Chapter 27

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Namjoon was tugging Jungkook quickly, their fingers intertwined until he felt the omega falling behind and eventually collapsing to his knees.

"What's wrong baby? Come here, let me carry you."

There really wasn't time to consider how everyone was doing. They needed to get out of there and fast. They could spend time figuring out what was next when they were home, safe in their compound.

Yoongi drove home like a demon while everyone else was silent except Jungkook who was openly weeping in Namjoon's arms, the alpha gently trying to comfort him by rocking back and forth and offering sweet words of assurance. "Alpha's got you pup, it's going to be ok."

Everyone knew it wasn't going to be ok. What just happened was bad, really bad. The supreme pack was required to submit to the elder council. There were almost no limits on how the elder council could enforce that authority. While they may have bought time it wouldn't be much.

Ensuring the property was secured behind the van, Namjoon ushered everyone out of the vehicle and into the living room. "We need a plan right now. This is a pack decision. Let's consider every option."

"We could get back in the car right now and leave, buy ourselves time." Jin was the first to throw out a suggestion.

"And then what? Live on the run while chaos reigns since there would be no supreme pack? That doesn't seem like it would really work." Jimin liked the idea of simply disappearing and living their own life but the moon goddess herself had planned something different for them.

"We could just refuse to give them our omega. Try to talk some sense to them. Clearly they haven't thought through the impact on either Jungkook or the rest of our pack." Yoongi was eyeing the omega who was still shaking, now in Taehyung's arms. He wasn't sure how the pack would live without their final mate or how their mate would fare either.

"I think they've already indicated they aren't open to discussing this. It really makes no sense why they are doing this. We need to be together. Could we have a member of the council come to us? Why do they need our omega to live with them? He can be educated during the day and stay home." Hobi was still stunned from what happened earlier but didn't have very high hopes.

Namjoon's phone rang and he stepped out to answer it. When he returned he looked grim. "They have Jin and my parents. It sounds like they are on their way to collect the rest of our families now. The elder council said that we either return Jungkook to them or they will throw our parents into prison until we relent."

"They can't do that!" Jimin shouted. "That's not right, our families have nothing to do with this!"

"I know Chim but you know the rules. The elder council has always been authorized to take extreme measures to reign in the supreme pack if they need to since we have extraordinary powers. It is theoretically within their rights." Namjoon tried to reason with Jimin. The last thing he wanted was to be caught in the middle of a fight between the elders and his pack.

"Do they have...have my parents...t-too?" The omega squeaked out, the first words they had heard from him since they left the council room.

"They don't pup, but if I'm honest I expect it won't be long until they do." Namjoon sighed. They had promised to protect their omega but he had never even begun to imagine something like this happening. It was almost unthinkable.

Jungkook began to shake in agony again, once again burying his face in Taehyung's shoulder while the alpha attempted to comfort him.

"I hate to say it but I think the best thing we can do is negotiate to get the most favorable terms possible if we let them keep our omega for a bit. They really have the upper hand and I worry we're just making it worse. As long as our pup is protected we will do what we need to, right?" Yoongi didn't see many other options. The elder council really could make their lives very difficult and there was little they could do about it.

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