Chapter 47

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"Jungkook?" Yoongi softly called as he saw the omega wandering in the hallway. "Hey baby, how are you doing? Why don't you come and sit with me for a minute?"

Jungkook eagerly approached the older, offering his hand so they could intertwine their fingers. Yoongi tugged the omega into the living room, taking the small armchair and turning it to face the window. Sitting down, he pulled the boy into his lap.

"How are you feeling, I mean about tomorrow?"

"I'm fine, ready." Jungkook responded quietly, but Yoongi could hear the hesitation in his voice. The alpha slipped his hand under the omega's shirt so he could gently rub the warm skin on his back.

"I think you may be more nervous than you are letting on." The alpha whispered back. "I can feel your heart racing."

Jungkook just turned into the alphas neck, soothing himself with the soft scent of his mate. He was nervous about what would happen, what could happen, but he didn't want to burden the alphas with his worries. After all, his only real responsibility tomorrow was to stand quietly and hold Jin's hand. How hard could that be?

"I can tell your mind is spinning." Yoongi broke into his thoughts. "Why don't you tell me what is going on?"

"I just wish I had more to offer. Tomorrow is such an important day. Not only do I have no real way to help but I worry I might be a distraction."

Yoongi began to gently rock the omega back and forth, holding the back of his head so he remained nuzzled into his neck.

"It's only because of you that we can even consider doing this, you know? Because you are so brave and give us all strength. You are so special, so necessary for tomorrow. Just being there will be enough. You are enough."

The soothing tones of Yoongi's voice calmed the omega, even if he wasn't quite ready to let all of his anxiety go.

"Thank you alpha. I love you." Jungkook murmured the words into the warm shoulder in front of him. "Somehow you always know exactly what's troubling me. You are always watching for me. Thank you."

A soft smile ghosted across the alpha's lips. "I love you too little omega, more than you can possibly know."

Jungkook wanted to savor the comfort of this moment forever but he knew there the alpha must be busy. Pulling back he took the opportunity to look deep into the alpha's eyes, eventually resting their foreheads together.

Very gently Yoongi brushed his fingers under the omegas chin, slowly guiding his chin up as their lips shifted increasingly closer. "May I kiss you little lamb?"

Jungkook hummed in response, his voice came out almost desperate, "Yes please."

Yoongi spared no time capturing the smaller boy's lips with his own, gently sighing in satisfaction at the closeness. Gently pulling away with a few small kisses the alpha once again leaned his forehead against the omega's. "Thank you little one, thank you for being so perfect, so perfect for us, so perfect for me."

Jungkook blushed, hiding his face in the alpha's neck as his cheeks warmed.

"Thank you for being such a perfect alpha for me. I love you so much."

They sat basking in each other's affection for several more minutes until they heard Hobi clearing his voice. "I apologize for disturbing you, but I need to speak with Yoongi for a minute."

"I have to go sweetheart." Yoongi gently whispered, "but I hope to collect more of your sweet kisses later."

Jungkook continued to blush, scooting off the alpha's lap, shyly watching as the alpha left the room.

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