Chapter 45

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Tell your alpha that it is time.



"I don't really know what this means", Jungkook handed the piece of crumpled paper to Namjoon. "It came in the weekly delivery and the aunt handed it to me.

Namjoon nodded shortly while he continued to study the scrap of paper. Jungkook watched as the alpha brought the paper to the aunt and spoke quietly with her.

"What do you think this means?" Namjoon asked in a low voice.

"I think you know the answer to that already," the woman responded. "It is time. I will pray that the moon goddess blesses your efforts."

Namjoon gave the woman a tight smile. "Will you ever tell us who you really are?"

The woman shook her head no, "I'm sorry I can't do that, but you will know when the time is right."

Namjoon nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you for your wonderful hospitality. I don't think you'll even know how much you helped us."

The woman let out a small laugh, "oh I know even if you don't really know yet." After a small pause she began again, "You are a wonderful leader Namjoon and you are surrounded by an amazing pack. I am sure you will do great things."

Jungkook's head was spinning just listening to the conversation. Every sentence had him more confused. Were they leaving? Where were they going and why? Who had sent the letter? And who was the woman they were staying with?

While his mind was still reeling Namjoon turned to look at him offering a gentle smile. "Little lamb, can you please go and collect the rest of the pack? We need to have a pack meeting."

Jungkook found Taehyung first, right where he left him in the garden just off the side of the house. Taehyung joined the omega as they looked together for the rest of the pack. Yoongi was in the farthest field so he was the last they stumbled across but eventually the entire pack was headed back toward the house to gather together.

As soon as they were closed off in the sleeping den and seated in a circle on the floor Namjoon began to speak. "It's time for us to make a decision. We can stay as we are, wrapped in the peace of our own little pack together or we can return to the larger wolf community and reclaim our position."

The sound was immediate, everyone talking at once raising concerns and opinions.

"Let's give everyone the opportunity to speak their opinions. There is time for everyone to share what they think but we need to decide today. I want to make something clear, if we don't decide to act now and rejoin the broader wolf society the opportunity may not come again."

Namjoon then indicated to Hobi, who was sitting to his right to speak first and then each of the other pack members in turn. The sentiments seemed a bit mixed. Some were angry at their treatment and could focus on nothing else, others enjoyed the peacefulness of the new life they had made. But all of them spoke of the need to do more, to be more than they were right now. Even if they had to redefine the role of the supreme pack, they felt a compulsion to serve the broader wolf community.

"Pup, you've been quiet, what do you think?" Namjoon gently tried to draw their omega into the conversation.

"Oh, uh, well I guess I trust all of you. I'm not really sure it would be right for me to help decide, I'm just an omega."

"Sweetheart, you are an omega but you're also a member of this pack. Of course your opinion should be heard, it is just as important as the rest of our viewpoints. I'm asking you as your alpha to please tell me what you're really thinking."

"Well," the omega began as he continued to collect his thoughts, "We've been through so much already, it's hard to imagine opening ourselves up to that again. But when I think about everything you've done for me, I know that each of you have so much to offer. It feels like it wouldn't be right if we didn't use that to help others. It would be too selfish of me to want to keep you just for myself. I think it is worth the risk if we can do something important. Isn't that the role of the supreme pack anyway?"

Yoongi leaned over and kissed the omega's forehead while rubbing his back. "I think that's just right little one, thank you for being so wise."

Namjoon gave the omega a warm smile. "I think it's decided then, let's spend tonight preparing to leave and we'll head out tomorrow morning. We'll be traveling light again, but hopefully it won't be long until we're able to be back in our home."

A buzz of excitement began to grow from the pack as they thought about returning to their own safe haven, the home they had created for the pack. It had been far too long since they had been there, and even longer since they were able to truly enjoy the space as a pack. Seeing that beautiful goal ahead of them served as the final motivation. It was time to act.


The pack had one last meal with the aunt to thank her for her hospitality and then retreated to begin packing, doing any last minute chores, and finalizing the plans for tomorrow.

Jungkook knew they were making the right decision but if this went wrong, it would go really wrong. He knew he'd likely never see his alphas again. He really couldn't take that chance without saying what was on his mind. So he cornered them one at a time to share his real thoughts. To finally really truly open up.

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