Chapter 48

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The omega woke up during the night needing to use the bathroom. When he returned to the sleeping den he found everyone but the head alpha in the large sleeping nest.

Softly padding down the stairs the omega found the missing alpha in the office, staring at the wall in front of him, deep in thought.

"Alpha?" Jungkook quietly called, drawing the larger man's eyes in his direction.

"Hey little lamb, are you having trouble sleeping?" Namjoon's arms reached for the boy, inviting him to come closer and snuggle into his lap.

"Maybe a little," The omega murmured, then with a whisper he confessed the real issue, "missed you."

"I missed you too" the alpha spoke quietly, brushing his lips against the hair of the small wolf snuggled in his lap.

"I'm glad you came to see me. I looked for you earlier to make sure you are ready for tomorrow but you fell asleep before I had the chance to find you. Do you know what you're supposed to do tomorrow?"

Jungkook nodded. "Yes, hold hands with Jin alpha and don't let go."

"Good boy," the alpha praised him, "It will be all over before long. Don't be scared, just stay close to Jin, ok baby?"

Jungkook nodded. Quiet filled the air as the omega sank further into the alpha's embrace, trying to figure out how to say what was on his mind.

"Alpha?" He finally spoke. "I wanted to tell you something."

"What's that little one?"

"I...I want you to know that I think you're the best head alpha. No matter what happens tomorrow I'll still think that. And I want you to know that even if things don't go right I'll be ok. I know you worry about me, but even if I am separated from you again I want you to know that I'll find a way to make it work. I don't want you to feel any regret."

"Oh baby..." Namjoon felt his eyes begin to mist and he held back his tears. "I know you are strong. So, so strong. Stronger than you know. But as your alpha I'll never stop trying to get back to you, protecting you and making sure you are safe."

"I love you alpha." Jungkook murmured into Namjoon's neck, his lips gently brushing the sensitive skin.

"Oh my sweet little angel, I love you too, and I always will."

As the omega pulled his face from the alpha's neck Namjoon observed Jungkook looking at his lips, eventually shifting his eyes up to look into the alpha's eyes longingly. Wanting to put the small boy at ease Namjoon helped reposition him on his laps so their lips were closer.

"Can I kiss you little lamb?"

Jungkook's eyes never left the soft brown eyes of his alpha, barely nodding as he hummed his consent.

Namjoon approached slowly, offering just a soft brush of his lips, followed by increasing pressure. He gently nipped at the omegas plump bottom lip, soothing it with soft brushes of his own lips afterward.

For Jungkook the feeling was electric. He felt a buzzing inside him, a fire awakening and drawing him closer to the alpha. He knew he'd never want to stop. Eventually with rosy cheeks he drew back and snuggled into the alpha's neck, slowing his breathing.

He heard Namjoon's voice but couldn't quite make out the words.

"Hmm? What did you say?" Jungkook asked.

"I didn't say anything pup, just thinking."

Jungkook heard the voice again, the words more clear this time. "I hope I never let you down, my perfect boy."

There was something strange about the voice. It was definitely Namjoon but it sounded different. Like it didn't rumble through his ears and his brain but went directly to his heart.

Jungkook pulled away looking at the alpha inquisitively.

"I don't think he had any idea how beautiful and perfect he is". Namjoon's loving eyes matched the sweet words.

"Alpha?" Jungkook tentatively asked.

"Yes love?" The alpha responded.

It was then that Jungkook was sure. He was absolutely certain that something different was happening, something new.

"I can hear you."

Namjoon cocked his head with a small smile and an inquisitive look. "What do you mean little one?"

Then Namjoon could hear Jungkook's voice directly in his own head, feeling like it was coming straight from the omega's heart.

"No, like this. I can hear you like this."


Namjoon's first response was confusion, then shock, then confusion again. The omega seemed to be breaking into his thoughts, into his brain. He could speak to him without speaking?

"Kookie, what are you saying?"

"I can hear your thoughts...and...and I think I can speak directly to you the same way. Could you hear me?"

"Can you hear me now?" The voice once again echoed in the alpha's head.

"You can like, read my mind? And talk to me, like with a mind link?"

Jungkook immediately pulled back. Was it wrong? He shouldn't be able to do this right? There must be something wrong with him.

"Um, I guess I don't really know? I just seems like right now I can? I'm not sure..."

Namjoon's interest was definitely piqued. He moved back into thought to see if he could communicate again.

"Can you hear this?" the alpha thought, trying to see if the omega could hear him again.

In exchange the boy in his lap simply shook his head yes, confirming that he could hear the voices that were being transmitted to him.

Namjoon jumped up out of the chair, nearly knocking the omega onto the floor but catching him just in time. "We need to see if this works on anyone else" the alpha barreled out of the office and up the stairs with the omega in his arms only to find the rest of the alphas sleeping.

He quickly found the alpha he was looking for. Jin was the easiest to wake up and the least grumpy when jolted out of a deep sleep so he was the obvious choice to see if others could hear their omega, and he could hear them in return.

"Wha? What's going on?" Jin questioned, barely opening his eyes as he sat up on the mattress, responding to Namjoon's insistent shaking of his shoulder.

Namjoon looked at their youngest to see if he could get a first inclination of whether the boy could hear Jin's thoughts too, and when the omega shyly nodded yes the alpha whooped in joy, picking up the omega and spinning him around, quickly disrupting the rest of the pack that was sleeping in the den.

"My dearest omega, I've never heard of this happening but it seems like you might have your own gift. This is just..." the alpha was at a loss for words as he held the boy close. "Incredible."

Jungkook didn't know what to think. He was in shock trying to comprehend the situation. He had a gift? How could that be? Even in the supreme pack the omega didn't have a gift. The only thing special about the omega was they were the last member of the pack. And he was barely a wolf to begin with. It made no sense.

The hum of noise around him eventually broke through his thoughts. He could hear everyone.

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