59. Her side of the story.

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What did you do?

The question made Irene shudder but she kept her calm and responded, "I don't understand why you are accusing me too Alfred? Have you forgotten that you were the one who linked me with that woman?"

"I clearly told you to stop. Why was she suddenly taken to another office and working what she isn't supposed to?" He inquired staring at the directly.

Irene stood up indignantly. "Sofiyya herself said that Lando took her there? Why didn't she report it and just accept it? Isn't that suspicious? You know me, Alfred. I won't stoop so low to her standards!"

"Do I look stupid to you now Irene?" Alfred scowled, getting annoyed by her denial.

"But I won't accept something that I didn't do?" she retorted. "And why are you supporting someone like her when you clearly dislike her but I, who have been supporting you all these years…you are suspecting me. I feel betrayed Alfred,"

"Are you trying to make me feel guilty by bringing that up?" Alfred frowned watching her unbelievably. "This is about an injustice done to one of my employees and I can't lose their trust even if it means that it's you. I respect you a lot because of your help but that doesn't mean that I will tolerate every nonsense from you,"

Irene gasped and held her chest with reddened eyes. "You still don't believe me, Alfred? I thought that if the whole world were against me, you would trust me but you are believing a Muslim woman over me. What's gotten over you? Have you forgotten what she did to your son?"

"That is for me to worry about," Alfred interjected seriously. "I trust you not to make such a mistake and that's why I hope that you are not involved. Don't do anything more stupid if you know what's good for you,"

Irene held his gaze fuming but being who she is, she soon calmed down. "I have work to do than go after lowly people," she said and stormed out sassily.

Alfred frowned and rubbed his temples. He didn't know why he got angry this time. He wanted to believe Irene but her actions were suspicious and it puzzled him as to why she was doing this. And Safiyya, why did she hide this from him and everyone? It's better to investigate first.

Irene stormed into her office and dropped her head on the table. Her fingers were red from the pressure she put on them and her teeth kept clenching. She was supposed to be an elegant and classy lady with her emotions always in check but this man was breaking her. Having him show his support for that girl was fueling her jealousy.

Not only is Safiyya beautiful but talented also which drew her attention. That girl shouldn't affect her but she is.

She took a deep breath and raised her head. Leaning into the chair, she narrowed her eyes thinking of her predicament. She has sealed Lando's mouth and even if he is interrogated, he wouldn't dare say anything but Alfred had the means to investigate more.

"I have been working in Hill Corp for almost five years now, I have my ways, dear Alfred," she smirked confidently.

Meanwhile, Lex brought Safiyya to A5 and his office. His secretary brought her things over and he immediately signed her documents. She would be joining the others as the tenth member and she assured her that he would get to the bottom of her case with Lando. Safiyya was very appreciative and when she met with the others, it was a beautiful reunion.

Of course, now that she was asked to head their project, she knew she had a lot to do. She spent the remaining day following up on what they had done before and getting ready for the next. But her mind kept drifting to how she would face Alfred. He will surely question her and why she lied.

She left for home after 7 today and spent some time with Joseph before he fell asleep. She felt worried because Joseph was starting his exams on Monday and she promised to be there with him but it did not coincide with her work because they had to be active there. This puts her in a dilemma on what to do.

It seemed like Alfred would be coming home late, so she continued her work until her phone rang. She checked and saw his number making her bite her fingers. Should she tell the truth or not? But will he believe her over his vice?

Safiyya wore a kimono and her hijab before going downstairs. She saw Alfred before the fireplace, sitting on the rug before the couch. He was in a brown sweater over white sweatpants and his hair was love, falling on his shoulders. He has his hands folded and eyes closed with just his phone in front of him.

There is no escaping. Safiyya thought and took gentle steps toward him. She sat on the rug too beside the second couch.

Alfred opened his eyes and glanced at her who had her head lowered and fiddling with her fingers. This girl was hiding something and it was very evident.

"Why did you lie?" he asked calmly.

"That…I didn't…" she grumbled.

"Look up at me and speak the truth," he snapped and she glared at him with a pout. "I didn't have a choice play? You should ask politely,"

Alfred gasped and kept his hands on his knees. "You hid something so important and instead of answering straightforwardly, you are acting like a victim," he scolded.

"Of course, I am a victim here!" she protested. "At first I was sent to the filing office but didn't complain because ma'am Irene told me I would be promoted. Only for me to find out how hard it would be. I tried to convince you that it was my fault in what happened to Joseph but you didn't listen. The work became so hectic and…." she breathed remembering the arduous work, tiring nights, and swollen fingers. She didn't even know why she was ranting right now.

Alfred stayed quiet and just listened. He did feel guilty because he initiated this.

Safiyya pursed and continued looking straight at the heavy curtain. "I reported this case before it got better. You specifically told me not to seek a promotion until after a month. I waited and was excited when Gab gave me the promotion letter. But then, Lando came to me,"

Alfred's ears perked as the important detail was now.

"He has been the one pestering me since and I knew something was wrong," she spat angrily but her voice was still soft. It was like it wasn't meant to be angry.
"I was calm then but I won't lie that I was angry. They took me to A20 and the supervisor didn't even check my file. I left them with their plan and wanted to see how long it will last,"

"That is a foolish thing to do Safiyya," Alfred stated. "You can't always agree to injustice and do whatever someone asks you to,"

"I know that," she said with her shoulder slumped. "It's not my fault that I am like that. I don't like fighting violence with violence and chose to be patient so many times. I shouldn't have accepted that stupid challenge,"

"What challenge?" Alfred asked with a frown.

Safiyya breathed before replying. "Lando works for ma'am Irene and when all those strange things were happening in the filing office, he kept blocking us from reporting. No one was willing to help and I know it's because she has the power to stop them. But then you repaired our system and brought new workers there. There was nothing ma'am Irene could do. I don't know why she was angry or kept bothering me after you stepped down. She challenged me not to report my promotion and that's the reason that I lied,"

Alfred became more confused at this. "What's the big deal about that stupid challenge that made you compromise your rights?"

"Because…" Safiyya hesitated at first but still spilled it out. "It's because she thinks that I seduced you into supporting me and that I'm using you to my advantage. You are supposed to hate me for hurting your son. I can't prove her right because that's not the truth. That's the other reason that I stayed quiet,"

Alfred was speechless listening to this. He knew of Irene's affection toward him but he didn't want anything to do with a relationship and he knew how egotistical she was, so it surprised him how low she went to go after Safiyya. But why would she think that Safiyya was using him?

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