Chapter 44

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Jungkook was becoming more comfortable with the pack and as the alphas spent more time with him their powers began to return at full force. Often one of the alphas would simply collect Jungkook, picking him up and bringing him to the sleeping den, stripping off their shirts and settling the omega on their lap so they could snuggle, skin pressed tight while Jungkook buried his face in the alpha's neck. The omega never complained, in fact he seemed to revel in the attention. Knowing the time they spent holding him tight recharged the alpha's special abilities was just an added bonus. He was starting to feel pride in his role and wanted nothing more than to ensure the alphas around him were thriving as he glowed in their affection.

After several weeks Jungkook had even shyly met the auntie they were staying with. She cooed over him but gave him ample space to ensure he felt the agency to figure out how close they would be. She knew omegas were sensitive souls. Freshly mated omegas and omegas in stressful situations particularly needed the strength of their mates to protect and comfort them. She secretly watched the pack every day and it filled her with joy to see both the omega and the pack around him begin to thrive.

Jin had gone through his own rut shortly after Taehyung, and while Jungkook missed being with the rest of the pack he absolutely glowed in the undivided attention. Jin's rut went much the same as Taehyung's except Jin insisted on cooking for the omega rather than accepting food that was delivered to them.

It took some experimenting before Jin figured out how to comfortably keep Jungkook in the kitchen with him while protecting him from any potential harm. He didn't want the omega anywhere near the stove for fear he might get burned and the idea of using knives with the omega in the room was totally out. Even if he normally allowed the omega free range of the kitchen, in his rut Jin's protective instincts kicked into overdrive. He'd wrap the omega up in a cocoon of pillows if he thought it would protect him from even a small bruise. Eventually the alpha transitioned to sandwiches and other foods that could be prepared with a minimum of fuss.

A few times other alphas unknowingly wandered through the kitchen while Jin and Jungkook were there which inevitably led to threatening growls from Jin and a quick retreat by the encroaching alpha. Nonetheless, the overall experience seemed relatively seamless. Jin knew from Taehyung's experience that he needed to stay close to Jungkook until he was certain the omega recovered from his own response to the rut. After both Jungkook and Jin were fully satiated with each other's presence the wolves returned to the pack bursting with contented happiness.

As time continued on there were moments when a few members of the pack would leave the cozy farm for a day or two at a time. Namjoon and Taehyung went the most with Jimin and Yoongi occasionally joining. Hobi only left once while Jin never left, always close to the omega's side. The alphas explained to Jungkook that they were trying to make some efforts to avert further trouble between wolves and humans but it was difficult because their work had to be clandestine. They were largely outcasts and couldn't easily show themselves in public.

More often than not it seemed their efforts were successful, but periodically they would come home discouraged. Jungkook always welcomed the alphas with warm hugs when they returned, hoping to chase away any disappointment when they weren't successful. After all they were trying to help under the most unlikely of odds.

A few times members of the pack came back with small scrapes and bruises, and one time Jimin returned with a rather large gash on his leg. This troubled Jungkook to no end and he nearly begged Namjoon that they should take Hobi with them next time to protect the pack. Namjoon smiled kindly at the omega's suggestion but refused. "We all rest easier if Hobi is here protecting you. If he was with us we would worry about you constantly. That might create an even more dangerous situation since we'd likely be so distracted". While Jungkook tried to convince Namjoon that under any circumstances Jin could simply whisk him away if anything went wrong the head alpha refused to relent, gently but firmly telling the omega that the decision was made and the discussion was closed.

Jungkook began to feel increasingly confident as he fell into more responsibility in the pack. He was never alone, but often helped in the garden, with the animals, and in the kitchen. He'd also been put in charge of creating the large sleeping bed each night. All of the alpha's agreed that Jungkook's arranging of the mattresses and blankets led to the best sleep and the omega's eyes sparkled every time the alphas complimented his work. In many ways things were settling into a new normal.

Even so there was an endless dark cloud that hung over the pack. The world outside their sweet haven was becoming increasingly chaotic. There had never been a time in wolf history when the supreme pack had been so silent, so invisible. Each of the alphas and even Jungkook felt the need to do something more pricking under their skin.

Over the weeks Jungkook began to feel an acute ache, missing spending time with the head alpha. It felt like Namjoon was always busy. If he wasn't planning specific opportunities for the wolves to intervene based on Taehyung's visions, he was shut up in the home's small office, often with the aunt they were staying with. He read newspapers and had found a small television he could use to watch news reports. There was simply so much going on. Talks of major new laws, changing the negotiated peace treaties with humans, and continuing discussions of the outdated role of the supreme pack. It felt like the entire foundations of the wolf community were being shaken, everything was being questioned by the elder council and each recommendation felt more radical than the last. There was a growing wave of dissatisfaction among wolves who were looking for anything that might bring stability in the absence of a functioning supreme pack.

The supreme pack had been successful in intervening in potential skirmishes around the edges, but they also knew the elder council had created a new law requiring citizens to report any sightings of the pack to the council. They still needed to stay as deep undercover as possible in an effort to avoid being thrown in jail or worse.


After one of the weekly deliveries the aunt called out the door to Jungkook who was working in the garden with Taehyung. "Jungkook, you've received a letter!"

Jungkook, who was still skittish around the woman, looked at her quizzically. A letter? How was that possible? Nobody knew he was here. And it wasn't like anyone would write to him anyway.

He pointed toward himself while giving the aunt a confused expression, wanting to confirm she hadn't made a mistake but when she shook her head to confirm, he shrugged his shoulders and began to slowly approach.

After quickly washing his hands he took the envelope from the woman's hands. Carefully pulling it open he drew out the single piece of paper inside.

Tell your alpha that it is time.


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