Chapter 26

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The alphas had already worked out how to ensure Jungkook was safe and comfortable during the visit with the council. Jin would hold his hand and together they would stand behind Namjoon and Hobi with the rest of the alphas surrounding them. Namjoon as head alpha would do most of the talking.

The alphas of the pack walked in confidently with their heads held high. Jungkook was too busy looking around in wonder at the opulence of the meeting room to think of much else. As they reached the front of the room he realized that not only was the room very large, it was full of rather intimidating looking alphas. In fact he was pretty sure he was the only omega in the room surrounded by what was likely fifty or so alphas including his own pack. He felt the intensity of the aura pressing down on him.

Jin noticed immediately, giving Jungkook's hand a firm squeeze and leaning over to whisper a short work of encouragement. "All you have to do is stay next to me and hold my hand. We'll take care of everything else."

Jungkook was trying to play it cool but his anxiety was soaring. He worried he might need to rush to the bathroom to throw up at any moment. While he knew that all the supreme pack's before him had an omega too he was starting to wonder how they all made it through these types of meetings.

"Welcome back," the head elder greeted them, although his voice didn't seem nearly as welcoming as his words.

"Head elder, elder council" Namjoon greeted in return, bowing after each greeting with the pack behind him following his lead. "We're back with our omega who as you can see is doing much better than he was during our last visit."

"Yes, good. Most of the council haven't met the omega yet and it seems we have some things to discuss based on our visit a week ago. First we would like to speak with Jimin."

Jungkook's eyes were largely trained on the floor but he could see Jimin stepping forward to take Hobi's spot next to Namjoon while Hobi slid back into Jimin's place.

"The council was not very impressed with your little trick last time you were here. I hope you understand that using your powers against the council is a serious breach of trust and decorum," the elder chastised.

"Yes, I apologize." Jimin demurely responded hoping to appease the council.

"The situation is a bit extraordinary so the council has agreed to let it go this time, but do not expect us to be so accommodating if this happens again.  Do you understand?"

"Yes elder, I understand"

"Good, let us never speak of it again."

Namjoon expected that the council didn't want to make too much of the situation considering it had to have been embarrassing for the head elder to admit he'd let the supreme pack slip away after he had fallen under Jimin's spell. Better to just save face and move along.

"Now, present your omega."

Namjoon turned and motioned for Jungkook to come up and stand next to him. The omega didn't move at first but after Jin dropped his hand and gave him an encouraging nudge the omega stepped forward, quickly grabbing Namjoon's hand as soon as he had reached the front of the pack.

"Omega, state your name," the elder demanded.

Before Jungkook could even open his mouth Namjoon answered for him, "Our omega's name is Jungkook."

"What pack are you from? The elders were discussing earlier that none of their packs seemed to be familiar with this particular omega."

Jungkook's heart began to race. This was going to be the beginning of the end. They were about to discover he was an imposter and a fraud.

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