Chapter 43

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Like a bullet the rest of the pack took off chasing after their omega. His giggle rang through the mind link as he enjoyed the freedom that came from his wolf form.

Jungkook's wolf was very petite compared to the alpha wolves. He couldn't have been more than half their size, but what he lacked in speed he more than made up in agility. Periodically looking back to make sure the pack was following him he ran all over the farm property.

The alpha wolves could have easily caught him but the sound of his laughter ringing through the mind link and the sheer joy he was experiencing in their game of tag felt more than enough reason to enjoy the game of chase for a while. Eventually Taehyung allowed himself to catch up with the white wolf and knocked him off his paws, rolling over with him on the ground.

Jungkook quickly hopped back onto his feet, taking a quick nip at the alpha's ear before Taehyung took off and now Jungkook was the chaser in this game of tag. The rest of the wolves joined Jungkook, surrounding him as they thundered across the fields chasing after their packmate. The joy radiating from the omega was intoxicating. There was a playfulness and a freedom they'd never seen before. He was absolutely glowing.

The wolves finally stopped on a large sunny patch in the field and Jungkook immediately began wrestling with Jin and Taehyung. Playful nips, jumps, and tails wagging in a blur, the wolves enjoyed each other's company and the freedom of being outside. Jungkook instinctually would fall on his back, belly side up in a show of submission but would immediately hop back up to wrestle further with the others, using his small form to wiggle between their legs, laughing through the mind-link the whole time.

Knowing their omega shouldn't over exert himself the alphas began laying in a tight circle. Yoongi went to pick up the smallest wolf by the scruff of the neck, setting him down in the middle of the collection of furry bodies. The omega wasn't quite ready to rest yet but a few raised eyebrows from his alphas and Jimin's instructions in the mindlink telling him to rest and relax found him making his way to the center of the bodies. After circling a few times Jungkook sat and then laid down. The alphas calmed him with gentle bumps by nuzzling noses and rubbing of his cheeks, head, ears, and jaws. Basking in the warm sunshine it was absolute heaven. Pure uninterrupted heaven.

After a short nap the omega sprung back up, seemingly full of unending energy. Sniffing for a few moments he took off again hoping to have the rest of the pack chase him. A few stayed where they were, simply raising an eyebrow at the energetic pup while they enjoyed resting in the warming spring sun. A few others chased behind, happy to play with their energetic youngest.

The afternoon was filled with a never ending cycle of resting and snuggles interspersed with games and running. As the sun began to set Namjoon linked to their omega.

"Pup, it's getting dark out, I think we should head back. Even if you are in wolf form I'd rather we sleep inside in the den where we know you'll be safe."

Somewhat reluctantly, Jungkook followed the other wolves. He'd had such a wonderful day, he didn't want to break the magic. Maybe if he was still in wolf form the next day they could go and play again. In the meantime Namjoon had shifted back to human form, picking the small wolf up and cuddling him in his arms, gently scratching the pup behind the ears. It didn't feel appropriate to barge into their guest lodging as large wolves, but they allowed Jin to stay in wolf form with Jungkook so he could communicate more easily.

Jungkook filled his evening with gentle head scratches, belly rubs, and stroking of his sides. The alphas fed him bits of cooked chicken from their hands and he happily licked their fingers after each bite. He was totally at peace surrounded by so many loving alphas and when he tired he was happy to curl back up with Jin to rest for the night.

Sometime during the night Jin woke to the disturbance of Jungkook shifting back. As soon as the omega was fully in human form Jin got his attention. "Are you feeling ok? Is everything alright?"

Jungkook nodded his head. "Thank you alpha, it was such a wonderful day."

"I'm so glad pup, we loved spending it with you. Now let's get you more comfortable for sleeping in your human form."

As soon as Jungkook had just his boxers on he leaned toward Jin and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Is it ok if I go sleep by alpha Namjoon?" Jungkook didn't want to upset Jin after he'd been so kind to him but he missed the grand alpha and wanted to show him how much he appreciated his willingness to use his alpha voice to help him shift.

"Of course sweetheart. I bet that would make him very happy."

With a soft pat to Jungkook's bottom Jin sent him on his way. Jungkook dropped to his knees by Namjoon, trying to find a spot he could fit comfortably without disturbing the alpha. While he was still trying to figure out the best space Namjoon opened his arms wide, "come here omega."

Jungkook happily snuggled into his arms, laying on top of the alphas chest with his legs splayed on either side of his waist. "Am I too heavy?"

"Never. You're just right. Now it's time to sleep, you had a busy day."

Jungkook adjusted just a bit to find the most comfortable position before his breathing evened out and he was deep asleep, dreaming of furry companions, wide open green fields, and the pure joy of laying in the warm sun.

Morning felt like it came too early but Jungkook never minded being woken by one of his mates gentle caresses. Namjoon had one arm settled around the omegas waist holding him close, the other gently ghosting up and down Jungkook's spine. "Hey little lamb, it's time to wake up."

Jungkook hid his face further in the alphas chest refusing to get up but after enough prodding, and the arrival of a delicious smelling breakfast, he eventually relented and sat up.

"Thank you for yesterday. For everything you've done for me. I know I ask for and need a lot and I want you to know that I appreciate how kind you have been to me."

Namjoon offered a blistering smile, his dimples on full display. "Anything for you pup. Truly, nothing makes me happy like seeing you happy."

With a gentle kiss to Jungkooks temple Namjoon repositioned the boy so he could more easily grab his breakfast. It felt like things were finally starting to fall into place. It wasn't the way things were supposed to go, but he was starting to truly believe they would eventually get past the pain and heartache and become the strong pack they were meant to be.

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