Chapter 39

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Even if they had a place to stay they had a lot of things to figure out. Nobody had a change of clothes, the food in the house was quite limited, and as a first step several of the alphas really needed to take a shower.

As promised Jimin and Hobi sat with their host as soon as their omega was tucked into bed creating a schedule to help with chores and a plan to order enough food to feed the larger crowd. In the process they learned that the property was just off pack lands but a delivery service would stop by once a week to drop off essentials. There was still plenty of time to add to the grocery list for the boxes that would come in a couple of days and in the meantime they could take advantage of the stock of canned goods.

Considering his unique ability to travel Jin was tasked with the responsibility of buying enough clothes for the pack to at least have a few changes of clothes. The first few times he returned Taehyung laughed out loud noting he only had clothes for the omega. It seemed all of them were uniformly focused on their baby's needs and comfort, but after being sent back enough times Jin eventually started to return with the basics for the rest of the pack.

Everyone agreed Namjoon should get first priority for a comfortable bath. After all, he'd carried their omega on his back for almost the entire four days of travel without complaint. He must be exhausted and Taehyung promised to give him a comforting massage to help him truly relax and fall asleep.

By the time Jimin finished helping make a small dinner for the pack most of them had showered and were finally feeling refreshed, wearing new clean clothes and beginning to recover from their difficult travels.

Namjoon wanted to try to provide Jungkook with as much of the normal nesting and bond settling time as possible now that they were back together. He felt a sense of obligation to eat with their host even though he knew Jungkook would be more comfortable exclusively surrounded by his own pack.

As if she was able to read his mind the woman pulled Namjoon aside. "Protecting your omega and helping him heal needs to be your top priority. I do want to meet him but don't worry about me. I'm an old woman with established patterns. I'm happy to spend time with you but I'll be even happier to see you all flourish."

Namjoon thanked her for her understanding. "For now some of us will eat with you and some will eat separately with our pup."

With the relief of knowing that their hostess understood their situation Namjoon was finally able to begin to relax. If an omega normally would need six months to bond, likely theirs would need even more concentrated effort, possibly over a longer period of time to become comfortable. The alpha really hoped this home could at least get them started in the process.

The alphas didn't need to be told to stay close to their omega because Jungkook refused to be out of their reach. His drive to be close to them seemed almost stronger than the alphas' need to keep Jungkook in their arms. He would only take a bath if someone joined him in the tub and refused to even be alone to use the toilet. He simply wouldn't let go of whatever alpha was closest to him.

The alphas contentedly carried him everywhere while he rested his head comfortably on their shoulders, face nuzzled into their necks. He didn't go far, he hadn't left the upstairs of the house since they'd arrived. Each of his meals was brought there and almost all their time together was spent in their sleeping den.

After hearing from Yoongi his experience scenting the omega each of the alpha's happily contributed to layering on their own scents to the boy. If he was anxious about being scented after the trauma of receiving his mating bites it seemed to be overcome by his desperation to settle back into the pack and his need to feel included.

Jungkook didn't talk much during that first week. The alphas largely chalked it up to his utter exhaustion and the emotion of being reunited with the pack. For all of them it seemed touch communicated more than words. At first there was a low level of anxiety that they might overwhelm him with their touch but it was quickly confirmed that wasn't possible in the current situation. Their omega was happiest held tight against one, or preferably all of the alphas at once.

After a week they started inviting the omega to do small chores with them, although it was a bit challenging considering he insisted on holding hands if an alpha didn't have their arms around him. The first few times they ventured out of the upstairs they made sure their host was outside or in another part of the house. Jin brought Jungkook to the kitchen to help make lunch one day. Taehyung brought the omega to the basement to help him take care of the seedlings that were preparing to be planted outside after the last frost. He helped Jimin fold the laundry and collected eggs with Yoongi. Hobi took him for walks out on the property to see the goats and ensure they had water and food. He was slowly but surely beginning to adapt to being part of the pack again.

Namjoon had discovered that aunt had a large library which was a welcome respite. He pulled all kinds of books off the shelves for the omega. Fairy tales, history, and books about omegas. He would hold the pup in his arms as he read the books, enjoying their time close together.

Unlike his "training" with the elders, these omega books were incredibly enlightening to Jungkook. They discussed the practical elements of being an omega. How heats work, how to build a nest, and other omega essentials.

As they read Namjoon realized once again just how much their sweet mate didn't know about wolf customs and culture. He could almost see a light bulb go off in the young wolf when he learned about how omega need to bond and stay at home after mating. Jungkook had heard his mates talk about it but never quite understood what they were saying. Reading about how omegas need the comfort and safety of their nest and to be away from other alphas was almost a relief. He kept thinking he was failing at being strong, but now he was starting to understand that the elders put them in a truly terrible position. One that an omega should never have to bear. He started to understand why his alphas were so upset.

Namjoon also found books about alphas to read to their pup. After all, they had spent so much time learning about how to care for an omega, perhaps their mate would enjoy learning a bit more about what makes an alpha tick.

Similar to the books about the omegas, some things Jungkook had already figured out but others were a surprise. Jungkook thought the alphas scented him just to comfort him but he learned that it is also used to protect omegas, to keep them safe from other alphas. The more aggressively scenting an omega was, the more it signaled to others that their alpha cared for them and would protect them from any harm. This shift in understanding made the omega wiggle in satisfaction knowing he was constantly drowning in layers upon layers of soothing alphas scents.

Perhaps most importantly it explained alphas ruts, something Jungkook was otherwise totally unfamiliar with. And just in time too, since within a week he'd need the information.

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