27. Jaleel.

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Double update😁

Safiyya laid her head on the bench with her eyes closed as the gentle wind gently brushed her open skin. At the moment, she didn't think of anything. The issues back at home with her parents and brothers, the immigration, the one-year promise, the long-distance relationship with Yousef, the strenuous work at the office, or Alfred's constant anger. She just wanted to rest.

"Assalamu alaikum sister," she heard a deep voice as a shadow covered her.

Safiyya opened her eyes and was met with a tall figure in jeans and a black leather jacket. He had long black hair and a beard, dark brown eyes, and a gentle smile. He looked Arabian.

"Wa alaikumussalam," she answered with a smile. It's been a long since she met a Muslim and it made her giddy.

He cleared his throat and sat on the other side of the bench.
"I wasn't stalking but I had a meeting here since and noticed you were sitting alone all the time," he said. "It's not on my place to interfere but seeing that you are a Muslim and quite younger, I wanted to lend a hand to a younger sister,"

"Younger sister?" Safiyya inquired with an unsettling feeling.

He nodded and replied, "Of course. If you have no problem with it. You seem like someone who wants to run away from the world. It happens to many and it's best if you share it with someone." he sighed and clasped his fingers. "It is best if you share it with a female but Muslims are quite a few in this area and we tend to assist each other when it arises."

"Oh," Safiyya frowned and hesitated before asking him, "You are a Muslim right?"

This made him chuckle which was quite intriguing before he stopped. "Sorry about that. I am a Muslim. You can call me Jaleel,"

"Ok, brother Jaleel. I'm Safiyya," she said with a tight smile. For some reason, the word brother felt right. "I'm sorry for the stupid question. It's just that, I haven't met a Muslim in months. I don't know anything about them. I don't even know if Muslims are living in this county." she muttered helplessly.

Jaleel hummed and crossed his arms.
"I see where you are coming from. It is quite frustrating to be in a place without your brothers and sisters. You can't pray in a masjid, or listen to the adhan or the Quran's recitation. Not something I can't help." he started and glanced at her.

"You are acquainted with other Muslims?" Safiyya exclaimed.

He nodded and said, "There is a masjid close by. I can take you there and hopefully, you will meet some friends there."

Safiyya's eyes sparkled and she breathed a sigh of relief.
"Jazakallahu Khair. I really appreciate it," she thanked him sincerely to which Jaleel waved his hand. "It's my duty as a Muslim to help my fellow Muslim. Now can you tell me what is the problem?"

Safiyya pouted and nodded. "I got a job somewhere. It is a good company but unfortunately, I had a misunderstanding with the owner. It's not my fault but he thinks that I am at fault. So, they are making my job harder in the office. I'm not even working in the section I applied at." she let out a frustrated groan and continued, "I know that I have to be patient with them but I have a limit too. It's so tiring and…I don't want to do something that I will regret."

"How long have you been working?" Jaleel asked seriously.

Safiyya held her three fingers and replied, "Almost three weeks,"

"Listen Safiyya," he began. "It is true that you have to be patient with the atrocities you face. Allah is always together with the patient ones and the reward for patience is unexpected. That being said, accepting so much injustice is putting harm to oneself and that's haram. So, while being patient, if you have a way that you can set things right and make others look at you in a better light, it's better if you do it."

Safiyya suddenly fell into a deep thought. Jaleel lightly chuckled and glimpsed at his watch. "It's almost time for Asr. Let's go?"

Safiyya came out of her thoughts and nodded. They stood up and she rubbed her head awkwardly at the height difference. Why does she always meet tall guys?

"Stay close okay?" Jaleel said and she nodded hastely. He led her through the peaceful Alley until they came before the wide building that brought a smile to her face. From the artistic, she can see that it was the masjid and immediately, the adhan sounded.

"Allahu Akbarullahu Akbar!" even though it wasn't loud, it brought tears to Safiyya's eyes. It's been so long. So long.

Jaleel also smiled at the reaction. He came here every day but the feeling was still the same. It never changes.

"The female section is at the back. Go perform wudu before the iqamah. I won't be coming out early, so don't wait for me," he told her and started walking in.

"Brother Jaleel! Thank you!" Safiyya called out and he waved his hand. She grinned and rushed to the back. There were taps and she took her time to perform the wudu, the cold water bringing warmth to her heart. She turned to the door and slowly opened it and was welcomed with the fragrance first. She said her salam and entered. A woman was sitting there reciting the Quran.

Safiyya quietly sat beside the woman and the woman kept the Quran on a stand there and smiled at Safiyya to which she returned the gesture.

The Iqamah was soon called and they stood up. Even if they were just two, joy-filled Safiyya all through and she couldn't help the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. 

"Are you alright?" the woman's soft voice sounded beside her.

"I'm fine ma'am. Just happy," Safiyya smiled back and wiped her face.

The woman smiled and patted her head. "It's okay to cry before the Lord and you can call me Nuwaira."

"Okay, ma'am Nuwaira. I am Safiyya," Safiyya nodded. They sat down there and prayed before Nuwaira moved to the side and brought a food warmer. She opened it and the nice food aroma engulfed the room.

"I always bring food here but for the past few days, no woman has joined me. You are in luck today Safiyya," she said.

Safiyya glanced into the food warmer and was amazed as Nuwaira brought out some pancakes, Kebab, and sauce.
"These look nice and must taste even better," she exclaimed. 

"Why don't you try it?" Nuwaira used the paper plate and added some for Safiyya. Safiyya held it carefully and took a bite. Her eyes shielded and she exclaimed, "Subhanallah. It's delicious Nuwaira."

"Enjoy," Nuwaira smiled and they were together.

Even though she didn't want to leave the Masjid, Safiyya knew that she had to leave for work. She didn't get Jaleel's number but she believed in faith and if they were destined to meet, she would meet him. She called Old Xav and he drove her back to Hill Top.

Gab gave her an apprehensive look and she apologized and got back to work while forming some plans in her head. She can't sit and wait for things to fall into place always.

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