Chapter 8

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This time when Jungkook woke he felt like he could finally start to make some sense of the world around him. The fog that had settled over him was starting to lift and he could imagine staying awake for more than a few minutes. He was in a large room with mattresses covering the floor and blankets everywhere. Next to him was the alpha who had found him, Jin. He sensed he'd been spending most of his time with this alpha but couldn't remember most of the last few days.

He had a vague recollection that he met the rest of the pack but efforts to remember how many or what they looked like was a lost cause. One name stuck with him, Namjoon, but he wasn't even confident he could put it with the right face. Everything just seemed like one big shock to the system and he wasn't quite sure which side was up right now. The only thing he knew for sure was he felt safe in the arms of this alpha. There was something uniquely comfortable about being close to him.

As he tried to recall everything that happened his anxiety increased. How could a weak omega have more than one alpha? How could someone like him be part of the supreme pack? What was he supposed to be doing? He was nearly certain he had messed up something by now but he couldn't even think of where to start.

As his anxiety spiked he was drawn closer to the alpha next to him. Jin was clearly still asleep, his arm gently draped over the omega to offer him comfort but also enough space that he wouldn't be overwhelmed.

Unconsciously Jungkook was drawn toward his neck, softly bumping his scent gland with his nose. An immediate relief fell over him, bringing him to bump the gland a second time. The peaceful feeling settled deeper over him as he breathed deeply.

He paused after the second time, seeing the alpha shift so his neck was more easily exposed to the omega, head tilted almost in what looked like a sign of submission. Jungkook recoiled. Did the alpha think he was asking him to submit? That was beyond out of line for an omega to ask. He hadn't just crossed the boundary, he was an offense to everything the moon goddess had designed omegas to be. They were supposed to submit to their alpha willingly. No alpha would ever submit to an omega, to even imply that it should happen was unthinkable. The alpha next to him must have thought that Jungkook was one of his alpha packmates and had moved his head in submission to another alpha. Jungkook was taking advantage of an alpha in his sleep.

Sensing the spike in Jungkook's anxiety and a lack of his warmth as he pulled away, Jin reached out for the omega drawing him in close again. "What's wrong pup? Did you have a bad dream? You seem anxious."

"I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Jungkook stuttered out.

By now Jungkook had Jin's full attention as his anxiety spiked further. He sat up to hold the omega closer. "Didn't mean what?" he gently inquired. "Did something happen?"

"I...I scented you without permission. I'm sorry, I won't do it again. It just happened."

"Oh pup" Jin carded his fingers through the omegas hair, pulling his face against his chest. "It's ok. You may not remember but it isn't the first time you've scented me and I told you it was totally fine. You are welcome to scent me any time you want."

"Really?" Jungkook looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, really," Jin smiled to encourage him. "As a matter of fact I think you should do it now to help you calm down. It seems like it helps you feel settled and with everything that's been happening that is a good thing."

After sniffling and wiping his eyes Jungkook agreed. He really was feeling very emotional and it did seem to help. If the alpha was inviting him, no telling him to do it, he should do it right?

Jin pushed himself up so he was sitting against the wall, pulling Jungkook to straddle his lap and gently guiding the omegas head toward his scent gland. The omega started tentatively, just very gently brushing the scent gland with his nose. "I'm not really sure what I'm doing." he huffed out, feeling embarrassed as he rested his head on the alpha's shoulder.

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