Part 2.16

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"Y/n you know I don't condone drugs when it's you" James sternly says.

"I know but it's not for me it's for someone else" I beg.

Everyone knows James has a supply of party drugs for his ragers. Problem is he doesn't allow me or Lily to use them.

"Who are they for then" James raises an eyebrow.

"Ugh I can't tell you but it's not for me" I groan.

"Then the answer is still no, some of this stuff is super addictive"

"Weed isn't addictive" I frown.

"Yes it is, and we both know i only carry wizard wompers and 'spice' for the nerds. Both of which are very addictive"

"Ugh you suck james" I say as I stomp away to my dorm.

In the distance I can hear James call out to me "it's for your own good"

"You're not my dad James" I call back raising my middle finger up too him.


" I don't even know why you still want to go, it honestly seems like he only wants you there for the drugs" lily questions while she sifts through her wardrobe.

"That's not why he invited me, it's just what he suggested so I could get in" I sigh while laying down on my bed.

"He's a slytherin, can't he get you in anyways" lily points out.

"It's more complicated than that, he doesn't want anyone thinking we are more than friends so inviting without a different motive is a bit sketchy".

"Look I'm not going to argue with you over this but I personally think it's not okay" lily scolded me with a hanger in her hand.

Thirty minutes later and there are dresses, skirts, tops, scarves, and hats scattered across the dorm.

We went through her entire wardrobe to try and find the perfect outfit but nothing was what we wanted.

"Ignoring the drug thing this is basically a date so we want you to look cute and hot" lily explained.

"Considering where you are going I think the best outfit for you should be green, dark green" she suggested.

"I agree, I mean I wear green a lot when I'm not at school".

Lily starts scrambling around on the floor looking for a green skirt or dress. She spent five minutes looking around before she jumped up and squealed.

"I've got it" lily yelled while holding up two arrivals of clothing.

In her right hand was a mid length shirt, with a dark green plaid print and a corseted waist.

In her left she held a black tight fitted crop top that had a deep v-neck.

"It's gorgeous" I squealed.

Jumping up off the bed I grabbed the clothes and ran into the bathroom. I put them on and damn did I look good.

The deep v gave my inverted triangle figure a more hourglass shape. It showed some cleavage but not too much.

The skirt gave me a fabulous waist and actually gave me an ass.

I felt beautiful.

I put on some light makeup and tamed my hair.

Walking out of the bathroom I felt like a million galleons. Lily seemed to agree because she stopped cleaning up the room to look at me in awe.

"You look stunning!!!" Lily squealed while jumping for joy.

"I feel like it's missing something, maybe my hair?" I asked.

Lily looked at me, contemplating.

"Oooo I know," lily went to her box of ribbons and pulled out a maroon one.

She went behind me and did a half up, half down look and put the ribbon in my hair.

"Perfect" she sighed with relief.

Walking over to the mirror in our room I looked at myself and suddenly got nervous.

"What if he likes me when I'm like this but not when I'm dressed normally" I whispered.

"Then he's stupid a good for nothing slytherin ass"


I may have been dressed up in slytherin colors but I am well known amongst the other slytherins, apparently.

So before heading to the slytherin common room I took a pit stop at the potions classroom and got to work.

I didn't want anybody to see me going in so I stud still and transformed into a crow.

I flew over to the classroom and entered through an open window above the door.

One benefit of being the top of your class in a subject is that you know how to abuse your knowledge.

Fun fact: powdered dragons claw is like wizard cocaine.

Another fun fact: 'spice' gives an incredible trip and it is made of two ingredients. Bat poop, and fairy wings.

Using this knowledge I quickly walked over to the ingredients closet and I grabbed my needed items.

I ground up two whole dragon claws and made two bags worth of 'spice'.

After Cleaning up my mess I put my concoctions into my messenger bag and left the classroom like nothing ever happened.

I took large strides down to the common room and took a deep breath.

You've got this, they will let you in. You have fucking drugs, how could they say no!

I took another breath




*knock knock knock*


Sorry this one is short, I want the party to be its own chapter so I made this one a bit short.

I hope everyone is doing great and I hope everyone loved the last few chapters.

I am currently trying to crank out the last few chapters so I can get to the good stuff. Especially since I have an idea for an original story and I will need time to come up with stuff for both of the stories.

I don't have anything to say right now other than this but I hope everyone who is in school has a great spring break.

If you are enjoying the story please vote and please comment, I read every single comment I get and they give me the urge to write.

And again happy spring break!!!

Lots of Love,

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