23. Hope.

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"Good sir?" Safiyya exclaimed after seeing who stopped before her. It was that old taxi driver she met the other day. The man waved before her face and asked kindly, "Pretty miss. Do you need a ride?" 

Safiyya parted her lips, recognizing that she was still outside before standing up and wiping her face clean. 

"Yes, good sir. Thank you," she answered. 

The old man smiled and led her to the car. Safiyya sat down and blew air from her mouth trying to calm herself even more. Speaking to her Ammi made her feel much mother and more confident. Next was to find an easier way to Yousef. 

"Your name is Safiyya right?" the old man asked a question that startled her. Sighting her expression, the old man chuckled and said, "Don't be scared, Miss Safiyya. You can call me Old Xav. I knew of your name from that kid Alfred. I used to be his driver." 

Safiyya was surprised at the revelation. But why would Alfred tell this man about her?

Having sensed her confusion, Old Xav explained further, "When Alfred was still young, I was his driver until he grew up and started working away from his parents. He didn't want anything to do with them and they stayed away too but I came here and worked as a taxi driver while watching over him. He knows about it but hardly calls me." 

Even though Safiyya was curious to ask more about the mysterious Alfred's life, she pouted her lips recalling he was the main part of her problems. 

Old Xav rubbed his bald head, knowing that Safiyya was uninterested in Alfred's life. He better reach what interests her. 

"Well, last week Alfred called me and told me that his son was kidnapped." 

"Yousef?" Safiyya asked curiously with widened eyes. Finally a piece of news about her son! 

Old Xav smiled at the reaction and nodded. "It turns out that the little boy's nanny was involved in the case. So, Alfred didn't want to risk his son's safety again by hiring another nanny so soon, especially now that the boy is somehow sick," 

"Yousef is sick?!" Safiyya exclaimed and cupped her lips. This can't be.

"Relax Safiyya. He is not sick as in sick okay?" Old Xav quickly said but Safiyya's lips were already shaking as she almost burst into another round of tears. 

"Listen Safiyya, Joseph eats well and sleeps but he doesn't smile or talk to his father. He became more introverted and kept mentioning that he wanted to go to his mother," 

"He is like this because of me. It's all my fault," she sniffed and clutched her forehead.  

This…Old Xav was flabbergasted. Even he was bewildered with Joseph's case and what Alfred told him was that a woman tricked his son into believing that she was his mother but seeing this now, there was no way that Safiyya was pretending. Both of them were victims of this. 

Safiyya knew it wasn't time to break down. She held the armrest, so she was close to old Xav in the front and asked earnestly, "Good sir, you said that you are sir Alfred's driver, so you must be Yousef's driver too. Can you take me to Yousef? Please, I need to see my son. He needs me!" 

"But miss Safiyya…." Old Xav hesitated and she clasped her fingers. "Please, Good sir. I swear I won't take much time. Even a glance will do. Please," she pleaded. 

"Okay, okay. Sit first, " he nodded, as she was doing something dangerous right now. 

Safiyya smiled and sat back down, only to frown at the man's next words. 

"Alfred's house is more guarded than you can think. No one can enter because he is aware of everything that happens inside. So meeting Joseph there is hard." 

Safiyya pursed her lips and wiped a lone tear. This will just drive her crazy. 

"But don't worry. Since he contacted me yesterday,  I will try my best to cheer up Joseph okay?" Old Xav added. 

Safiyya nodded and sighed. At least, she heard something about him and she would surely find a way to get close to him even if it meant fighting his stupid father. Astagfurullah. 

"Old Xav," she mouthed and he hummed. "When you go to Yousef today, tell him that his mummy loves him so much. He shouldn't hurt himself anymore. I'll come to meet him soon," she said with a lot of love. 

Old Xav smiled and promised just that. When Safiyya went home and prayed her naafil, she sat on the praying mat, thinking about Yousef. The thoughts of how he was faring were hunting her. Is this how her mother feels all the time? It was painful and she didn't like it at all. 

The next day, Safiyya arrived at the filing room and after arranging the files she left yesterday, she held her hip with one hand whilst rubbing her chin with the other. 

Getting promoted has to do with her job here not delivery. She smiled and started the work for the day. Gab arrived and joined her. The man was amazed by the young girl's resolve throughout the week. And there he thought that she would break or complain but she's been silent about it. Well… for now.

The telephone rang and Safiyya knew it was a delivery call. She picked it up and asked what is it.

"There's a parcel in C12 that needs to be delivered to the 5th floor. So hurry up." the person, whose voice she recognized as Lando spoke. 

"Excuse me?" Safiyya asked innocently. 

"What's that? This isn't your first time. Hurry up!" Lando instructed, angered by her response. 

Safiyya couldn't help but roll her eyes and said, "I'm sorry but this is C10. The filing office. We don't do deliveries and if you will excuse me, I got work to do." she ended the call, not waiting for a reply. 

As expected, the big guy walked angrily into their office. He banged the table and shouted, "I am sure you know what your job is in this company. If you are told to even clean the floor, you have to do it!" 

Safiyya raised her head and exhaled. "I signed my employment documents in this office, not a delivery room or any other job. I am busy with my work and you want me to do something else?" she said. 

Lando was surprised as to where all these were coming from. This girl used to be timid and obedient. He lowered his voice and told her in a warning tone. 

"Do you believe that I won't report you to madam Irene and this will become worse?" 

Safiyya simply smiled and returned, "Go ahead and inform her but I stand by my truth. I don't care even if you inform the great CEO." 

Lando was short for words and pointed at her before storming out. 

"Ya Allah," Safiyya clutched her chest and took a deep breath. Talking back to people and holding your ground wasn't easy at all. She prayed to Allah for more strength. 

Irene was about to go out for an external meeting when she received a call from Lando. 

"She said what?" She gasped. 

"Madam. I don't think that she will do it anymore," he said. 

Irene clenched her fingers and sighed. She hated dealing with a girl when she had other important things to do. Why ain't Alfred just deal with this himself? 

"I am busy right now and can't deal with this. Since she doesn't care if she's reported to the CEO, do it. Let's see how she fares." she hissed and ended the call. She flipped her hair and walked out with her secretary. 

Lando scratched his head in the office and contemplated how to start contacting Alfred. That was just like reporting himself too. Everyone was wary of the CEO. What has this girl put him into? 

He suddenly grinned and pranced back to C10. He met Safiyya closing a locker and called out, "Hey scarfie!" 

Safiyya turned around with a frown and walked toward him. 

He held his hands behind him and smiled down at her. 

"Congratulations on being stubborn. You have a call from the CEO's office. Good luck, " he said and left her standing there. 

Safiyya blinked and rubbed her face. Wasn't she the one who wanted to talk to Alfred? Of course, she didn't expect it to be this fast. 

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