16. Start from here

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Safiyya walked steadily behind Irene after they left the accounting test class. She still can't understand what was happening. Surely, Alfred Hill was behind this but what are they going to do, taking her away from the test that she will likely pass? Irene said that her talent would be suppressed there. Does that mean that they were given her a higher position? But that sounded surreal. Especially, after she knew Alfred detests her…somehow.

She couldn't help but glance at Irene who was walking elegantly, with her head held up high. What a classy woman.

Irene stopped before an elevator and it opened before they went it. She took a side glimpse at Safiyya and a smirk twitched on her lips. And there she thought that she would get a lot of questions.

Safiyya was surprised when they stopped at the second floor. Why did they come down instead of up? Irene didn't say anything and Safiyya decided not to ask too. They passed through a quiet hallway and Irene stopped before the fifth door and opened it with her card. She walked in and Safiyya had no choice but to follow her.

It didn't directly lead to a room as she thought, a larger door and a smaller one by the side that are restrooms. The place was lit but Safiyya didn't have a good feeling. 

"You are patient, " Irene remarked as she turned to face Safiyya. "I'm sure you know what's happening right?"

"I'm afraid I don't," Safiyya answered truthfully.

Irene clicked her tongue and replied, "You were just living a peaceful and boring life with no hindrance but you just had to get involved in Alfred's life. Don't you think, that it isn't nice?"

"I didn't do anything wrong," Safiyya defended.

"Oh come on," Irene rolled her eyes. "Joseph is a part of Alfred's life that he doesn't want everyone to know. The poor child got kidnapped and you took advantage of his weakness to cheat him."

"I did not do such a thing. I only helped the boy," Safiyya returned. This was just a misunderstanding. 

"Do I look like I believe you?" Irene raised her eyebrows. "You don't know what damage you cause scarfie. So, I will warn you not to make things worse than they are."

Safiyya knew things were already bad, so she might as well just defend herself. She didn't come here to sit without a fight.
"You all are just misunderstanding this issue. If you ask me, the person who is hurting Joseph is his father, not me,"

Irene frowned at these words. "It seems you have no idea who you are messing with."

"There isn't fairness in this world anymore and I can see that." Safiyya returned. "This is between me and Sir Alfred. I don't know why he will send someone to scare me rather than doing it himself."

Irene covered her lips lightly and chuckled, "Oh my. You are so lucky that I am the one who came. If not, you wouldn't be running your mouth with no ounce of respect."

Safiyya took a deep breath and nodded, "This is a well-respected company and I came for a job interview which you just interrupted and brought me here. I want to know the reason?" she inquired.

Irene was still surprised by the girl's fearless attitude but smiled inwardly. It's more interesting that way. She rubbed her fingers while humming, "You seem to be so desperate for a job and ended up in Hill Corp. I get that you have great grades but as for any working experience, I don't think so. And I am not interested in you working in the marketing department at all, so I brought you where you deserve to be."

Safiyya was skeptical as she started at the grin on Irene's face. You should never judge a book by its cover.

"Let's go in," Irene turned around and opened the big door. Safiyya was welcomed with a very wide office that had lockers arranged at the top, big desks at different corners with stacked files and boxes, large photocopying machines, air conditioners, and filing cabinets. 

"Welcome to the filing office C10," Irene spread her arms with a smile. She clasped her fingers and turned to Safiyya whose brows were right.

"I will be working here?" Safiyya asked, keeping the surprise away.

"That's why I love you girl. You are smart," Itene grinned and called out, "Gab!"

A head popped out from behind a filing cabinet and the surprised man rushed towards the women. The man was short with a black mustache and beard. He was wearing black trousers and a white shirt and even in the cool room, he was sweating. 

"Ma'am Irene, sorry I didn't notice anyone coming in. It's being tough today, " he started and finally reached them. There was deep respect in his eyes, as he hardly looked at Irene.

"Well, that is fixed now. Your new assistant is here," Irene returned pointing at Safiyya.

"Just her?" Gabriel was surprised. Irene shrugged and said to Safiyya. "Hill Corp is a high-tech sophisticated company but since we don't only invent and deal with computers all the time, filing is still done. Here, you have to do a lot of photocopying, stamping of incoming and outgoing mail and packaging, arrangement of files to be delivered to other departments, and whatever. Gab will enlighten more."

Safiyya glanced at Gabriel and saw the uncertainty in his eyes.

"There shouldn't be any problem right?" Irene said with a raised eyebrow.

"No Maam Irene. I'll instruct her well," Gabriel quickly said.

"That's good. And don't forget, she is your assistant. I don't want to hear any complaints that mistakes have been made from this office," Irene cautioned and he nodded. She turned to Safiyya. "Everybody has to start from somewhere to prosper in life. Don't complain that I bought you to do hard labor here because every job in this company counts. Working here will build your experience, so you better not disappoint me."

"I understand, " Safiyya gave a faint smile.

"Good," Irene adjusted her hair behind her ears before turning to leave.

"Ma'am Irene?" Safiyya called out, making the woman stop. "Will I be promoted if I work efficiently?" she asked.

"Of course," Irene smirked and left the room.

Safiyya exhaled with a tight smile. They want to break her and make her now down, keeping Yousef away from her, well, they are a mistake. What Irene said was right, everyone and to start from somewhere. At least, they didn't go as far as making her a cleaner. This job was way better than nothing. She can only thank Allah because, for the last month, she had been looking for one and got none but mockery.

"It isn't as easy as you think miss."

What do you think about Irene?😌

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