24. Threats

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This wasn't an easy chapter to write🤧 Enjoy😁

Another folded paper was thrown on the dark tiles, joining the others sprawled there. Alfred was behind the office desk in his office, one hand rubbing his temple while he drummed the table with the other. After spending most of his time in making that piece, Stone just had to appear and now he has to make another. Different from it. He wasn't hopeless in doing so, but time was tight and he had to start afresh. At the same time, he has to manage his company and his son. 

He didn't know how it happened, but he saw a jovial son this morning. Alfred always worked late and as things got more cramped up in the office, he knew that watching over Joseph would be harder. He had to call Old Xav even though he didn't want to. But Joseph was the priority. He didn't like leaving the boy alone all the time. 

After their silent treatment session with Joseph, his burden was finally reduced when he saw his son laughing with Old Xav when he was about to drive him to school. He was elated and tried talking to the boy but got ignored. It was like he still held a grudge against his father for keeping him away from his so-called, mother. 

The system notification brought him back from his thoughts and he gazed at the screen on the door. His eyebrow shot up at the name displayed on the screen. What is she doing here?

He kept a stoic face and let the lock open. The door opened and she carefully walked into the dark office. 

The door closed and she quickly turned in surprise. Safiyya rubbed her sweaty palms on her shirt and turned around. She grimaced wondering why the office was dark, almost frightening her. 

She was so busy trying to figure out the office that she didn't realize that she was annoying someone. Safiyya was looking ahead while the desk and working area were on the right. 

"What are you doing here?" his husky voice sounded and her head whipped to the location. 

"Huh?" she returned with a skeptical look. 

"Do you have a hearing problem or what?!" Alfred scolded. "One needs to speak once and a sensible grown human will hear it but not you. What the hell are you doing in my office?" his blue eyes blended with the blue light, made it look like they were flaring.  

Safiyya was surprised by the outburst. How can he call her here and act like she barged into his office and he always speaks to her like an enemy? Is that how he treats everyone else? Like a psycho. 

"You sent for me," she returned with a frown. 

Alfred quirked his eyebrow and leaned into his chair. "And why would I do that?" he said. 

Safiyya was bewildered. Lando told her that Alfred was calling her after reporting her 'disobedience'. Why is he acting like nothing happened?  

"But Mr. Lando told me," she said. 

"Who's Lando?" Alfred asked back. Is she sick in the head? 

"Your puppet, " she gritted her teeth and almost slapped her mouth at the reply. Even if it's a misunderstanding, she'd rather state her stand. 

She kept a brave front and stated,

"I interviewed this company as an accountant and passed but then I was taken to the filing office to gain working experience. I agreed to it even though I was working more than I was supposed to. But then, Mr. Lando started calling our office for delivery despite being a filing office." 

"What are you trying to say?" Alfred inquired nonchalantly.  

"I can't work effectively while delivering files upstairs. It's not my job," she replied. 

"And since when did you have the chance to complain?" he scoffed. "Why do you speak like you don't know why you are made to do so?" 

"You are using my job to punish me for something I did not do?" she asked. 

"Oh really?" Alfred hissed and crossed his arms. "You know? You are lucky that I didn't sue you for emotional damage or had your life destroyed. While other people are hustling day and night to have food on their plate, you, who has a job are here complaining of the workload. Isn't that being ungrateful?" 

Safiyya frowned because his words just made her feel guilty. But wait…If this was just normal, she wouldn't care but he was doing it because of something she didn't do. 

"I am not complaining about my workload but stating my right as an employee. If I am to do different jobs in this company, it's only right if it is done the right way," she said. 

"That sounds like a complainer," he growled and glared at her more seriously. "Every employee listens to me in this company and you will be no exception. If I ask you to clean the floors, then you will have to do it too. Unless, if you decide to quit and I promise you this. If you dare to do that, forget about working ever in your life, " he threatened. 

Safiyya pursed her lips and titled her head. This was like throwing her in a pit without a rope for help. Is she giving up so easily? 

Alfred felt satisfied that she shut her trap. He released his arms and crossed his fingers. "Now if you are done spouting nonsense, go back to your job," he said. 

"I'm not doing it," she turned around and said, making him surprised. "If you can threaten to sue me, it doesn't mean that I can't do the same to this company. Last time I checked, Hill Corp is still new, so a bad reputation will be dangerous. Don't you think? If I were you, I wouldn't do anything dirty. Justice always wins and not injustice. Sir Alfred," she smiled innocently. She didn't want to do this, but he forced her. 

Alfred was astonished that she threatened him but didn't show it. Indeed, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Even with the glare that he was giving her, she didn't back down.  

The showdown was broken when the door clicked and someone walked in. Safiyya stirred her head and her gaze met with Irene's. 

So, it continues?🤭

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