun is shining and the blue sky is clear.

Me sitting on the front porch holding my baby as a watch my three kids play in the grass.

"Honey, lunch is ready" a voice says from inside the house.

I turn my head to see who he is. He opens the door and one long leg steps out before I look up to se-

"Y/n it's Christmas, get your ass out of bed so we can all open presents" lily shakes me awake.

I opened my eyes slowly, giving them time to adjust to the light "lily, what the fuck" I groaned.
"Why can't you just wait for me to wake up?" I asked groggy.

"Because I want presents, and everyone else is waiting for you. Especially James. He is especially antsy" lily sighed.

"Fine, fine. Just give me a few minutes, I need to wake up a bit before I can be social" I groaned into my pillow.

"Yeah, no" lily said before ripping my blanket off of me causing a shock of cold to engulf me.

"If James has to wait any longer he will most likely kill somebody" she giggled before rummaging through my trunk to find all the presents I bought.

"Hey, hands off my stuff" I warned as I got out of bed.

"Well hurry up then, we don't have all day" she smiled before running out of the room to join the others.

Merry fucking Christmas!


With my eyes halfway closed I walked down the stairs into the common room were I was met with the joyful faces of my friends waiting to open their Christmas presents.

"Morning sleepy head, did you get you beauty sleep" Sirius mocked me as I sat down on the couch next to him.

"Fuck off padfoot" I groaned before resting my head on his shoulder.

Sirius chuckled and put his arm around me.  I really need to hang out with them more often.

James stood up quickly which quieted the room almost instantly.

" alright everyone. It is time for the gift exchanges. First I will give out my gifts." He giggled and threw his presents at each of us.

Still laying on sirius I opened my gift which was.... Holy shit.

"James, what is this" I asked frantically.

In my hand I held a box of condoms.

"Turn it over" James said in a duh like tone.

On the back was a note.

Dear y/n,
You haven't hung out with us a lot lately and that can only mean one of two things. One, you are a nerd and all you do is study. Or two, you're getting railed and you don't want us to know. Either way it's good to have some, just in case ;)

Your favorite person in the whole universe James.

If you are getting railed you have to tell me who.

My jaw dropped.

"James I'm not getting railed! You big idiot. Thank you though" I laughed before giving him a hug.

"Well not yet at least" lily mumbled.

I shot lily a 'shut the fuck up look'

Sirius leaned over and whispered in my ear. "If you're not going to use them would you mind if I had them"

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