42. Sealed.

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Salam adorables. Guess who got into medical college?😁 Mee. Yeah, the results are out and I passed. Jazakumullahu Khair for your prayers and support.

Here is the update😉


The two friends sat quietly in the living room, both with different emotions. Safiyya was still in a trance with the fact that she was getting married while Jessy was sad over her bestie leaving. Life would be empty without talking to each other every day. 

Safiyya's phone rang and her fingers shook as she picked the call. 

"Okay. I'm coming," she muttered and her gaze met with Jessy's. "Sir Alfred is here," she said and stood up. Jessy nodded and came before her, enveloping each other in a tight embrace. 

"I love you best," Jessy sniffed. 

"I love you too," Safiyya returned as her eyes welled up with tears too. Jessy pulled back and laughed through her tears. "Look at me. Making my best friend cry at her wedding. Uh… it's not a wedding but still. You are getting married bae," 

"Yeah. We shouldn't cry," Safiyya wiped her face.

Jessy boobed her head and added, "I thought your wedding will be a Pakistani full-blown wedding and I will get to wear heavy shalwars and kameez with that red thing but…." 

"Allah has other plans," Safiyya sighed. They stayed quiet and she grasped her suitcase. Jessy smiled and picked the other one before they went on. 

Safiyya's heart skipped a beat as stared at the silver car. The door opened and his tall figure came out gracefully in a dark grey suit. 

"Woah. Your husband-to-be is really handsome," Jessy whispered in her ears and the words made her breathing edgy. That was true indeed. 

She exhaled and walked over with Jessy. 

"Hi!" Jessy waved her hand at him, feeling excited about meeting a renowned figure like Alfred Hill. He casually nodded at her and turned to Safiyya. 

"The trunk is open," he said. 

She nodded and went over with Jessy to keep her bags.

"Such a gentleman," Jessy whispered and they giggled slightly. That lighten the mood. They returned and he opened the car to enter. "Let's go," 

Safiyya hummed and smiled at Jessy. They hugged one more time before she went around and entered the passenger seat. Jessy clenched her fingers as the car drove off, loneliness suddenly engulfing her but she still smiled through it. 

"Who did you call?" Alfred asked in the car. 

"My uncle. I texted him the location already," Safiyya answered in a low voice. The AC was on but she felt stuffed and hot. 

"No need to be nervous. It's not like you are being kidnapped or killed," his voice surprised her. She glanced at his stoic face and muttered an 'O'. 

Safiyya breathed and closed her eyes. A while later, she heard a knock on the window. Her eyes fluttered open and she tilted her head. Alfred was standing outside with his brows scrunched up. She didn't even realize when he went out. She quickly got out and locked the door behind her. 

Before them was a masjid that was painted green and white. The area was not populated with buildings either. It looked calm and peaceful. 

"Call your uncle," Alfred told her and opened her phone. It was seconds when a figure approached them in black coats. Safiyya smiled recognizing her uncle. 

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