Part 1.8

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" regulus, I don't think we are going to be able to make this potion. It is incredibly complex and one of the ingredients isn't even listed!" I groaned as I read one of the more advanced potions books in the library.

Regulus looked at me and then at the book I was reading.

"What does the book say about the missing ingredient" he asked.

"All it says is that it is a plant," I said.
This is ridiculous. Why isn't the ingredient listed in the textbooks!

Regulus took the book from my hands and read it over. After about a minute he began to smile and then laugh.

"Y/n the ingredient is mentioned. It's Wolfsbane. You have just been overthinking it"
I began to turn red. How could I have been so stupid, of course, it was Wolfsbane. It was literally in the name of the potion.

I put my head in my hands and groaned.

"I am such an idiot!" I Cried out.

Regulus leaned over and put his hand on my back.
"You're not an idiot y/n. I mean, you are an idiot but not because of this. You are just tired and stressed, so you overlooked the obvious. It's completely okay" he said in a gentle and calm voice.

I picked up my head and glared at him.
"Did you just call me an idiot" I grumbled
Regulus threw his head back in a laugh, and as much as I tried not to, I began to laugh with him.

He had such an infectious laugh. I kind of wished he did it more often.

"Alright, I think it's time to stop for the night, you seem to be getting a little bit hangry." Regulus chuckled
I jokingly began to pout.

"Fine" I sighed.
As I began to pack up our things I took a look at my watch.

It was 10:30!

"Fuck!" I groaned
Regulus looked at me with a confused look on his face.
"What?" He questioned.

" it's 10:30. Dinner ended over an hour ago" I groaned into my hands.
"Damn, that sucks, I was kind of hungry," Regulus said while patting his stomach.

I looked up and took a deep breath.
"It's fine, I will just sneak into the kitchen again," I said passively as I picked up my book bag.

Reguluses head snapped in my direction.

I turned to look at him and saw a shocked look on his face.
"You know how to sneak into the kitchen?" Regulus questioned.

I looked at Regulus with an uninterested expression.
"Yeah, I have been sneaking in there since first year." I casually explained.

I thought it was common knowledge.
Regulus just kept looking at me, dumbfounded.

"So your telling me that every time I went to bed hungry because I missed dinner, I could have just snuck into the kitchen," he asked so I replied with a simple
Reguluses jaw dropped.

"You are taking me there right now" Regulus demanded.
I began to smirk.

"What's the magic word" I said in a singsong voice.
Regulus grumbled.

"Please," he said through gritted teeth.
I looked at him with a cheeky grin.

"Alright, meet me outside of the great hall at eleven, then I will show you"


I leaned against the wall outside of the great hall while I waited for Regulus to show up.

At about 11:05 I saw Regulus run around the corner to meet me.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at him.
"You're late," I said
Regulus just waved his hand as if to say whatever.
"Okay, where do we go now," Regulus asked.
I leaned off the wall and walked over to a different wall. I tapped on it and revealed a downward staircase.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now