7. Motherly Protection

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Quite expected right?😉 This chapter will be the turning point in Safiyya's life. Allah watches and plans everything. Always remember that.

Safiyya's lips parted but no words came out. How…what is this boy saying?

Joseph panicked seeing her lack of response and another round of tears started again. "Nobody wants me. They just hate me. Even Daddy doesn't stay with me. I want a mother. Please be my mummy, Angel." he cried.

"Please don't cry?" Safiyya pleaded. He was putting her in a spot where her decision would be detrimental to each choice. Of course, a part of her wanted to accept this and stop him from crying.

"If you don't love me, why did you approach me?!" he hiccuped, looking helpless and pitiful.

"Of course, I love you, baby," she replied rubbing his hair.

"Then you are my mummy," he added. Seeing as the rejection and pain were making the little boy panic and confused, Safiyya chose to follow her heart.

She held his cheek and stared right into his eyes. "You don't have to worry baby. I will be your mummy okay?"

Joseph stooped crying before a blossoming grin formed on his face. She agreed? She agreed! No one will say that he doesn't have a mother anymore.

"Mummy!" he cried out happily and hugged her neck. He has never been this happy that it felt new and special to him. Even if it was a dream, he didn't want to wake up. He has someone to call mother now.

Safiyya was so overwhelmed by Jospeh's emotions that a genuine smile formed on her beautiful face. It's been a while since she felt this happy. It was surreal and she did know of the consequences of this action, but since Allah brought this child to her, she had to accept the beautiful destiny. 

She held him closely like a mother would with her son.
"My name is Safiyya. You can call me that okay? Safiyya," she whispered in his his, rubbing his soft hair gently.

"Alright, Mummy Sofiyya," Joseph nodded with a smile. He will do anything his mother asks for. "My name is Joseph."

Safiyya hummed and said, "Yousef. I'll call you Yousef."

Joseph was silent for a while, simply lying in her embrace while Safiyya brushed his hair. He soon pulled back with a grin. "Your first gift Mummy Sofiyya. You gave me a name."

"It's the same. Yousef is the alternative name for Joseph in the Quran." Safiyya replied and Joseph gave a quizzical look. "What's that?" he asked.

"Oh, that's the holy book of my religion. I'm a Muslim, " she said pointing at her hijab.

Joseph reached out and tapped her head. "Your hair is covered. So cute," he chuckled.

Safiyya smiled wryly and pulled his nose fondly. "You are a child and me, an adult but you dare call me cute," she said teasingly and he chortled. "That's the truth, Mummy."

Safiyya pulled his cheek as the way he called her mummy made her feel pleased in her heart.

The lights suddenly blinked again and with a beeping sound, the door opened again, revealing a large empty warehouse. Standing before them were the brute, his assistant who had blond hair with tattoos all over, and the one-eyed older man, who was probably the driver.

Upon sighting these scary people, Joseph shivered and hugged Safiyya again tightly, shutting his eyes. Safiyya was also scared but she tried her best not to show it to Yousef. He will need her strength now more than ever.

She glanced fearfully at their kidnappers and started chanting the ayatul qursiyy in her mind.

The brute folded his arms while the blonde man had his hands in his pockets with a smirk. The supposed leader walked closer to the boot and snickered watching his captives.

"Well well. Now what do we have here?" he hummed. "How easy it was to get Alfred Hill's son. If I didn't know him well, I would have thought that I caught his baby mama and son," he added, giving Safiyya a menacing that made her turn her gaze. Joseph's father must have made this man an enemy and the feud between them should be tremendous for him to take his son. But that was just disgusting.

"Now…" he stated and slapped the car with his palms which further made Joseph flinch. "Get down!"

Safiyya pulled Joseph closer and ignored the man. This brought a smirk on his face and he said, "Stone doesn't take no for an answer. Jasper!"

The brute sauntered over and before Safiyya could react, he grabbed her and pulled her down. She groaned in pain and disgust as he pulled her further into the warehouse and stopped. She managed to hold on to Joseph as she glared at them, eyes filled with hatred. From their actions, they had no respect for a child, not a woman. The worst kind of men in the world.

"Come on Jasp. Can't you see the veil on her head? Women like her don't like being touched," The blonde man said sarcastically.

"No stress, Lawrenzo," Jasper scoffed and they laughed.

"Shut up," Stone glared at them before going closer to Safiyya and Joseph.

"My goal was to take Joseph Hill but you just had to witness it and to let no witness all, we had to take you too. Now give that boy to me," he said to Safiyya and stretched his gloved hands.

Safiyya took two steps back shaking her head.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be stubborn and hand him over because you have no idea what I can do to you," Stone threatened. He had no time for nonsense that with spoil his years of planning.

Safiyya shivered but still refused to hand Joseph over. The way the boy was shaking suppressed her fears and who knew what these crooks would do to the child?

Stone was already pissed off and instantly grabbed Joseph's hand.
"Give him to me!" he shouted.

"Mummy! Don't let him take me!" Joseph cried out, scared of falling into this man's hands. 

"Leave him!" Safiyya yelled and held Joseph strongly. She didn't know where she was getting the strength from but all she knew was that the has to protect this child that became her son in a few minutes.

Stone was surprised as he couldn't take a child from a weak woman, and so were his minions. He only managed to get her bag.

Fuming, he let them go and ordered, "Lock them!"

"Yes boss," Lawrenzo affirmed and took out a one-button remote. After pressing it, green beams lined up like a cage, blocking Safiyya and Joseph.

Safiyya did her best to suppress her cries as she lulled Joseph.

Stone clenched his fist with a hiss. "I would get what I want even with a change in plan. Heh, I wonder what Alfred Hill is feeling right now, after taking his crazy sick son under his nose." The thought alone made Stone feel proud of himself. That too, in his store.

Safiyya already noticed that Joseph had a health issue but hearing this crazy guy mention it shamelessly made her angry.

She turned her head to him and spat. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You have a grudge against a man but instead of confronting him yourself, you kidnapped an innocent child and you have the face of a boost about it. You are just a coward!"

Stone's face became more fierce but Safiyya fearlessly met his gaze. She didn't know where that confidence was coming from, but since she couldn't fight for herself,  she had to fight for her son!

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