Chapter 19

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Jungkook would have stayed where he was wrapped in Jimin's arms forever if they let him. Before he had come here, before everything that had happened he didn't realize how much he loved to be held, snuggled into a lap and against a warm solid chest.

Even if Jungkook would have stayed, the pack had other ideas. They were interrupted by a quiet knock on the door and Yoongi poking his head into the room. "Hey, am I interrupting anything?" Yoongi carefully inquired.

"We've just relaxing, aren't we pup?"

Jungkook nodded, happy to be warm and safe in his alpha's embrace.

"I was hoping I could borrow Jungkook for a bit, I thought he might enjoy listening to some music with me." Yoongi looked at Jimin to get a read on whether their omega was ready for a transition.

"Are you ready to go to Yoongi, baby? He knows so much about music, I bet you'll have a great time with him."

Jungkook nodded yes, pulling away from the Jimin so he could follow Yoongi. Before his feet could touch the ground Yoongi had scooped him up in his arms prepared to carry the omega.

While Jungkook could have walked he was still tired and an achiness had settled in his bones, a sign of his bonds settling. If he was honest he also didn't mind being carried, it allowed him to be as close as possible to one of his alphas.

Yoongi brought Jungkook into a room he vaguely remembered from their tour. It had soft lighting, a beautiful piano, audio equipment both modern and old, and endless bookshelves stocked with records.

Setting the omega down on a couch Yoongi picked up a record that would offer soft background music as they spent time together.

"What did you and Jimin talk about?" Yoongi asked, looking over his shoulder at the omega as he was putting the record on the player.

"He told me...some things about his experiences." Yes, the answer was exceptionally vague but Jungkook didn't know if their conversation was supposed to stay private. He didn't want to unexpectedly upset Jimin after the alpha had been so nice to him.

"He probably told you about how he dreamed of joining the supreme pack didn't he?" Yoongi chuckled. "It's a fun story to hear but not all of us had the same situation. Maybe if you want I can tell you about how I joined the pack?"

Jungkook lit up a bit at the offer. After hearing Jimin's story he was exceptionally curious about the others.

Pulling a blanket over both their laps, Yoongi tangled their fingers together and invited Jungkook to rest his head on the alpha's shoulder.

"I was the second alpha that was identified for the pack, right after Namjoon. I shifted so soon after our head alpha that I hadn't even heard rumors that a new supreme pack was forming."

"I grew up in a pack from the south, not terribly far away from the pack Taehyung grew up in. It was a pretty big pack and I had a relatively normal childhood. I didn't really like school very much but that was ok for me because I had my own dreams. I loved music. I guess I should say I still do love music. When I was a kid I hoped to turn that love of music into a career. I wanted to own a store where I could share that love of music with others. I had started collecting records at a very young age, most of my room was full of albums."

"I also learned to play a few instruments. I never worked that hard on it but I did enjoy playing the piano and the guitar. I mostly played for fun, writing songs in my spare time. I didn't dream of performing as part of a big group or anything, just something small scale, sharing what I loved with others."

"You can imagine my surprise when one day I shifted. To be honest I wasn't sure I wanted to be a supreme alpha."

Yoongi paused for a moment to think.

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