43. A memorable day.

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He stood beside the slightly ajar door as he watched his bubbly son show Safiyya around his room. The boy literally showed her everything, from the bed, the closet, his toy set, the AI system, and even the bathroom.

Alfred didn't know when he breathed relief. It felt like he dropped something heavy off his shoulders. In the morning when he asked Safiyya about the marriage, he suddenly felt guilty like he was taking advantage of her helplessness. He didn't care about being divorced later but what about her? She was still young, pursuing her dreams but because of Joseph, she agreed. It still puzzled him as to how someone could be that selfless.

In order not to make her disagree, he had to expose the fact that he converted to Islam. It was a secret not even his best friend or…you know who, know about. Having lived a life with no direction and spiritual protection, the religion amazed him then and he kept doing research. Adding to the fact that he worked with Muslims too, he became drawn to the religion. Unfortunately, when he converted, Farah started her madness and he had trepidation about telling them. At some times, he felt like it was a mistake but what about the research he made?

Farah's crime made him lose hope in Muslims that he broke ties with his best friend but that didn't mean that he completely lost hope in the religion and Allah. When everyone abandoned him but he was still breathing and had food to eat, how watched over him if not Allah. So, even if he wasn't a practicing Muslim, in his heart, he knows that he is a Muslim.

Arranging for the marriage ceremony wasn't stressful. He drove to her apartment and took his time thinking in his car. Is this a mistake that he will regret in his life or not? But one this is for sure, he doesn't trust her as a Muslim but he trusts the bond she shared with his son. 

He called her number and she came out with her friend. Her beautiful face which was illuminated by the blue clothes she wore showed how nervous she was. It showed so much in those sparkling eyes. And he remembered clearly, that was what caught his attention when first saw her. Her eyes.

Pushing those thoughts behind him, he asked her to keep her bag despite feeling off for not doing it, but he didn't want to sound nice at all.

When she got to the car, her nervousness just increased and she was fiddling with her fingers. He couldn't help but tell her to calm down, in a different manner that is. She hardly responded and closed her eyes, leaning into the seat and she looked so peaceful like that. Like an angel.

He stopped before the masjid and sighed at the building he hardly visited. He called out to her to go out but she was in another land so he had to knock on the window before she came out. They met her uncle and he was surprised that the man didn't ask any questions concerning the marriage.

The ceremony started with the Imam and when she was asked about her consent, she raised her head and looked at her. He had to throw her an inquisitive look wondering if she was having second thoughts but exhaled when she agreed.

When he was asked, he answered casually because he felt nothing this time. It was like his heart was dead already and buried beneath an ice rink.

They came out and she had to ask him about Salat and sounded surprised when he said that he wasn't a practicing Muslim. She looked frightened too. It was true that he didn't pray all the time, but he found time to come over to pray sometimes.

Whether it was her scared look or just the weather, he decided to join today. And when his forehead touched the ground that night, he felt a wave of peace shroud him. The feeling held him so tightly that he felt his hand shaking and an unsettling emotion inside. He became frightened and left the masjid for his car. He sat there quietly wondering what just happened when Safiyya returned. Her nervousness was gone though and that was when he realized. This woman is his wife now. Wife! That word wasn't new but sounded like one to him.

He shook his thoughts off and drove to his mansion. The excitement that his son showed after knowing Safiyya was moving in with them was something he would pay billions for. He didn't realize that a faint smile formed on his face.

They rushed upstairs while Old Xav walked over to him.
"I am glad you did the right thing," he said.

"I only did this for my son," Alfred returned.

Old Xav sighed and rubbed his bald head. "It seems I won't be taking care of Joseph from now. His mother will. So, take care of yourself and call me anytime."

Alfred stared at the old man that has been there for him all his life and tipped his head.
"Thank you Old Xav," he thanked him sincerely.

The old man waved his hand at this. "Forget is Alfred. It's my duty. I'll leave now, " he said and slapped the young man's shoulder. "Miss Safiyya is a good human. Don't worry,"

Alfred walked Old Xav out before he opened his car trunk and took out Safiyya's bags. One small and the other big. He held them and walked upstairs and that's how he saw that beautiful scene.

He breathed and entered the room.
"Oh, hey Dad!" Joseph waved at him and pulled Safiyya over. Even though she was smiling, he could see that she was still not completely settled.

"I showed mummy everywhere in my room. She is staying in my room right?" Joseph asked curiously.

"Yes, Joseph," he answered and looked at Safiyya. "This room is monitored by a tech system, KC. That gadget beside the bed. You can ask her if you need anything or want to call someone. The door is activated with the body temperature. Just register with the KC,"

She nodded and they went back to the gadget for her to register. Safiyya was surprised as it read basic information about her before registering.

"Okay, Joseph. Good night," Alfred waved at his son.

"Good night Dad," Joseph waved back but shook his head and ran up to his father, hugging his leg. "Thank you," he muttered and Alfred's gaze softened. "Be a good boy to your mum,"

"I will," Joseph grinned and Alfred glanced briefly at Safiyya before leaving the room. They locked the door and she couldn't help but smile at Joseph's giddiness.

"Someone is happy," she smiled and pinched his nose.

"I am super happy Mummy. I get to see you every day," Joseph returned.

"That's right," she agreed. "We will sleep beside each other, we will eat together and I will take you to school and have fun together. That sounds fun right?"

"Super fun!" he bobbed his head.

"That's my sweet boy," she pinched his cheeks and went to pull her bags. "Help me arrange my clothes, son,"

"I'd love to," Joseph returned shyly and opened the closet. One part was occupied with his clothes and hung what needed hanging in one part.

"Yousef, have you taken your bath yet?" she turned around and asked.

"Yes, mummy," Joseph replied raising his pajamas. Safiyya slapped her forehead as she didn't notice in her clouding thoughts.
"Okay, Yousef. I'll take a quick bath and you can tell me about your day," she said and he nodded.

After taking a bath and wearing a lost pajama and lace cap, she tucked Joseph into bed and laid down beside him. He cuddled around her and she wrapped her arms around him securely. 

"So, what did you do for the weekend?" she asked, stroking his soft hair.

"I ate, read my books, and played with Old Xav. We will play tomorrow right mummy?" he returned.

"We will," she smiled and the moment just reminded her of her mother. Joseph was quiet just enjoying his new abode. "Do you what a bedtime story?" she asked.

"KC usually read to me but tonight, I want to stay quiet with Mummy," he returned in a soft voice.

Safiyya smiled and kissed his forehead. "I love that too baby," she said and blew some dua before closing her eyes.


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