Chapter 49

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"Everyone sit down, we need to talk." Namjoon commanded everyone while he joined them on the floor with the omega in his own lap. He could see the pup was totally overwhelmed so he invited the boy to snuggle into his neck, carefully pressing the boy against his scent gland. He rocked the omega back and forth slowly comforting him from his shock.

"What's going on?" The chorus of voices echoed both in the room and in Jungkook's head. Hearing so much sound at once was making the boy wince, totally unprepared for the overwhelming sound.

As he stiffened the alpha held him even tighter, gently shushing the omega in an effort to try to soothe him.

"Everyone calm down. Nothing is wrong but it seems our omega has discovered he has his own gift."

Once again a chorus of noise broke out causing the omega to flinch and the alpha to pull him just that little bit closer.

"Please, everyone, just give me a minute to explain. I think it's a little overwhelming for our little one."

All eyes were immediately on the boy who was trembling in the alpha's arms. Jungkook felt like his world was spinning out of control and the only thing keeping him grounded was the strong arms that held him tight, ensuring he didn't fly away.

Sensing the pup's upset Hobi quickly scooted closer, gently rubbing the boy's back in an effort to help him relax. As soon as the room quieted again Namjoon began speaking.

"It seems our pup can hear our thoughts and can send thoughts to us in return." The pack around them immediately started to ask questions which the head alpha silenced with a raised hand and a few stern looks.

"He just discovered this, we don't know much about it but it seems like he can hear all of us even in human form, maybe similar to how we can mindlink when we are in wolf form", then shifting to speak more quietly to the boy in his arms he spoke gently into his hair. "Is that right pup? Can you hear all of us?"

Jungkook nodded his head yes. He was certain he could hear them all although everything was so overwhelming he wasn't sure he could tell them apart. It felt like an incredible cacophony of noise that he wished he could shut off.

"I think it would be good for our omega if we gave him the opportunity to test out his gift. I know he's still acclimating but it could really help us tomorrow. Right now we really don't know much about how it works and our sweet prince is finding it a little overwhelming."

"Little lamb," he softly asked the omega, "do you think we could test out your skills, just so we know how they work?"

Jungkook nodded his head yes but sent a thought to Namjoon, or at least he hoped it would get to Namjoon. With all of the voices around him he wasn't sure how to make sure it went to the right person at all.

"Yes, but I want to stay here. With you. Will you stay with me?"

"Of course sweetheart," Namjoon gave the boy a little squeeze which helped him relax a bit. At least he knew how to direct his communication to one person.

The head alpha wanted to know everything about the omega's gift. Could he control the noise and only hear one person at a time? Could he communicate with everyone at once or only one at a time? Did he have to be physically nearby? Each of the alpha's wanted to experience this direct connection for themselves, wondering how much the omega could hear and what it would be like to connect with him through this new bond.

Namjoon patiently led them through a discovery process, the omega never moving from his lap, face always buried in the large wolf's neck. It was exhausting to the boy but with the alpha's encouragement and a lot of concentration he learned he could at least partially mute the noise. When his packmate's emotions ran high it was hard for him to manage the flow of incoming thoughts but as they calmed he was better able to filter out their thoughts, more easily differentiating between them. With the mindlink each wolf could control their communication, only sending our communications they wanted. This was totally different in that everything was rushing at him, intentional or not.

They quickly learned the omega couldn't communicate with all of them at the same time, at least not yet, and as they physically distanced themselves the clarity of the communication dropped off. Even so, one of his packmates at the far edge of the farm property could still get basic thoughts through and receive simple responses.

They spent several hours experimenting and learning about their new omega's gifts until the poor boy was drooping in the alpha's arms, utterly exhausted by his new discovery and his brain's effort to process everything happening around him.

"You did so good omega, so so good. Why don't you rest for a bit, hmm?" Namjoon carefully rocked the boy back and forth, seeing if he might drift off for at least a bit. The sun would rise before long, a sure sign it was time for them to be on their way. Until then he hoped the boy could recover, even if only for a little.

When the alpha thought the pup was asleep he tried to carefully lay him down but the omega refused to release the alpha. Relenting the larger wolf laid down in the middle of the sleeping den on his back, allowing the omega to sprawl across his chest, surrounded by the rest of the pack around them.

"Sleep well, our little miracle. It's time to rest."


Nobody got much more sleep that night. The omega became restless, letting out quiet cries of distress anytime the rest of the pack began to discuss the situation. Clearly they could reach his thoughts even in his dream space, something they'd need to figure out quickly if they wanted the pup to sleep well in the future.

Namjoon spent the final few hours before daybreak trying to keep the boy asleep, gently shushing him and stroking his hair, pressing him closer to his scent gland any time he began to squirm.

The rest of the pack crowded around them, too anxious to sleep. Between discovering their omega's gift and anxiety about whether their plan could work, any hopes of resting had been fully dashed. Everyone's thoughts were on whether their plan would work and the welfare of their beloved omega.

The rest of the pack got ready for the day as quietly as possible, leaving their head alpha with the resting omega in the hopes he could sleep as long as possible. No matter what the day held, the omega's comfort always crept up to take over the front of their thoughts.

When they simply couldn't wait any longer Namjoon woke their precious mate, slowly running his fingers up and down the boys back while gently whispering to him. "Little lamb, it's time to wake up baby boy. Can I see your beautiful eyes?"

With a bit of whining and several efforts to hide back in the alpha's warmth, Jungkook finally was sitting upright, eyes barely open. "'m awake."

There was a van waiting for them in the driveway. The pup could eat in the car but needed to be dressed before they left. The drive would take a while, allowing more time for their love to doze off on the way.

As soon as the boy was ready to go, Namjoon carried him to the car. When the alpha tried to buckle him into his own seat Jungkook teared up, hand desperately clutching the alphas shirt in his small fists. The pack finally decided the boy would be safe enough in Namjoon's arms which seemed to offer him special comfort as he tried to drown out the noise that was constantly pelting his brain, like a loud gathering he couldn't turn down or turn off.

They were several hours into the drive when the alpha noticed something unexpected. The omega was growing warm, quite warm.

Closing his eyes Namjoon had to accept the unfortunate timing. Their omega was going into his heat.

It was miserable luck and it suddenly felt like the stakes were so much higher. They simply had to succeed. If they didn't the omega would undoubtedly be taken from them and to know he'd be in heat all alone was unbearable. This just had to work.

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