Chapter 5

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As dawn broke the coffee shop became busier. It was clear word had gotten around that Jungkook had shifted, the town was abuzz with chatter on what it meant. With the increasing stir in the coffee shop Jin began to gently nudge his mate into awakeness.

"Hey little one, it's time to wake up."

Jungkook hated waking up, especially when he hadn't had a full night of sleep. Still dreaming he began to whine and bury his face deeper in Jin's chest.

"Oh baby," Jin whispered, "you don't know how hard you are making this for me. I would do anything to make you happy but it really is time to wake up."

Gently rubbing his back he continued to whisper to Jungkook that it was time to wake up so they could be on their way. When the small boy finally was awake he realized he was snuggled close to a near stranger, quickly shifting away while a blush covered his face.

"Cute," Jin couldn't help but huff out, bopping him on the nose with a fingertip. "It's time to get going huh? Here, why don't you hold my hand."

Jungkook shyly nodded his head, allowing their fingers to slot together.

After confirming the name of his grandfather, Jin started discreetly asking a few individuals if they could point them in the right direction to get to where he lived. Only a few minutes later they were standing in front of the steps.

Jin drew Jungkook's hand up to his lips to offer a small kiss and possibly just a bit more of his scent. "Are you ready? If you want I can do most of the talking, what do you think?"

Jungkook wasn't really sure what he could possibly say right now under any circumstances so he nodded a small yes, eyes still glued to the ground. Everything was so confusing right now his brain seemed to have shut down. Every omega knew to let their alpha speak for them, and a supreme alpha, well, it simply sealed the deal. Nobody would expect him to say a word.

Jin stepped forward and politely knocked on the door never letting go of Jungkook's hand. His grandfather opened the door only moments later. "We were hoping we would see you before you left town."

Jin politely bowed his head in response while Jungkook's grandfather ushered them into the house.

"Let's go to the living room to chat. Did you have breakfast or would you like a cup of coffee or tea?" The host was quick to offer hospitality to their guest.

"No thank you, we need to be on our way soon. I just came to introduce myself and answer any questions you may have. I'm sure there must be many."

Jungkook's mother and father had come to join the gathering. His mother went directly to her son, leaning over to hug him and whisper in his ear, "is everything alright?"

Jungkook gave a small nod yes in return, again blushing at all the attention on him.

As everyone was sitting Jin began to speak. "I'm Kim Seokjin and as I'm sure you've gathered by now I'm a part of the supreme pack. My five mates and I have been looking for our final mate for several years now. As we all saw yesterday, Jungkook here is the final mate we've been waiting for to complete our pack. I'm not sure how we missed him for so many years but I'm thankful we found him now."

"I would ask you to release him to me so he can join our pack as our omega. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that the moon goddess has predestined for us to be together, so this may not feel like much of a choice."

"I promise my mates and I will take good care of Jungkook, after all he is the most essential member of our pack. We truly cannot function without him. While we are quite busy in our roles as supreme pack, we do hope he can return for visits periodically. Perhaps you'll have the opportunity to meet the rest of our mates. Unfortunately it is unlikely we will hear from us for the next six months or so since the moon goddess herself has set aside that time exclusively for our pack bonding."

Jin paused to look at the faces of everyone in the room around him.

"Will you bless Jungkook and release him to me please?" While Jin knew there was no way they could possibly decline, he wanted to show his respect for his new mates parents and grandparents.

His father answered first, "Yes, we will bless Jungkook and release him to you, but..."

Jin looked at him with a question in his eyes but waited patiently for him to continue.

"You should know that we haven't been living on pack lands so Jungkook isn't as familiar with how packs work. We ask that you be gentle with him as he learns."

Jin couldn't help but register the shock on his face before he turned to face his newest mate, "Is that true little one? You didn't grow up in a pack."

Eyes still glued to the ground Jungkook nodded to confirmation.

"Well then I guess that explains why it was so hard to find you." Turning back to Jungkook's parents, he assured them of his support. "Being a part of the supreme pack is a learning experience of its own, I'm sure we will be happy to support Jungkook in every way."

"Now if you will excuse us, we really must be going." Turning to his mate again he whispered in his ear, "If there is anything you want to take, you should grab it now please. Otherwise we will supply everything you could possibly need."

"I only have a few things here since we were traveling. I can quickly grab my bag if you don't mind?"

Jin patted his arm, encouraging him to go. As Jungkook left to pack his small weekend bag his mother followed him.

"Are you ok with this?" She grabbed her son in a tight hold as soon as the door was shut behind them.

"I know it will be ok but I am a little nervous. But Jin seems nice. Hopefully the rest of the pack will be too. I just...I'm just nervous." Jungkooks voice began to shake as he spoke.

Holding him tight his mother assured him. "You will be a wonderful omega. I'm sure they will love you because they will be lucky to have you. Now it's time for you to get going. I know your mate is waiting for you."

With a wipe of both of their tears she led him back downstairs, a small backpack slung over his shoulders.

"Good luck son. We love you. I'm sure you will do great." His father gave a brief but strong embrace.

"I'm sure you will make our family proud," his grandfather assured him, holding him tight by the upper arm as he offered his blessing. "Be a good omega, always listen to your alpha and remember everything you've learned."

"I will grandfather," Jungkook whispered in return.

With a final bow Jin once again grabbed Jungkook's hand and excused himself from the house. "Ready to go, little one? I know the rest of the pack can't wait to meet you."

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