41. Irene's warning

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Salam people. Sorry for the late update but I've been anxious because my results were supposed to be out today, so I couldn't write yesterday but it's been postponed to tomorrow In Sha Allah.

And it's your writer's birthday today. I'm not celebrating but I love the day every year. So yeah.

Back to SBM, got quite a shock in the last chapter right? The moment we have been waiting for is here. Let's do the shipping. Shall we?

The floors felt light suddenly and even as she stood in the elevator, Safiyya couldn't feel her legs. The words spoken in the office kept playing in her head.

'Who said I am?

'I don't need to tell the whole world that I am a Muslim nor do I want you to ask any questions about it. You just have to know that you aren't breaking any rule by marrying me and it will be a short time. Until Joseph gets better.

'You have been delaying this for a while, so we have to rush things up. I don't know who you would call but do it fast. You need a witness anyway. I'll come to pick you up later and we will go to the masjid. Also, pack your things and don't waste my time.

'You are moving in tonight!'

Safiyya came out of the elevator and bit her fingers nervously. She wasn't startled when he mentioned the marriage proposal but the fact that he was a convert. Like, she should be happy right? But it was still astonishing. And they had to rush it. Like, she was getting married. For real!

Safiyya was panicking inside. What will her family do if they find out? And saying it was for a short time means she would be divorced. Yousef is involved too and she doesn't know if she can break his heart later. They had to fight the present but her mind couldn't help but think of the future.

"You seem excited about your job now. Don't you?" a voice brought her out of reverie. She halts in her footsteps and her gaze met with Irene's.
"Ma'am Irene," she greeted respectfully.

"Oh, acting responsibly. Aren't you?" Irene hissed, taking Safiyya by surprise. Her mind was already in turmoil, so she just stayed mute.

Irene's heels clicked as she came closer to the young lady.
"I gave you a good job to do and it was for your good but what did you do? You complained. And it seems you got your way into the CEO's good book and he made work so much easier for you."

Safiyya lowered her gaze not wanting to comment.
"You are suddenly quiet?" Irene gasped. "You weren't like this when you spoke softly to Alfred. Were you?"

Safiyya raised her head surprisingly at the statement. What's this woman saying?

Irene smirked and folded her arms. "Don't act surprised with me because I am not stupid. I know Alfred and he doesn't give a damn about women, so I wonder what you did to make him forgive you. The same woman who caused his son pain." she said and bored her gaze into Safiyya's. "Tell me, sweet girl. Or do you Muslim women have a way to have men wrapped around your fingers?"

"I won't let you insult my religion ma'am. I do respect you but I can't stand where this conversation is going," Safiyya said calmly but anger was laced in her voice. She hardly cares about the insults she gets but when it concerns her religion, she has to speak up.

Irene laughed using her palm to cover her lips. "Come on. Don't get feisty so suddenly," she said. "You know what you did and I am not interested in knowing what dirty moves you do. I won't stoop so low and don't worry, I will promote you when the time comes. I don't want to provoke the CEO's favorite right?"

"I have work to do," Safiyya started and tried walking past Irene but the woman grabbed her arm. Too bad nobody was in the corridor to notice this. Safiyya took a deep breath and gazed at Irene.

"Don't always run off from a little argument. I will give you a small piece of advice," Irene said sardonically.

"What Alfred might be showing you is not the whole him. He doesn't forgive easily. Heck, I doubt if he does. He might just be playing you so if I were you, I would tread carefully and stay away from him. Well, unless you want to get hurt badly."

Safiyya smiled and pulled her hand out gently. "You are right ma'am Irene. Sir Alfred hasn't shown me all of him. Why would he?" she shrugged. "And I am a Muslim. I don't believe in just what I hear from others without verifying them and I don't argue unnecessarily. I have work to do, have a nice day," she added and walked away.

Irene watched her leave with squinted eyes and a clenched fist. Not only is the person she has been supporting drifting away from her but he was supporting someone that he was supposed to hate. She couldn't put a finger on what was happening and dared not investigate because Alfred would surely find out and that would just add to her black stain.

Promotion huh? She smirked. We will see about that.

Meanwhile, Safiyya returned to the office and sat behind her desk. She walked away from Irene but the words were etched on her mind. Is it true that Alfred hasn't forgiven her and might take revenge in the future? What if he is just waiting for his son to be okay before torturing her? He didn't request help but threatened her to do it.

"Hasbunallahu was ni'I'm wakeel," she repeated in her mind and calmed down. "Don't assume the worse Safiyya. You have Allah and he will assist in your fights. This is for Yousef,"

Now the main issue. She can't tell Aunt Touba and risk exposing it to her mother. She has been on phone calls with Ruwaida but she never mentioned Yousef to her and knowing the situation that her dead Ammi was in, she wouldn't risk making it worse.

She rubbed her temples and kept on working. When it was time for ASR, she sat down on the prayer mat and called a number.

The call went through before they picked up.
"Salam Safiyya. How are you?" the male voice sounded.

"Wa alaikumussalam Aabdeen uncle. I'm fine," she replied. She decided to call Aunt Touba's husband. He was an understanding person and never associated with her family, so telling him the secret wouldn't hurt.

"Masha Allah. Your aunt said that you have a job now. Congratulations, " he said.

"Jazakallahu Khair," Safiyya replied and took a deep breath before saying, "I need a favor Aabdeen uncle but I want it to be a secret between us,"

"Oh, what is it?" Aabdeen asked.

She calculated her words and stated, "I am getting married uncle and I need you to be my waliyy,"

There was silence and thumping of her before he asked, "Your father doesn't know about this right?"

"Ji ( yes), and I don't want them to know. They wanted me to get married years ago and if I tell them about it, they will force me to come back," she explained.

"Alright. I understand. When is it?" he asked straightaway, surprising her. Anyways, that's good.

"Today. After maghrib,"

Safiyya left work early and went home to take a bath. She came out of the bathroom and wore a dark blue abaya. Taking her phone, she called up Jessy while drying her hair.

"What's up?" Jessy asked.

"Come home now Jessy. I am leaving tonight. Very soon," Safiyya told her.

"What?!" Jessy exclaimed. "Wait, I thought  you didn't want to,"

"Uh, change of plan. Sir Alfred proposed marriage and we are getting married now and I'm moving into the house too. Just come off please," she said in one breath and threw the towel, picking up the hairbrush next.

"Oh my gosh! Give me ten minutes," Jessy said and hung up.

Safiyya was nervous as she tied her hair. She can't believe that she is getting married. Like seriously?!

What she dreamt of was a loving prince, a function in their mansion with full support from her Abooh and Nana, a beautiful lehenga with jewelry, a nikkah, walimah, hands designed with henna but now….

This was different. She sighed and wore her cap before pinning her large hijab. Her suitcase was ready already and all she needed to do was wait.

Is this Allah's plan for her?

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