31. Their thoughts around their son.

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A new arc begins!😁

Safiyya shifted her gaze back to Joseph in her arms while Alfred walked into the room.
"You can leave now," he said in a low voice. Safiyya stopped her movement and nodded. She didn't want to push Alfred's patience too much because logically, he had all rights to his son while she was merely a stranger to them. Even though she didn't want to leave Yousef now, she knew she had to…for now.

Safiyya gently separated from Joseph and got down from the bed. She smoothened her skirt and slowly walked passed him when he told her to wait. Safiyya was skeptical as to why until he walked to the bed and picked a paper.

He handed it over to her and said, "Go to the pharmacy and take the drugs, then go home,"

"I have to work," she said as she collected.

"Go home or didn't you hear what the doctor told you?" he scowled.

Safiyya pursed her lips and watched him approach his son.
"Thank you," she muttered but he didn't answer and caressed Joseph's face. Safiyya looked at Joseph one more time before walking out.

Alfred heard the door close and exhaled. He gently clasped Joseph's small hands in his and kissed his knuckles. His other palm cradled his son's face and he whispered words only he could hear.
"Joseph, you are my son and I love you a lot. Seeing you ignore me every day hurts me more than you can think. I don't want you to hate me because it's going to break your father. So, don't hate me okay? Give me some time and I will fix this. I promise," he closed his eyes and laid his head close to his son. A single tear slipped down his cheek, unknown to anyone but his Lord.

Meanwhile, Safiyya arrived home and snuggled in her bed. She had applied the new ointment after praying asr and cooked something to eat. It was already 9 pm but she didn't feel like sleeping as she couldn't get Yousef off her mind. How is he doing now?

She sat up and decided to call Old Xav.
"Joseph is at home now with his father. Even though he's still not talking to his father, they are currently watching TV together," Old Xav told her.

"Oh," Safiyya pursed her lips and smiled. "Alhamdulillah. That's great Old Xav. I am at home already, so no need to come pick me up,"

"That's nice miss Sofiyya, have a nice rest," he said and they ended the call. She didn't get to sleep until Jessy returned.
"You are home early today," Jessy said surprisingly as they met in the kitchen.

Safiyya smiled and poured water in two cups handing one to Jessy.

"A lot happened today," she shrugged.

Jessy's eyes widened and she exclaimed, "Don't tell me that you quit?!"

"Come on, No!" Safiyya pouted and harrumphed.

"I was just joking. Tell me," Jessy laughed.

Safiyya explained to her all that happened today and it made Jessy silent for a while.

"Poor boy, it seems his case is serious. No wonder Mr. Hill is very cautious of his son's safety," she said and Safiyya couldn't help but agree. Any parent would be overprotective of their child.

Jessy hummed and looked at your friend. "That man suddenly became nice to you bestie. Are you sure he's not smitten by you?"

Safiyya immediately choked on the water she was drinking and Jessy quickly rubbed her back.

"Sorry," she muttered, earning a glare from her friend but she only laughed.

"Stop laughing Jessy. It's not funny," Safiyya pouted as her face turned red. "I am worried about Yousef and you are talking nonsense!"

"Okay, hold your horses," Jessy held up her hands in surrender. She played with the cup in her hand and stated, "Speaking of that Sofiyya, haven't you ever thought of the future? If Joseph keeps calling you his mother and you get married, would your husband agree to this? You can't shun the fact that because of Joseph, you will be interacting with his father. How would your husband and family feel?"

Safiyya's countenance fell and rubbed her knuckles nervously. "I haven't thought that far too,"

Jessy hummed and went to the rack to keep her cup. "Anyways before that, I've never heard you talking about a crush or something in the four years we've been together. Are you sure no one is courting you?" she turned around and asked with squinted eyes.

"Quit it," Safiyya rolled her eyes. Jessy smiled mischievously and came closer.
"Are you sure that there is no one you have eyes on?" she whispered with wriggled eyebrow. Safiyya glared at her friend but couldn't help but remember that tall Arabian brother. Stop it Safiyya, he's like an elder brother!

"There is no one Jessy!" she retorted and pushed the cup to her friend.

Jessy quickly held the cup and chuckled. "Come on girl. The main reason you came to the States was because your parents wanted you to get married. If you go back someday without a fiance, someone that you love, won't they still get you in an arranged marriage?" she reasoned.

Safiyya parted her lips but ended up saying nothing. "I was going to sleep anyways," she said and walked back to the bedroom.

"This is really something," Jessy sighed and went in to take a bath.

It was Saturday and the two friends were at home. Safiyya calmly sat on the round cushion hugging a fluffy pillow as she watched the TV disinterestedly. They were supposed to be resting but her mind was just thinking about Joseph and she couldn't help it.

Ding! The doorbell was rung and she exhaled heavily and buried her head into the pillow. "Jessy, check the door. Who are you expecting?" she muffled.

"No one, as far as I am concerned," Jessy shrugged and walked up to the door.

"I wonder who," she opened it and came face to face with an aged man. He smiled and waved at her which she returned awkwardly.

"Is this where Miss Sofiyya lives?" he asked.

"Ah yeah," Jessy nodded and tilted her head. "Sofiyya, you have a guest!" she shouted and turned to the man. "She will be out in a minute,"

"Okay, okay," he smiled and Jessy stepped aside. Safiyya shortly came forward after covering her head with her hijab and was pleasantly surprised. "Old Xav?" she gasped at the old man.

"Good morning, " Old Xav smiled and waved his hand.

"Good morning. I wonder… what happened?" she asked nervously. 

He laughed awkwardly and explained, "Nothing serious Sofiyya. I brought you a gift," he said and shifted from the door.

"Hi, Mummy!" the young boy waved his hand at her with a wide grin.

"Yousef?" Safiyya exclaimed, staring at Joseph with her mouth agape. He was standing there in a red t-shirt with a white collar and sleeves coupled with brown shorts and white sneakers.

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