Chapter 3

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Like the rest of his pack Jin was feeling frantic. The moon festival drew lots of pack members out of their houses and into large community squares, the perfect opportunity to find their final mate. He was assigned to visit the silver pack, a pack he'd visited at least three times already. It felt like a lost cause going back and retreading the same territory over and over again. How could they possibly have a different result this time?

He'd spend the previous evening at a neighboring pack. It would only take a moment to meet his mate, he wasn't sure why he spent so much time at the pack mingling with wolves who clearly were not his last and final mate. Nobody in his pack expected to find their mate this weekend, all of them resigned to the frustrating search that was continuing endlessly. Poor Namjoon had the worst of it, constantly being dragged before the elders to be scolded, recognizing that time was fast running out before they would need to take over as supreme pack. It felt like they'd tried everything, every approach with no luck. The whole pack was disheartened, a dark cloud hanging over them as they resigned themselves to never ending frustration.

Jin had already been at the afternoon gathering of the silver pack for a while now. As expected, nothing was happening. He was starting to wonder if he should cut out early, possibly see if there was another adjacent pack he might make it to just to double check there. What else could he possibly do?

Five more minutes. He'd give it five more minutes and then he'd leave, hoping he'd have better luck somewhere else. Hoping one of his pack mates would have better luck. Hoping for a miracle.

Four more minutes.

Three more minutes.

Then it happened. He heard it before he saw it. A commotion in the crowd. Everyone stepping back a bit. Shouting. People running to see what was happening. By the time he got there the transformation was complete. In the middle of the circle stood a small white wolf, shaking in anxiety as everyone crowded around it. This was it. This was the omega they were looking for. Their omega.

While the alphas of the supreme pack shifted early in their childhood, the omega wouldn't shift until he or she first came into contact with another member of the supreme pack, one of the omega's mates. The shift was the clear sign this omega was the final mate, there was no other possibility.

The supreme pack were the only werewolves that still maintained the power of shapeshifting, part of the moon goddesses design. Their life would be filled with stress and hardship. Shifting allowed them to fully experience the comfort that came from their most natural state, wolf form.

Jin bustled over, pushing people out of the way until he got to the small wolf who was spinning in anxiety, looking for a way to break free. He immediately dropped to his knees in front of the soft creature, slowly extending his hand.

"Everything is going to be fine, you're alright. We've been waiting for you. You're our omega, the final member of our pack. I know it's scary right now but trust me, you're going to be ok. Can I touch you?" Jin desperately wanted to run his hands through the fur of his final mate, to gently massage his ears, to scratch his head.

The small wolf backed further away and seeing a small break in the crowd he sprinted off, weaving between legs as everyone watched in shock.

Jin was off like lightning after him. He knew his final mate must be terrified. He still remembered the first time he shifted, he felt so out of control. He didn't know if he'd ever be able to shift back. It was so sudden and unexpected. To do that here, surrounded by such a large crowd must have terrified their omega. It was no surprise he ran.

Jin chased after him through the town until he saw the wolf dart under some stairs leading to an old abandoned house just beyond the edge of town, looking for a safe den.

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