52. Wavering.

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He came out of the bathroom rubbing his hair with a towel. He kept the towel and sat down at the edge of his king-sized bed. Alfred cupped his knees and lowered his head as today's events replayed in his mind. Like, how did he allow this to happen? He knows that it was for his son but still. 

When he saw her in the morning in that red polo, it made her look cute and he was glad he chose that color. They were taking pictures with Joseph, making cute and funny faces and for a moment he felt left out. When his son asked him to join, he almost went over but knew it would cause inconvenience, so he politely declined. 

They were paired for the competition and her cute tantrums simply amused him so he started treating her like a child. Her height always intrigued him, she barely reached his chest level. When they reached the first stage, he knew that she was scared of heights but since she wanted to fight her fear, he decided to let her when he saw the end, he knew that he had to help her but her complaints almost pissed him off that he blurted about their trust. She agreed to it and he caught her firmly. He couldn't let her fall because she felt so small and soft and her touch on his wrist felt electrifying. He quickly let her go wondering what just happened. 

But he found himself wanting to get that feeling again and it was true that they couldn't be late, so he took her hand and led her to the next stage. He wasn't running but she had to and he made sure that she didn't meet any mishap. 

The next stage where she made him follow her to jump surprised him all through. She had so much fun in it and was jubilating that he got lost in watching her. Of course, she felt awkward doing that.  

Before he reacted, she ran away. The third stage was fine but the fourth stage was awkward for both of them. It was a pipe-like machine and they had to pass through. Now a couple with small features won't have a hard time passing without inconvenience but he was quite built for that and like other stages, they had to pass together. 

The nervousness she was feeling was very visible from how flushed her face was and how she bit her finger. Something he realized she always does when she is nervous. 

"I won't let you crush me beneath, " she blurted out and he looked at her with raised eyebrows finding her glaring at him. Was this his fault? If he had any choice, he would abandon this stage but they had to pass for Joseph's sake. 

Alfred knew he had to act now since he was the man. "I won't go that," he said trying to remain cool and laid on his back inside the tube. "Better hurry," he told her even though he was nervous. She hesitated for a while before she closed her eyes and entered. His body shivered with each slight movement from her until she lay on his chest. 

He stayed quiet, listening to her rapid heartbeat and he was sure he was like that too despite his trying to control it. 

"Don't raise your head," he hastily said feeling her movement and clasped the back of her head. She quieted down and he started moving. It felt like ages before he saw the light again. They came again and it was clear how they were avoiding each other gazes. And this time, she couldn't move probably shocked by everything. Not wanting to waste time, he held her hand again and kept moving. She pulled her hand out from his when they arrived at the fifth stage. 

After the pulling session, he knew they were wasting time. In order not to fail, he has to carry her again and it can't be stressful because, to him, she weighs nothing. 

The ecstasy she showed after they won made his lips twitch with a smile and the joy on his son's face made him feel fulfilled. Joseph made him proud today again and he always does because since he was born, the boy has been a fighter. Alfred couldn't help but tell her thank you today. 

Alfred didn't realize that he was smiling all through these memories. He rubbed his face and ran his fingers through his hair which was already dry. Time passes quickly when you are thinking. 

'Stop all this Alfred. You can't act like this again. Last time almost killed you. Focus on your son's recovery.' he scolded himself. Speaking about Joseph, he thinks he knows what he needs to design. 

Meanwhile, Safiyya finished narrating what happened to Jessy and she was sure her face was melting with shame. Jessy was busy enjoying everything and laughing all through. 

"Stop laughing Jessy. It's not funny," she snapped at her friend and regretted it when Joseph stirred in his sleep. Luckily he didn't wake up. So she stood up and went to the window instead. Her I'm serious friend was still laughing. 

"Jessy please stop it," She pleaded. 

Jessy cleared her throat and asked, "What's the big deal in all this? Isn't he your husband?"

Safiyya gritted her teeth and returned, "I know that but you won't understand. How am I going to stay in this house with all that happened today? How can I face sir Alfred" 

"Listen bestie," Jessy began. "Calm down and forget about all of it which I doubt you will," she chuckled again and Safiyya had to call her name in a warning tone. 

"Okay, okay." she rolled her eyes. "Look. What has happened has already happened. Life goes on. Pretend like nothing happened. It's not like he would bring it up too. And remember you are doing this for Yousef," 

"Yeah. You are right. It's for my son," Safiyya breathed rubbing her sore waist. 

"Which in fact is your son. Both of you. You know what, I really want to hear more of this or see…." Safiyya quickly ended the call before Jessy could make her feel worse. 

"Ya Rabbi," she cried out and covered her face. She exhaled and decided to pray namaz before going to sleep. Hopefully, everything gets forgotten. 

The next day, Safiyya dropped Joseph at school before going to Hill Corp. The week went by peacefully and she got her first pay which she immediately sent to her Ammiy. Ruwaida was very proud of her daughter and wanted to return it but Safiyya refused and her mother teased that she would keep it for her wedding. Only if her Ammiy knew. That day she cooked something special from her hometown and Joseph enjoyed it. She kept some for Alfred and smiled when she came back and saw that the warmer was empty. 

The weekend was spent with Joseph again but they played a little since his exams were in a week and she helped him prepare. Luckily for her, nothing made her meet with Alfred alone. 

Little did she know that she would meet a surprise at the office on Monday that would boost her confidence. 

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