Chapter 50

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The plan was relatively simple. High risk but high reward.

Namjoon had contacted the media to let them know the pack would turn themselves in, requesting protection of their omega in exchange. He invited camera crews to follow along under the pretense of wanting to apologize to the full werewolf population for their failure as a supreme pack. Multiple television crews were expected to be there, ready to live stream the breaking news.

But instead of turning themselves in, the pack planned to force out the truth over a live broadcast. They would convince the people somehow that the elder council was trying to consolidate power and intentionally causing chaos. They'd leverage all their gifts to make sure everyone knew what was really happening.

Hobi would protect them to buy time. Taehyung had found out who the primary trouble makers were to help focus their questioning. Yoongi could determine if the elders were being honest in their answers. Jimin would compel them to tell the truth, revealing their bad deeds. Namjoon would orchestrate everything.

This left Jin and Jungkook. The alphas had agreed that if things went wrong Jin should take the omega and run, as far and as long as necessary to keep their pup safe. Even if they never saw him again, knowing their oldest was with him would comfort the rest of the pack.

They hadn't told the omega this plan, simply focused on assuring him everything would turn out fine. Even so, the alphas wouldn't agree to take a stand until they were certain they had a foolproof plan to keep their baby mate safe. They all hoped and prayed it wouldn't be necessary but Jin was under strict instructions that on Namjoon's sign he should take the omega and disappear. No questions asked.

The car pulled up to the council building and they could see crowds surrounding the building. News cameras were filling the front row while angry mobs gathered behind them. Namjoon carefully passed Jungkook to Jin before stepping out of the vehicle, briefly bowing to the crowd with a contrite look before the rest of the pack followed him from the safety of the van. Jungkook didn't need to be reminded to hold Jin's hand because he was snuggled into the alpha's arms, his own arms and legs wrapped around the alpha's neck and waist. He hid his face in the older wolf's shoulder, clearly anxious from all of the reverberating noise both from the crowd and inside his own head.

Jin didn't mind holding the omega. He actually preferred it and seemed to draw just as much strength from the boy as he offered in exchange. Each time the Jungkook clutched Jin closer he wrapped his arms more firmly in return, assuring him that they would never be apart again.

Namjoon and the rest of the pack followed the guards into the main chambers, the reporters following close behind, jostling for the best view to see and hear the action. The room was absolutely packed. None of the elders would dare miss such a critical meeting, wanting to burnish their own reputations in the wolf communities.

"Elders" Namjoon bowed respectfully, the rest of the pack bowing behind him, "it's been a while since we've seen you."

The head elder sneered in response. "That's one way to put it. You dishonor the name of the supreme pack and expect to come in here so casually?"

Turning to the cameras the elder continued. "This pack defied the elders and then took off in hiding. In the meantime what was happening? Wolves everywhere were suffering. We had no protection. While we suffered the supreme pack was on a holiday, hidden from view. It's a wonder they are even willing to show their faces here. The only thing they've done right is bring these reporters to apologize to the entire wolf community for their failures."

Even though they knew the elder was lying it still hurt the pack to hear such terrible words spoken against them. Yoongi grabbed onto Jimin's hand to keep him from shaking in anger and embarrassment.

Necessary (BTS X JJK)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora